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06/07/2024 08:42:20

06/06/2024 05:50:03

REMEMBERING and HONORING the 5,000 men that died during the D-Day Invasion...June 6, 1944 the LONGEST DAY in American History.
There is no greater sacrifice than dying for others and dying to preserve the freedoms we believe in.
"The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you." — Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's message to the troops before the invasion, 1944
"They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate." — President Franklin D. Roosevelt, radio broadcast, June 6, 1944

06/05/2024 19:48:13

This is a picture I made years ago of my friend Wilma and me..Her funeral is tomorrow..I wont be able to go but her family knows they are in my thoughts..I hope you all had a good day. I am good one day then the next I am yucky again..But more good now then yucky..lol..Good Night friends..Hugs

06/05/2024 16:07:37

This is the current puzzle, it's called "At Your Service" it's in the vintage car series  WHEELS:

I also got another one from WHEELS called "Three Beauties" we'll do it next...found these at a discount store called OLLIES for only $4.50 ea! 

06/04/2024 08:07:34

good afternoon Darlene! our heat Index for today is supposed to be about 110* YIKES! summer in Texas is already here!

06/03/2024 12:47:01

80 here and humidity is not too bad..60%. Sure hope the rain will hold off this week, as we were hoping to finish our shed outside..now the metal (for roof) won't be in till the 16th of this month. So probably looking at having it complete and final inspection done by end of this month..

06/02/2024 06:24:40

Hi Darlene! as far as I know there isn't a movie out... I like reading historical fictions... with the story lines based in true historical happenings... I do enjoy watching old movies, I have watched "The Bad Seed" several times...I like the black and white movies because the actors were better, the play with the lights and angles were better....well, I think so anyway...LOL!

callisto62 wrote:

  Hello Deb ~~~

  I see that the book you're reading is a true story. Do you know if there's a movie about it?

 I watched a movie earlier today called 'The Bad Seed'.  I was put out in 1956..  I like those old movies.  It's about a diabolical 8-year girl who causes people to have accidents that end up dying from their injuries.  Did you ever see it?

06/01/2024 06:52:17

I've started reading "The Midwife of Auschwitz" it's the 1st book in the series of 4 WOMEN OF WAR books by AnnaStuart. I'm 3 chapters in so far...

05/31/2024 11:39:23

The weekend is here. Cooler temps remain, and we hope we see this weather pattern through the weekend and next week. Our building passed inspection this morning..so concrete has been poured, and we anticipate it will be finished next week. Thrn we can start working on cleaning out things in our house to prepare for moving furniture so we can paint and carpet den and spare bedroom. Hope all is good your way. Enjoy the weekend.

05/29/2024 15:20:08

A busy Wednesday.got groceries and back home by 1130 this morning. Cooking a meatloaf tonite..got it prepped mid day. Checked in on Marie a short time ago. She was tired, as the nurse had been by, as well as her daughter-in-law. Hope all is good your way 🙂

05/29/2024 06:25:16

woke up by my furbaby "Cassie" standing on me at 11:30 last night, due to thunder and lightening... she was up and down, digging under covers, trying to get under the bed...etc etc...I couldn't get her comfortable to save my life..LOL! storms kept coming until almost 2 a.m. gads, I hate those night time storms...hopefully I'll be able to take a little nap later this afternoon...I hope your Wednsday will be a wonderful one.

05/26/2024 09:19:56


05/26/2024 06:20:28

wishing you a peaceful Sunday Darlene!

05/24/2024 09:47:33

this is the 1st of my homegrown tomatoe's, completely organic...I picked it this morrning, hopefully, it's big enough to have a tomato sandwich from it...even though I'm not supposed to have either one, I am will to sacrifice my tummy woes to enjoy this...LOL!  I was hoping to share this moment with Angeleyes since she was the one that encouraged me to try growing them. 

05/23/2024 20:43:26

05/23/2024 08:16:04

Good Morning...Keep smiling!

05/22/2024 19:58:47

I hope you had a good day Darlene...Mine was fine...it was in the 80's..I had to go to the store for a couple things...just took my time..Nothing really going on to tell but wanted to say good night and I hope you sleep well tonight..hugs to ya from me

05/22/2024 07:40:47

butterflys and daisiies...2 of my favorite things that I wanted to share with you, I hope it brings a smile to you! 

05/22/2024 04:40:57

05/21/2024 13:16:55

A semi busy Tuesday..looks like over cast skies, and humid too. Our grass has grown considerably given the amount of rain that fell since last weekend. So guess what we'll be doing next weekend?

05/20/2024 16:22:29

This is the week that her hubby is off from work, so that's their fun time together, they like to travel and if they leave for more than a day, I get to house/dog sit for them...which is good during the summer, cause they have a small in ground pool I can enjoy!  He works 2 weeks on, 1 week off...the first time in many years of his working for this company that he's had established time off. He works for the oil/gas company, they are paid very well, that's part of why gas at the pumps, etc is high, gotta pay those workers excellant wages plus the oil companies big wigs get even bigger pay wages plus bonuses....THEY do NOT want to lose that big pay check every month...

callisto62 wrote:

  Hello Deb

  Cute picture you sent out!  Do you and your daughter have anything planned this week?

  Take Care  *hugs*   Darlene

05/20/2024 12:17:20

popping in to wish you a wonderful day! 

05/19/2024 08:50:50

Happy Sunday to you!

05/18/2024 06:55:19

another weekend has rolled around for us! I hope it's a fun one for you!

05/15/2024 06:57:34

LOL I just loved this! I think I'll just do this!

05/13/2024 19:24:17

More rain here Tuesday and Wednesday. But enjoying the cooler temps. Getting hair cut n color on Wednesday. It grows so darn fast. It was a super busy Monday...managed to get laundry done. Hope your week goes well -:)

05/13/2024 10:10:39

I had such a great weekend, I don't even mind that it's Monday. Like it would matter if I did?! LOL Have a terrific week! Darlene, since Dave made a cage around the camera bird feeder, the squirrel has been unable to get to the feed. Not for lack of trying on his part, however. I feed Bill (the squirrel) nuts and such on the ground to satisfy his desires but he still wants the bird seed. Go figure.



05/11/2024 20:01:54

Good evening Darlene..thanks for liking my page..I hope you had a good day..We went to see my husbands mother..she is in a senior living home..she has dementia but can still care for herself so they keep her where she is on her own but someone around and she does activities and goes to eat in the dining room..she loves it there..when and if she gets to where she cant care for herself..feeding..bathing etc..then she will go to the first floor which is memory care..It was nice there today..to see so many of the seniors laughing and havivng a good time..it was suppose to be family day for mothers day but it seemed to me it was mainly the residents but it was nice...I will attach a picture of my daughter with her..I hope you have a good night and sleep well..

My daughter Sharon and her grandma today

anf of course your good night comment :-)

05/11/2024 09:38:12

Good Morning! I had a pretty Saturday comment ready to send and when I saw this I literally laughed out loud ...so wanted to share..I know when I get on my scale some days I think this might happen..haha..Have a wonderful day my friend..Love and Hugs...Wanda

05/06/2024 10:26:51

And a beautiful week, Darlene! Looks like a rainy sort of day in my area. The garden and flowers will be so happy!

~Smiles and hugs~


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