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01/09/2024 19:18:04

Hi Darlene did you get alot of snow? Here in Chicago there was nothing much this morning .

So we lucked out ,but this after noon it started to come down heavy.

Right now theres not really much on the ground ,its just covered .

It is supposed to end by midnight tonight so maybe in the morning ill get out there and give it a fast clean if need be.

Still have 1 of them sausages left.

The garlic one.  I saved that for last.:) 

For our city we have a law  that people have  to shovel their snow if they own the property.

$500.00 penalty.

Im still walking,havent given it up.

I took a walk to  walgreens  this morning also .

Hope you are doing ok.

Let me know when you get your treadmill .

Stick with it.  Make it a habit.

God bless you nice friend :) xRick

01/08/2024 13:32:02

Just visiting my friend's page and to say Hi!

01/08/2024 13:11:32

Yayyy!! You got snow!! I bet it's beautiful laying as it was falling... I can smell it. Isn't it cozy inside w/the snow outside:) Y'all keep warm, Darlene. Enjoy! *hugs* -di

01/08/2024 10:16:14


01/07/2024 11:13:18

Have a warm and restful Sunday. Darlene, Lisa lives about 20 minutes from me. She lives very near to where our oldest daughter works at the doctor's office. Dave commented yesterday that if all the rain we've had was snow, we'd be buried. More rain coming again Tuesday. More rain=more mud. Not too excited about that.



01/07/2024 10:44:03

Happy Sunday, Darlene... I'll bet you got snow!
  Yayyy! I'll check your gallery for pics???
*hugs* -di

01/07/2024 10:18:08

This one??

01/06/2024 22:23:17

Hi Darlene. A quiet day here and apart from the usual house chores I've not done anything exciting. All the usual Group activities that I go to are on their Xmas break and won't commence until the end of this month or early next.

It's been Humid and thundery weather here these past two days. We have had some rain but so far have missed out on the heavy storms that are causing flooding in many areas. Mainly in the built up City places where the water can't run off. The rains that we have had this summer are good for the Countryside and also the gardens and keeps everything fresh and green.

There's a Gardening show on TV as I sit here. There has been quite a few good tips on this time.  Usually it's a bit "Ho Hum" but not so today. I'll definately be trying out one of the tips. Will be a project for sometime this week.

I will catch up again soon.  Hugs and take care. Pat.

01/06/2024 20:24:17

Rain fell till mid day. Folks N of us got freezing rain briefly. I believe we will see more rain with wind on Tuesday. See y'all did get snow today. I had looked at the weather radar this morning and much of PA and OH was in blue (snow). Cooked a pork bbq in slow cooker, so leftovers for a few days. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and new week ahead.

01/06/2024 12:12:25

The first Saturday of the new year... wow.
I hope snow comes your way w/this front
coming thru. Do you take pics of events and
post in your gallery? Whatever you do today,
share lotsa smiles, Darlene!

01/05/2024 11:01:03

Fantastic Friday to you! A sunny, cold morning here and not to get out of the 40s today. What's going on at your house? Do you plan to do anything out of the ordinary this weekend? Whatever today and the weekend brings, be safe and enjoy every minute! Darlene, when I was a kid, we (the neighbor kids and us) would sled on our road. Get a good running start and we'd FLY down the road. I lived in the country and we always had a lookout for cars approaching. Oh it was so much fun. I don't recall ever building a snow fort but we did build plenty of snowmen. Living on the lake, we had a lot of lake effect snowfalls. Snow plows would plow the roads and Dads everywhere would be out with shovels to clear the ends of driveways from the pile up the plows had left. 

Warmest hugs~


01/04/2024 09:51:18

If we had snow, it'd be a fine day to take the cat for a sled ride. It's sunny and cold. However I have no snow, a cat that would have NOTHING to do with a sled, and I am missing a sled, to boot! Pitiful, isn't it? Snow or not, I plan to enjoy this day and I hope you have a nice day, too, Darlene. Tomorrow's Friday. 

Smiles and hugs!

01/03/2024 11:16:20

Here we are: midweek of our first week of 2024. I do hope this year doesn't fly by as fast as all the years previous but I have a feeling it will. What are you up to today? I have done my Wednesday work and I'm waiting for towels to get dry so I can fold them and put them away. It's a good day and I plan for it to continue. Hope the same for you! Darlene, being a former Yankee, I am well familiar with the pork and sauerkraut dinner! However I did not make it this year. I roasted a whole chicken. My middle daughter, Melanie, made the traditional "back home" meal, though.

01/03/2024 10:37:32

Today to be chilly here; high 42ΒΊ.
I'm reading of a storm coming to
the northeast U.S. this weekend.
Be safe & warm wherever you are!
Happy Wednesday, Darlene:) *hugs*

01/02/2024 11:27:46

We had ham, blackeyed peas, broccoli &
cornbread. Have no idea how collards
are cooked, or spinach, or kale. We're
not fans. NY leftovers in freezer; it's
time now for s'ghetti and garlic toast!
I'm hoping this year slows down
a little bit... how 'bout you, Darlene? :)

01/01/2024 14:06:16

It's a beautiful, crisp winter day and a fine welcome to the new year. I'm doing little to nothing today, how about you? Have a wonderful January 1 and a blessed year, friend. Darlene, I was in bed reading when the clock struck midnight. Do I know how to party, or what? We no longer have an Applebees in our town. Ours kind of went downhill before they closed it.

Peace, love, and happiness~


12/31/2023 18:36:54

300+ Happy New Year Wishes and Messages 2024 | WishesMsg

Have a Healthy and prosperous New Year Darlene.

We did have a coating of snow on the sidewalk and grass this morning.

Would you believe im going  quite fast tonight on the computer?

I can`t explain it  other than signing into my youtube account.

Once i did that i found myself going fast like always.

As cold as it is outside ,you think that static would be worse.

So i have to see if it stays this way.

God bless you partner have fun and celebrate .Cheerss!!!!  πŸ₯‚

12/30/2023 23:24:49


To answer a few of your questions...no, we didn't have snow on Christmas, but that's okay.  We may have a white Christmas some other year and not having one makes it safer for those traveling.  We stayed home and had a turkey dinner; turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, homemade cranberry sauce, cranberry fluff (a salad we've been having for both Thanksgiving and Christmas since I was little which has cranberries, marshmallows, apples, chopped nuts, sugar and cool whip in it), an orange jello salad with lemon pudding in it, rolls plus jalapeno dip and tortilla chips.  Oh, and lemon stuffing.  Nobody left the table hungry, that's for sure.  

Normally I leave our Christmas decorations up until after the New Year, but I got restless after Christmas was over and packed everything back up.  It's okay, because I pack my wintry decorations separately and they stay out until the end of January.  That way, the house doesn't go from pretty and festive to blah and sad--which I used to hate before a friend clued me in to setting aside the snowmen, polar bears, snowbirds, snowflakes, penguins, and any other winter items amongst my Christmas decorations and leaving them out after the holiday.  

I'm afraid our light-up rooster didn't survive the Gorge winds we've been having.  After trying to have it at the front of the house and having it be blown over several times, we moved it to the back yard near our chicken yard.  (I wonder what the hens and our one rooster thought of that...?)  He fared better back there, but once again he was knocked over by the wind and started to come apart, so my hubby picked him up and put him into the garden shed so he wouldn't be destroyed.  I'll have our son dismantle him and pack him back in the box he came in and we'll probably store him in the garden shed until next December.  And in between now and then, I'm hoping we sort out a better way to have him on display so the wind isn't an issue.  Maybe using those u-shaped staples to attach him to a platform of some sort, plus a rod to attach him to that gives him the support he needs for his body/head?  I'll put it to the guys to be thinking on it and they'll sort something better out for the next holiday season.

Yes, we put up a (fake) tree.  We used to always have real trees, but they get so dry and messy.  I do miss that 'real tree' smell, but not anything else about them.  And I don't want to kill a tree for the holiday.  We can have the tree out from the day after Thanksgiving until (usually, but not this year) a few days after the New Year.  Our in-laws used to have a fiber-optic tree and I thought it looked nice.  All the changing colors of the lights was pretty to watch.  Other than the rooster, we didn't have any outdoor lights this year.  Someplace in the house we have at least one projector that we've used in the past to put snowflakes at the front of the house, but I didn't find it this year.  Since we were sickies, we weren't as full of ambition to be doing what we'd usually do for the season.  Next year should be a lot better.  

You had asked about Christmas movies.  I, too, love to watch the Polar Express.  I love that scene where all the waiters are dancing and pouring the hot chocolate and Tom Hanks is singing the hot chocolate song.  And then later when Josh Groban sings "Believe"...that man could sing the alphabet song and have it sound like the loftiest hymn.  *sigh*.  I think my favorite, though is one called "The Snowman" with an introduction by David Bowie.  Other than his introduction, the only other "words" in this animated special is a song they sing partway through.  I absolutely love it and look forward to watching it every year.  Yep, I like the Home Alone 1&2, the original "Miracle on 34th Street", Patrick Stewart's version of "A Christmas Carol", the Black Adder version of the same, a Claymation Christmas special, Charlie Brown Christmas, Rudolph, Frosty, White Christmas, and of course the original Grinch cartoon.  I try to watch as many Christmas shows and specials as I can during the holiday season.  Have you had a chance to watch either of the Christmas Chronicle movies with Kurt Russel playing Santa Claus?  I like those.  I'm certain there are a lot more, but you get the idea.  I'm kind of a Christmas nut, and rather proud of it.  

Dennis and I still have our oh-so-lovely colds, but I think they are finally loosening their stranglehold on us.  I don't get colds very often and now I know exactly why that is such a good thing!  Sorry to learn that you got a cold from a hospital stay that was so bad you were guzzling Nyquil.  I can't stand the taste of that stuff and would rather be miserably sick than take it.  So I buy a wine cooler and put it into a blender with ice cubes and blend until I have a drink with crushed ice in it.  (I told you about this already, didn't I?  Sorry for the repeat.)  Anyway, the alcohol helps kill germs and the ice numbs my throat so I cough less.  And it tastes so dang much better than Nyquil or any of the other liquid gag-a-maggot cold elixers out there.  I have no idea why they can't make them taste decent.  Actually, I bet they could, but they don't want kids getting into them and thinking they're like Kool-Aid or whatever and putting themselves in the hospital from overdosing on the stuff (or worse).  Anyway, I can take the big capsuls they put out if I swallow them with a mouthful of food.  I find pills go down a lot easier with food than with any drink.  

We haven't done anything for New Year's or gone anyplace in decades.  We watch TV so we know when it's midnight, drink a glass of sparkling cider, then brush our teeth and go to bed.  Exciting, huh?  We have neighbors who think it's great fun to shoot off guns or set off noisy fireworks, so we get to listen to that garbage until about one o'clock in the morning.  Scares people's pets and I don't care for it, either.  That's my claim to Grinchdom, I guess.  Just like him, I don't care for the noise, noise, noise, noise, NOISE...

Yes, I'm a night owl and have been one for a long, long time.  As I get older, though, I am not staying up as late as I used to.  I'm not quite devolved to having the early bird special, but I don't tend to be up until 4 or 5 in the morning.  More like 2 o'clock and then I'll read on my Kindle for a little while in bed until my eyes are tired.  When my eyes are tired, the rest of me follows suit, I have found.  But, yes, I am up later than a lot of folks, I suppose.  

That's it for now, Darlene.  Pretty soon it will be New Year's Eve and then we'll roll over into a New Year and I really look forward to it.  My hubby is a New Year's baby, so he'll be turning 69 on the first.  Our son gave him his b-day present early...a honking big TV for the living room.  Easier for our old eyes to see, so it was a thoughtful gift.  We get the living room TV in our bedroom (it's an upgrade for us) and I may wind up with the TV from our bedroom to use as a computer monitor.  It's bigger than the one I have, so this has been an all-around good deal.  

Wishing you and your George a very Happy New Year when it rolls around, my friend.  May 2024 bring you joy, blessings, good health, laughter and happiness, with each new day being better than the one before!  Thank you for your friendship, D.!

Love and Hugs,

P.S.  Meant to tell you that I love your wintry page--the snow effect is wonderful!

12/30/2023 19:15:50

We plan on eating out, but not sure where yet..it will be local though. We don't like being out after dark, given the potential for people driving and drinking. It really looked like it could have snowed here today. Extended forecast shows frozen mix end of next week. My twin sister lives 90 minutes North, so they get more snow and ice than we've seen in quite a few years. It was a fast year indeed. Wishing you both a safe and blessed New years eve and New Years Day.

12/30/2023 11:33:15

We're having a cold snap. If you
are, too... stay cozy! No butt cushions
here, but sounds like a good idea. Some
times I think it could be handy. Will
look into that. lol  We're waiting for our
little tree's batteries to run down so
we can remove them and take it to
basement to join other Christmas things.
Hope you and DH are looking f'ward
to 2024. It'll be June before I remember
not to write 2023!  Have a good
Saturday, Darlene! Glad you like 
the video... brings tears to my eyes.
Childhood friendships are so very
precious.  *hugs*  -di

12/28/2023 20:22:45

Hello Darlene. Well, I've taken down the decorations and packed them away. I like to do that fairly quickly. Xmas seems ages ago now. Won't be long and the New Year will be upon us.

Thunderstorms began here yesterday and continued during the night. A spectacular show and very noisy which frightened my little furry friends.  I want to get out into the garden shortly to trim back some shrubs and plants. Just a general tidy up. The potted plants also need fertalizing. Will be taking breaks often as can't do too much at once with my back.

Enjoy your day Darlene. Hugs Pat.

12/28/2023 09:57:50

The sun is shining, Darlene; cool days
are ahead. It must be winter! πŸ’™ We
will have Christmas pretties put away
by NY, keeping out snowmen decor to
last thru March. Our latest snow of the
season was 1st of April one year. After
that I hang my "let it snow" in the closet
til next time:) We don't do outside lites
anymore. Gave away our trees, deer,
shrubbery lites for someone else to
enjoy. Lets savor this winter, and
all its expectations:) Yayyy! ❄⛄❄ 

12/28/2023 09:43:05

Have a thoughtful and thankful Thursday! Darlene, Lindy works in a general practice office. There are probably 8 doctors in their practice. She has been there over 25 years!! Melanie works for a mental health service provider as an IT person. They cover the state of NC. Jenny works for DHHS (the health department) and handles WIC patients. Melanie is a single mom. Lindy has no kids but has a stepdaughter. Jenny's husband is a school teacher so he has summers off which means they don't have to pay child care for Jude!


12/27/2023 11:20:44

It is a muddy, mucky midweek at my house but a great day nonetheless. We got 3.5" of rain Christmas day and yesterday. Even had some thunder! Today we aren't having any downpours so it's a big improvement. We needed rain....just not all at once, perhaps. LOL Enjoy your day and find time to relax at some point. That's MY goal, anyway. Darlene, we don't do a fancy Christmas dinner. The past two years I've bought a party tray of chicken from Publix and we have pasta salad, mac and cheese, relish tray, chips/dip, etc. Then, in the afternoon when my folks and siblings come over, we have sweets. Oh gosh, so many sweets. I'm going to put together a container of an assortment of cookies in the freezer for another time b/c I am already cookied out. Oldest daughter, Lindy, is going to take some to work with her. She is a nurse in a doctor's office. The staff loves when she brings in Christmas cookies!

Loads of love~


12/27/2023 10:39:29

Are you taking down decorations yet, or
keeping them up til New Years?
Whatever you do today, take breaks:)
The season of rush has passed, Darlene:)

12/26/2023 14:59:54

Another Christmas is in the books and I hope you made many happy new memories, Darlene. We had the best day yesterday and I loved every minute. Now to bask in the joy and begin enjoying those gifts. 



12/26/2023 12:46:41

Have a terrific Tuesday, dear Darlene:)
Lovin' your snow page! *hugs* -di

12/21/2023 06:38:28

 Our nice mild weather continues to spoil us here.  It has been quite a busy day apart from the usual daily chores I went to town to have my hair trimmed, then off to collect a ceiling fan that I had ordered. The streets were so busy it was hard to find a park close to the store. Took me three attemps before I found one close enough. Fortunately one of the staff carried the box out to the car for me of that I was very grateful. Also went to the Post Office to mail  the last of the cards then back home. Oh yes, I did pop into the supermarket to get a half Kilo of cherries. These have come from interstate and a reasonable price and most importantly are delicious. also some red seedles Table grapes & fresh apricots. I do like my fresh fruit.

Had not been home long when a friend called in. Tomorrow I'm expecting a parcel that I ordered online. Not sure what time it will arrive. I rarely order anything online. Usually if I need anything from Adelaide my daughter will collect for me on one of her trips there but she won't be going there for a few weeks and I wanted this before Xmas.

I'm watching the Cricket on TV as I sit here. I think that's sort of multi-tasking with pleasure LOL.  Enjoy your day. Hugs Pat.


12/20/2023 20:23:00

A busy week..it's been a blur. Hope to do some baking over the weekend. Going to try a new bread recipe (keto)..will finish up shopping too in a few days..just gift cards mainly. We are enjoying the sausage and cheese you sent. Very delicious, and we appreciate it so much. Enjoy the rest of your week πŸŽ„πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

12/20/2023 02:56:54


We've been in the soup around here; my hubby has A-Fib and a cardioversion didn't work.  Well, it did for about 5 hours.  They had him on a medication that was supposed to keep it from coming back, but it turns out he's allergic to it.  Is that why the cardioversion didn't work?  I have no idea, but it sure didn't help.  An additional fun thing for both of us is the cold we both caught (probably while at the hospital...I always jokingly refer to the local grade school/high school as "germ factories", but hospitals have them both beat for how many viruses, etc. are available for catching).  Unfortunately, this mess has settled in my hubby's chest--just where he needs it least.  I've got a stuffy nose and my throat has been scratchy/sore.  I'll be very happy when we both get rid of it and I'm hoping it will be gone by Christmas.  

I happen to agree with your opinion of summer as something to be borne, rather than to anticipate.  I have such a low tolerance for higher temperatures--fair skin & freckles don't get along well with summer's blast of hot, hot days.  

There are no Cracker Barrel or Bob Evens restaurants 'round here.  And the Black Bear Diners that we go to are pretty much a west coast chain.  My pen pal from West Virginia often mentions restaurants or stores which are common on the east coast, but haven't spread to our part of the U.S.  No Aldi's...what's the other one she mentions...Ollie's?  I dunno.  Tudor's is another one she has mentioned which we don't have.  As long as the food is good at the restaurant chains that you do have, that's what counts.  And yes, I have gotten splotchy silverware in restaurants before.  Not often, as I think most waiter/waitresses pick up on that kind of thing and don't send them out to a customer.  It can be off-putting, I grant you, but as long as it's not dried food on a utensil, I can live with a bit of a water-spotted spoon or fork.  Dried food on it will get it sent back, every time.  I don't care if their dishwasher machine probably sterilized it, I just don't want to eat off of something like that.  

We do have a leaf blower.  But my hubby doesn't always get it out and use it (and now I know why...he's been in A-Fib since SPRING and of course that saps your energy) so I get after the leaves with my broom when it gets too deep for me to tolerate.  Mulching the leaves with a lawn mower is something that we do, too--but again, with the A-Fib...my Honey just hasn't been up to his normal work load.  And I'd far rather he slacked off--but I get to have him around
longer--so getting after what really amounts to minor chores in the long scheme of things is not worth it.  All that stuff can wait until he is back in good health again.  

I made myself a drink for my cold the other day.  Frozen blueberries, frozen raspberries, ice cubes and a peach wine cooler.  It was great except for all the sees from those raspberries.  Especially as I wasn't bright enough to leave the stuff at the bottom of the glass.  I wound up having to spit a lot of that out.  But it does calm down my throat and I slept uintil almost noon, so I'd say it did what I needed it to do.

Yes, we have a dishwasher and it gets used, but we still have to wash dishes by hand.  All the big pans and bowls, plus anything too delicate to risk being hammered by water under pressure and possibly broken.  But even though we have a dishwasher, I kind of like it when it comes to doing the hand washing.  The sink is in front of a window so I can look outside while I scrub what's dirty.  It's a good place to kind of zone out and daydream some and I enjoy that.  

There are some here on the Hill who don't mind chatting back and forth, but there are others who strictly send pictures.  Not my thing, but I don't begrudge others their favored way of connecting.  Some lean more towards visuals, whereas you and I are what another friend on the Hill calls "word girls".  My pen pal in West Virginia is someone I "met" here on the Hill, in fact.  She decided this place wasn't for her...but I was.  We've corresponded for years and I look at her as my sister whom I've never met.  

Your Thanksgiving dinner at Cracker Barrel sounded pretty darned good, Darlene!  I had made pumpkin bread, two different dips/spreads, three salads, sweet potatoes and stuffing.  My hubby made the turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy.  I made cranberry sauce, too.  And for dessert we had double-layer pumpkin pies with whipped cream on top.  And leftovers for DAYS!    I don't think I've ever had fried turkey.  I'm guessing that if you do it right, that would make for a tasty turkey.  I just don't want a vat of very hot oil anywhere near my house.  I'll be just fine with it being baked/roasted.  My hubby brines it and it always comes out moist and tender.  

We don't have outside lights on our house, but I do have a wreath that lights up at the front of our house and our daughter gave us a copper-mesh rooster which lights up.  We tried to have it at the front of our house but the winds kept blowing so hard that they blew Cogburn free of his anchor pins and he was spending more time laying on the ground than being upright to be enjoyed.  Our son moved it today to the backyard and it's got a board underneath of it.  I'm not sure how it's attached to it, but hopefully the wind won't bother it so much.  Some of our neighbors should be able to see it and Cogburn is put up on the way to the chicken yard (yes, we have 16 chickens and one mean darned rooster...no, I don't like him, but this is my hubby's bailiwick.  I avoid him but he likes to stalk me from his side of the electric fence, the big bully.  He's a naked neck variety so he looks funny--like something happened to his neck feathers, but that's just the way those birds are.  

It has gotten late on me, so I'm going to sign off and shut down the computer.  I'm a night owl, but with this cold...my eyes feel a bit raw and so that makes me feel tired.  If I don't get back before the "big day", I want to wish you and yours a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!  Keep warm and stay healthy, my friend!!!

Love and Hugs,

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