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01/16/2024 05:19:45

01/15/2024 11:54:10


Monday is a new week with lots of new possibilities!  What shall we do?  


Oh, maybe we could do this today and this week.  Isn't that a wonderful thought.  

Here!  I will pass on the light to you to share with others.  But you have to pass it on too.  


Yes, I would say we are off to a good start this week.  Let's keep it going!  


Be child-like in all that you do.  Let your Love show and share it with others every day.  


01/15/2024 10:47:39

Hope you're warm 'n cozy!

01/13/2024 21:11:10


Sunday, Sunday... I've been singing that song this morning,  Are you ready for this new week of winter?  I am not but you already know that.  

I am ready for another cup of Coffee and maybe a cup of Hot Chocolate a little later.  Lots of crazy people are tailgating for the Cowboys/Packers game today.  Maybe not quite as many as usual.  


I wonder if we will get any snow by morning's light?  Even if we do, snow is never this beautiful in Texas.  


Whether the sun is coming up or going down, just looking at pictures, the snow looks so beautiful.  So whether we like Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall, (at least I changed the song in my head) it is just a season of life and it will change soon.  


Keep writing your story!  


01/13/2024 05:23:18

01/12/2024 10:02:20

Hope today is just as you like it
in all ways! *hugs*

01/10/2024 10:04:27

01/10/2024 04:57:45


I think I smile each day when I wake up.  At least I hope I do!  Then I smile many times during the day as we laugh together at what the day brings us.  


Coffee always makes me smile... the sound of it making, the smell of the grounds as well as the aroma when I take each sip.  


There are lots of things that make each one of us smile.  Goofy smiles from others is a good example.  


I hope I put a smile on your face.  That always makes my day.  

Now I am off and running to get some things accomplished on this Wednesday!  


01/09/2024 04:56:04


Joy!  Joyful!  What wonderful words and what wonderful feelings!  


Life is good as this year moves along with the first week in the past and joy in the future.  

I am anxious to see where this year will lead us and what blessings are in store.  


Whatever comes our way, it is nice to know that we are all family and have each.  

My wish for us all as we march into this winter season is joy and peace.  Have a joyful and peaceful year.    


01/08/2024 13:40:23

01/08/2024 05:01:42


Gosh there are times when I miss the sunshine so very much!  Now rain and thunderstorms, I love them.  But cloudy and dreary weather is not my thing.  


Do you just like quiet time to sit and think?  What do you think about or wonder about?  


On a cloudy day you might not even be able to see each step in this winding staircase.  There is not a room in our house that is dark even at night.  


There is beauty all around us!  I wonder where those steps lead?  I am not a hiker but I love to take off in the car and just turn down a road to see where it goes.  


Just about anyone who spends time with my hubby really loves to just sit and listen to his stories, mostly true, of his life.  He has an awesome memory (he is awesome) and each story is an adventure!  


One of my precious friends sent this recently and I love my quiet times saying prayers for each of my friends.  Yes, I am thinking of you and sending you... 


01/07/2024 07:35:37

01/07/2024 05:21:32


Good Morning!  I am thankful for a beautiful day.  This past week we got a little rain and by mid January we will drop into the 20's.  But today we should have some sunshine and get near 60 before the next several cold fronts.  

I am thankful for the ups and downs that keep our hopes alive and guessing, "What is next?"  


So whether you have lots of snow, some snow or no snow on the ground, let's be thankful for what we have now. 


 I seem to remember that many, many years ago, I might have prayed for snow.  What was I thinking?  I always tell others to be careful what you ask for and here I am hoping I don't get what I asked for.  


This Sunday, I am just trying to be thankful for His protection and the blessings I have right now.  


Don’t just ask Me to bless what you have already decided to do. Ask Me what I want for you. I may fill your heart with a dream that seems impossibly far beyond your reach. And that dream will be bigger than anything you can do on your own. But remember, nothing is beyond My reach.

01/06/2024 12:34:15

happy caturday

01/06/2024 05:19:43

01/05/2024 07:41:24

happy friday...mk

01/05/2024 05:09:23


I think we survived the first week of the year.  I hope it has been a wonderful week for you and your family.  

We are just chilling this week.  We will wait until next week to run our errands.  


Do you think the eagle and the bear are both chilling?  One thing for sure, they are not looking at each other.  

You are welcome to sit with us for a spell and chill.  We always have coffee and something to eat.  

Make every day a Happy Day whether you are just chilling or hard at work.  


01/04/2024 12:29:06

01/04/2024 11:12:31

really cold here today

got the fireplace burning

made bread and cookies

to warm up the house..hope

day is a happy one..mk

01/04/2024 05:22:50

I miss hearing from you Ann and hope you had a good Christmas!  I am sending Blessings & Hugs every day!  Pam

01/04/2024 05:21:08


The first week of the year is flying by.  We are trying not to leave the house until all kids and teachers are back in school.  Too much Traffic!!!!  

I don't think I have given you your 2024 New Years kisses yet.  The only way to wish you the best year of your life!  

Maybe you are like my grandson and just not the hugging kind of person.  So I will just blow you a Good Year kiss.  

Even the Preacher at Church told my grandson that he will heal the hearts of many people with his Hugs.  So you know that I am always sending you... 


01/03/2024 10:44:19

Today to be chilly here; high 42º.
I'm reading of a storm coming to
the northeast U.S. this weekend.
Be safe & warm wherever you are!
Happy Wednesday:) *hugs*

01/03/2024 08:41:34

01/03/2024 06:09:00


Middle of the week is here, sort of.  Wednesday and it is still winter.  I know, I have several months to go.  


At least it is a new year.  But the last year is gone.  Sometimes we just don't realize what new means.  

The wind is so icy and it just cuts right through you.  Even the snowman is not very happy.  

You will NOT see me outside on a sled.  In fact, if there is snow on the ground, you probably won't see me outside at all.  

The snowman or Rbt will have to bring the mail inside to me.  Now I am off to turn the electric heater on so don't get too close or you might melt.  


01/02/2024 11:51:26

NY leftovers in freezer; time for
s'ghetti and garlic toast!
I'm hoping this year slows down
a little bit... how 'bout you? :)

01/02/2024 05:26:08


 Tuesday is always a good day... Tacos on Tuesday are our favorite.  


Also to see the sun coming up and the beautiful colors it creates each morning just seems to start the day off right.  


I love looking up because every minute of every day the sky is completely different and you won't see it like that again, unless you take a picture.  


Keep on asking Him for your desires because you never know when He will grant you your wish.  His Blessings will pour down on you when you least expect it.  Be sure to say Thank You!  

01/01/2024 05:00:30

We made it to 2024!  At least I hope we both made it!  Here we go!  I wonder where this year will lead us.  

Did you stay up last night?  Did you shoot off fireworks?  Or did you fall asleep long before midnight?  

May this year bring you and your family the best of everything that God has in store for you.  You know that I wish you every day loads of Blessings when I visit with you!  


Our prayer for you!  


12/31/2023 20:26:28

12/31/2023 10:04:10

Hope your new year will outshine the
old in blessings, friend. *hugs*

12/31/2023 05:52:19


Sunday Blessings to you and your family on this last day of 2023.  

Are you ready for all the fireworks?  All of our neighbors set off fireworks at EVERY occasion.  


And every one of them has dogs and maybe a cat.  Our 3 dogs do NOT like them or thunder or lightning.  You would think after all these years they would get used to it.  


Help us to leave this year behind us with forgiveness and find Peace with the new year we are about to start.  


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