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05/14/2024 11:11:29

Yes my friend, purple is nice. Thank you, hugs.

callisto62 wrote:

      Good morning Jacobo ~~~

  I see you like purple too... Good color !!

      Take Care   *hugs*   

05/13/2024 19:24:17

More rain here Tuesday and Wednesday. But enjoying the cooler temps. Getting hair cut n color on Wednesday. It grows so darn fast. It was a super busy Monday...managed to get laundry done. Hope your week goes well -:)

05/13/2024 10:10:39

I had such a great weekend, I don't even mind that it's Monday. Like it would matter if I did?! LOL Have a terrific week! Darlene, since Dave made a cage around the camera bird feeder, the squirrel has been unable to get to the feed. Not for lack of trying on his part, however. I feed Bill (the squirrel) nuts and such on the ground to satisfy his desires but he still wants the bird seed. Go figure.



05/13/2024 09:03:07

Good Morning Darlene

05/13/2024 06:53:24

I hope your weekend was a good one Darlene, and this new week will be a happy one! nothing exciting happening for me...

05/11/2024 20:01:54

Good evening Darlene..thanks for liking my page..I hope you had a good day..We went to see my husbands mother..she is in a senior living home..she has dementia but can still care for herself so they keep her where she is on her own but someone around and she does activities and goes to eat in the dining room..she loves it there..when and if she gets to where she cant care for herself..feeding..bathing etc..then she will go to the first floor which is memory care..It was nice there today..to see so many of the seniors laughing and havivng a good time..it was suppose to be family day for mothers day but it seemed to me it was mainly the residents but it was nice...I will attach a picture of my daughter with her..I hope you have a good night and sleep well..

My daughter Sharon and her grandma today

anf of course your good night comment :-)

05/11/2024 09:38:12

Good Morning! I had a pretty Saturday comment ready to send and when I saw this I literally laughed out loud ...so wanted to share..I know when I get on my scale some days I think this might happen..haha..Have a wonderful day my friend..Love and Hugs...Wanda

05/11/2024 06:14:34

yes, you're correct Darlene, the sister-n-law I was talking about lives in Tehachapi CA..he's got family in different areas of Calif, so theres different weather between them LOL!

05/09/2024 07:59:21

05/06/2024 10:26:51

And a beautiful week, Darlene! Looks like a rainy sort of day in my area. The garden and flowers will be so happy!

~Smiles and hugs~


05/05/2024 18:23:18

Where did the weekend go? We were gone most of the day. Looks like we could get more rain on Monday. We don't need any.. Wishing you  wonderful new week -:)

05/05/2024 09:34:22

I hope your weekend has been a good. one so far...we had a rough night last night, the thundering scares our furbaby Cassie, so for about 3 hrs, (11:30 to about 2 something) she was always trying to hide or climb on us! LOL! 

I hope your day is a beautiful one, I see a nap in my future! LOL!

05/04/2024 07:58:56


05/03/2024 08:36:58

04/28/2024 09:15:14

Beautiful temps here thus far. Just looked at extended forecast, and rain is on the horizon for next weekend. Of course we cut the grass yesterday. With all of the sunshine, and much warmer temps, it's growing too fast. Our lush mower is old, so we may be buying a new one soon, one that is self propelled..as we have a steep hill in front of house. Our son moved out, so now it's up to the hubby to keep lawn maintained. Wishing you a wonderful new week ahead.

04/28/2024 08:43:57

Thanks for the info Darlene...we do care about one another and its good to know how our friends are doing...Have a good day...Its raining here again...I thought it was suppose to be close to 80 but not happening...It is what it is right? LOL//Hugs

04/26/2024 20:22:44

Hi Darlene, enjoy your weekend  .

It`s going to be a little humid  here they say and  going up to 80 degrees.

Going to rain throughout the day too.

Would of wanted to hose down the windows   but that can get done  next week .

So glad i got my lawn cut and out of the way .

God bless you and hope you are feeling  good .  Night night :)

04/23/2024 08:43:11

Good Morning Darlene! I am not a summer kind of person either..the bugs and heat do not agree with me but I don't like the cold temps either..lol..Its suppose to rain here again today..I wasn't going to go out but got a call to pick up some business papers so need to go then mail things out so guess I will try and not get to wet..lol..Have a good day

04/21/2024 19:17:42

Thank you Darlene... I don't eat as much of it as I've gotten older but I do like most ice cream..Hope you had a good weekend and the new week will be good to you..Good Night

04/21/2024 13:44:18

Light rain has been falling off and on since 9 am..believe it ends by 3 pm. Currently 51 and overcast. We might see sunshine late tomorrow. Got to jump on YouTube and see if Donald's Wilmington visit has been rescheduled. Enjoy the new week ahead πŸ™‚

04/21/2024 11:33:13

Happy Sunday, Darleen, and...

Hope you're enjoying this
blessed cool-down, too. If
we could only bottle it and
save for summertime misery.

04/19/2024 20:15:24

A busy Friday, but got all done, and was back home by noon. We will see 80 on Saturday, but Sunday, rain and 58 degrees. Will be a good day to stay inside. Enjoy your weekend πŸ™‚πŸŒΈπŸ™‚

04/19/2024 11:57:21

Are you busy making weekend plans?
Whatever... enjoy, Darlene. *hugs*

04/19/2024 11:17:46

Fabulous Friday to you! It's going to be a "cold beverage" kind of day in my area. I stepped outside a bit ago and the humidity sucks the air out of you. A summer preview, I guess. At least the sun is shining and it's very pretty with all the flowers blooming. Whatever the weather where you are, enjoy the sunshine or make your own!

Happiest hugs~


04/18/2024 11:34:09

Good morning! If you're having a rainy
day, too, stay cozy. Soon the summer
sun will take charge, Darlene. (ugh)

04/18/2024 08:16:28

Hi Darlene. Hope your day will be pleasant and sunny. Signs of Spring must be showing your way. I noticed a few pre Winter bulbs are bursting into flower here. that will make a splash of colour before the cold wet days set in.  Our days are slowly closing in and  the nights are becomming longer. Enjoy your Thursday.  Hugs Pat.

04/17/2024 20:15:54

04/17/2024 15:30:50

This wonderful Wednesday is a bit cooler
than the past few days which almost broke
records... already.  Enjoy all you do, and
any plans you make, Darlene. *hugs*

04/17/2024 13:45:18

I hope your day has been wonderful so far. I've gotten my Wednesday work done, watered plants, filled the bird bath, and hung out plant id tags in the garden. It's quite sticky outside so I'm happy to be back indoors with the a/c and my handy dandy box of tissues. Allergy season! Yes, we feed wild birds as well as the chickens. I swear we spend more money on anim als than ourselves. LOL

Loads of love~


04/15/2024 12:02:02

We used to have a garden each year.
Now our veggies are from farmers mkts,
and prices are high. But what would we
do w/o okra to fry, and corn to cream?
Merry Monday, Darlene.

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