We did have a wonderful Christmas, but because of the ice, we didn't have as many to share it with us as we had wanted to. But when your Mom is 87, you don't put her at risk of falling on that stuff. We had a wonderful prime rib dinner and brought leftovers as soon as we could to my Mom so she could at least experience the food. Didn't make any dessert because we had 2 kinds of fudge (chocolate that Dennis made and orange that I made), cookies and suchlike to satisfy our sweet tooth(s). Still have some, if you'd like to come over and share...!
My hubby was a New Year baby, so we celebrated another trip around the sun for him, but didn't really do anything. Yeah, we're retired and we like being able to do not much of anything. Dennis worked hard all his life and it's nice he has this time to putter and do pretty much what he darned well pleases. So what is he doing? Well, we have 13 hens, a hoop chicken coop, a barn-shaped garden shed (from a kit, but hubby still had to put it together and pour the cement and stuff), and he's now concentrating on getting ready for fishing this spring. Working on his fishing gear and watching more YouTube videos than you could shake a stick at. Me? I'm just plugging along. I de-Christmased the house, but I leave out the snowmen, owls, bears, penguins, birds, etc. as a winter display. In years past, I would put all the Xmas decor up and then be kind of bummed that the house looked so bare and dull in comparison. Now I keep it jazzed up. Not on such a grand scale as at Christmas, but there is enough so I'm happy.
I hope you are staying healthy, that this New Year has gotten off in the right kind of way for you (and for all of us, really), that you are happy, prosperous...and didn't put on too many extra holiday pounds this year.