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11/29/2023 09:33:54

Some of you have snow; others of us have
only cold, but happy that it's ruled by the
sweet absence of dreaded heat! :) Enjoy
whichever is yours, friend. *hugs*

11/28/2023 10:24:47

Happy Tuesday, Darlene:) It's cold this
morning, like the end of November
normally is. Stay warm and cozy! *hugs*

11/26/2023 12:56:29

Have a warm and cozy final Sunday of November, Darlene! No, I've never had fried turkey but I hear it's delicious. We smoked whole chickens and also cooked a ham. Kids all took home leftovers and today I have ham and beans baking in the oven for our supper. Can you believe I've never seen Polar Express? Well, not the whole of it, anyway. I do LOVE Christmas movies, though. I have watched a couple of Hallmark's Christmas movies so far and may watch another tonight. Dave doesn't mind them but finds them horribly predictable. Which they are. But I love them! I started wrapping gifts this morning but had to order some large gift bags from Amazon because I didn't have any. I'll wrap what I can and wait for my big bags to arrive to do the ones I need them for. My craft room looks like a disaster zone. Between my craft table and my wrapping table, you have to use special manuevers to get around in there. 


11/26/2023 08:25:43


11/25/2023 11:06:24

G'morning, Darlene. Have a super Saturday.
Once all the leaves have left the trees,
we can call the man to clean our gutters.
 C'mon pretties, fly away!  *hugs* -di

11/24/2023 14:42:39



11/24/2023 11:44:53

Wishing you a peaceful weekend, Darlene.
*hugs* -di

11/23/2023 16:07:14

Precious Moments

Loving the colours within your Thanksgiving page Callisto.

Had to pop by just to say

Happy Thanksgiving i hope your having a fun day .

what are you having for dinner .

tell me your days diary on this your special American day .

what did you do from the time you woke to bedtime .

be interested to know .

God Bless Sweet Pea/

Speak again soon .

my days here will be hit and miss until after Christmas now .

Busy days and nights ahead .

and i have a baby Grandaughter to nurture too .

Stay Safe .

Hugs and love always

X   Summer   X

11/20/2023 14:11:19

Hi Darlene let me know if you ever try making that turkey pumpkin chili

.It don`t seem that difficult to make ,but it does call for a lot of ingredients , and  some of them ingredients  i dont think mix too well lol like cocoa powder and chili powder

Always fun to experiment though one might be suprised . :) 

Have a happy peaceful Holiday partner

11/18/2023 12:11:11

Tksg is coming soon! Are you
cooking a big meal, Darlene? Yes, 
I truly like the rain, even storms w/
lightning and thunder, but kinda
leary of that wind... ever since a tree
was blown over on the house some
years back. That's scary. Hope
your weekend brings smiles! *hugs*

11/18/2023 09:56:34

Hello and happy weekend to you. A very pretty day in my area and I will take full advantage and hang my laundry out to dry. Might even start doing a bit of Christmas decorating but not sure. Whatever you are doing today, be safe, have fun and find time to relax at some point. Darlene, I have had perms in the past. Haven't had one in ages now though. My hair is very fine and, in winter, I battle fly-aways and static like crazy. If you want to see thick hair, my sister has such thick hair it's amazing. I am seeing more and more silvery "highlights" in my hair these days. I prefer to call them that rather than gray! LOL I have never colored my hair and don't plan to. I say that now but.....who knows.

Sunny Saturday wishes~


11/16/2023 13:29:10

Good afternoon, Darlene! As Mr. Rogers would say, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! True autumn perfection, really. To be 72* this afternoon and with gorgeous sunshine. I'm in heaven, I'm pretty sure. I hope your day is beautiful rather the weather is or not. 

Sunny smiles~


11/15/2023 13:24:17

I love cool autumn days. Sweater weather. Sit outside and watch leaves fall kind of weather. Today is a good day for this and I believe I will follow nature's lead. Hope your day is going well. Darlene, I used to host Thanksgiving for my parents and siblings and their crews but it got to be too much. So now I just do it for our girls and their families. Each of the girls contribute something to our meal and I do the meat, mashed potatoes and gravy, and my homemade crescent rolls amongst other things. It's a messy feast, yes, but I do have a dishwasher for plates and silverware and just have pots to wash by hand. I have never minded washing dishes by hand but I do love my dishwasher at holiday gatherings. Saves me from being in the kitchen all the time.

Loads of love and leaves~


11/15/2023 09:12:55

We're halfway thru the month
and thru the week, Darlene. Hope
these days are pleasant for you.
No turkey purchased. Haven't
made our plans w/daughter yet.
I don't see me preparing a huge
meal ever again. We'll see what
she's up to doing. haha
*hugs* -di

11/11/2023 23:33:58


It is cooler here, but not yet cold.  Today was blustery, with bouts of heavy rain and wind.  The leaves are falling off the trees and clogging up the front of the house as well as the goldfish pond in the backyard.  But that happens every year and it's so beautiful with the leaves in all of their fall colors that I don't mind the extra sweeping and skimming.  Though the sweeping would be a lot easier if the leaves and cement were both dry.  

When we first moved into this house, there was an oak tree right next to the chimney at the front of the house.  We took it out, as it was much too close.  The acid from the tree roots and stump caused the soil to acidify enough so the hydrangea bush next to the oak tree had purple blooms on it for years.  There used to be two oak trees in the yard just to the south of ours, but one of them partially split and fell.  The owner at the time had both trees cut down.  There is a new start of an oak tree right on the fenceline that needs to be taken out before it gets any bigger, as there are sewer lines very close by and we have enough troubles with plumbing and drainage in this old house as it is.  I was noticing acorns as I was leaving the spur road we live on, so there must be an oak tree growing on the high school property on the other side of the fence.  But none of these trees were anywhere near a metal roof (we don't have one, but do have one of those--fiberglass, I think--wavy patio roof.  If acorns were falling on it, they'd be making noise.  Probably not as much as on your metal roof, but enough to be startling.  It's a good thing the noises you were hearing outside were only acorns pinging on your metal roof and not any miscreants messing about.  Stealing or vandalizing or what-have-you.  Maybe you felt silly for worrying over those acorns making that racket, but it must have been a big relief to have the noises explained and learning they weren't anything to be concerned about.  

I don't really drink, so haven't tried any mixed drinks in a long, long time.  If I have a cold, rather than trying to gag down cold/cough medicine (which I abhor), I will put a wine cooler into a blender with a bunch of ice and let it go until the ice is crushed.  That's my cold medication.  The alcohol (though it isn't much) helps with getting rid of the cold germs and the ice helps it to numb any soreness in my throat and both help calm the urge to cough.  We live in a small town, but head to bigger ones for grocery shopping and such.  No Applebees here, but they are in the metro areas.  We don't eat there since we weren't too impressed from trying it once or twice, but maybe we need to give it another try.  I don't know if you have Black Bear Diners where you are, but we like to eat there from time to time.  Hmmm...looks like they haven't spread out to your part of the country yet.  A gal I correspond with lives in West Virginia and she mentions restaurant chains that we don't have on the west coast.  Grocery stores, too, and I sure wish we had an Aldi's out here.  Alas, we do not.  Yet.  But I keep hoping...!

No, I don't have a 2024 calendar.  I have a white board calendar that I've had for years, so even if I don't buy one, I can still have the white board set up so I can keep track of things.  I have tried printing up my own calendar, but I wasn't impressed with it.  Not big or bold enough for these older eyes to easily spot birthdays and such.  So I may buy one as long as I don't have to pay too much for it.  I love either a Mary Englebreit or a Susan Branch calendar, but they tend to be costly.  I'll just have to keep checking the stores and see what becomes available at a price I feel comfortable with.  It's really nice that you've already gotten yours.  I bet the kittens are cuter than heck; I've had one of those before and they really tug at my heartstrings.  So sweet!

You had asked about Halloween.  There have been years in the past when we got quite a few trick-or-treaters.  We'd use our tiki torches and (as long as it wasn't too windy, rainy, or too dang dry) line them along the spur road we live on.  Since we have no street light--only the porch light at the front of our house--the extra light was enough to guide some of the kids (well, their parents, really) to come to our door.  That, and we'd decorate the front of our house, too.  But in the last few years, less and less kids are going trick-or-treating.  We only had three kids come this year and they were our neighbor's kids across the main street from us.  Used to be, my daughter and I would make up Halloween treat bags with candy, mini candy bars, suckers, Halloween pencils, glow sticks, stickers, a plastic bug...I still have photos of our efforts.  But this year we just bought a couple (admittedly very large) packages of mini candy bars.  Now we have scads of leftovers and I tend to get into them--though I really shouldn't.  So maybe next year we'll leave our porch light off and skip the whole thing.  Sad, but if the kids aren't coming anymore, then it doesn't seem worthwhile to continue to plunk down our (fixed) income on something we shouldn't have in the house.  I can remember walking all over (no adult came with my brother and I) the neighborhood and beyond on Halloween, but I guess parents are a lot warier than they used to be.  The kids go to parties that schools, churches, or other organizations put on, rather than go door-to-door nowadays.  My husband has talked about he and his siblings taking pillowcases and coming home with as much Halloween candy as they could carry.  Then there was the fun of dumping it all out and sorting through it to see what-all you had.  Those were the days, huh?

I think I might make some pumpkin bread.  The recipe I have (and it's a good one) makes two loaves.  We can have one and I'll stash the other one in the freezer for Thanksgiving, as that holiday will be upon us before we know it.  I was watching the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving cartoon (again...how many times I've watched it over the years, I don't know, but I still love to watch Snoopy battling it out with the lawn chair) and thinking that there sure aren't a whole lot of Thanksgiving movies or specials to be seen.  Tons of scary movies for Halloween, a glut of Christmas specials, movies and such, but the holiday in between just doesn't have a lot.  I guess we're all supposed to watch football instead.  (Bleaaah.)  

Have a peaceful, easy Sunday, Darlene!
Love and Hugs,

11/10/2023 15:40:00

Darlene popped in to wish you a nice weekend.It sure got cold outside.

I have  the squirrels trained to come  in the morning  and i get out and toss them a bunch of peanuts.

They are so cute .There is one that`s a bully lol 

He sees  his buddies    coming to eat the nuts there he goes  chasing them away, but the squirrels  dont seem  that scared as they keep coming  and  looking for the nuts.

They come  at different times of the day to check .

I have to be careful my yard dont turn into a golf course. lol

Today it did seem as if two were fighting and i had to run out to break it up .  

Have a nice evening Darlene :-D

11/09/2023 10:24:52

Good morning, Darlene!
A cool front is bringing in lots
of clouds keeping temps down
'til it arrives. Happy Friday-Eve:)
I'm busy wishing both of us will
have cold weather soon... & SNOW!
Smiles, grins, & *hugs* -di

11/08/2023 11:01:29

Good morning, Darlene! I think I see
Friday just around the corner.
I still love that day of the week:)
*hugs* -di

11/07/2023 08:54:08

Good morning:) Do you drink coffee from
a li'l cup like this, or a mug? Either
way, enjoy your brew, Darlene. *hugs*

11/06/2023 09:46:08

... and Merry Monday:) Welp, here we
are again w/temps more like summer
than Fall. Maybe next week? No, Darlene,
no rain yet here. We're still under severe
drought and fire warnings. Ugh. Hope
things are better your way. *hugs*

11/05/2023 10:48:54

I hope every minute of your Sunday brings you smiles! Darlene, I put away my decor that was Halloween but left out fall and put out Thanksgiving. In a few weeks we will put our outside Christmas lights up on the fence out front and start decorating for that. 


11/05/2023 09:25:55

Wishing you a pleasant morning,
noon, and night, Darlene:)

11/04/2023 09:21:51

Snacks in a sack:)
Have a fruitful Saturday, Darlene, w/lots
of joy rolled in:) *hugs* -di

11/03/2023 19:41:09


Thank you for the visit my Dear Little Moon Girl .

So you finally got the drink you missed out on last time ,did you feel a little bit tiddly after the second one My body can only take one or two drinks ,the third one gets me dancing on the table .ha ha .

so i stick to just two when i am at a gathering ,or party

I do drink milk though,even at a party .

I get a few looks ,and folks have often said .

whats she drinking ,she having so much fun  i want what she is drinking ha ha .and when they have been told . its just  milk .Well it does cause a laugh .ha ha

maybe i get to try one of those zombie drinks next time i am over .i can always ask cant i .

have a lovely week ,love some of the sayings in the word games with the phrases etc.the ear one was good too.ha ha

have a good week hun

God Bless

X   Summer   X

11/02/2023 14:00:15

BRRRRR! A brisk change in the weather here, how about your area? I do love cooler weather so I'm not complaining. I get to wear my sweaters once again. I much prefer this "cozy" weather to the summer heat and high humidity. I love sunny, cool days.Not frigid, mind you. Lol. I am particular. HAHAHA I'm enjoying the day and hope you are as well. I have not gotten a 2024 calender yet. I will soon, though. I really like your page, Darlene.

Cool in the Carolinas~


11/02/2023 10:13:43

Hi, Darlene. 20ΒΊ here this morning.
Feels like Fall now:) Still under
drought conditions w/no rain in
sight.  Happy Thursday!


11/01/2023 10:35:39

Ah, November has arrived. A month of thankfulness and feasting. It has come in with a big chill in my area. Air conditioning on one day, heat on the next. And I know my friends back home in PA have snow already. Whatever the weather, let's enjoy the day. Darlene, I always took my girls out trick or treating when they were small. I had as much fun as they did, I think. 

Sent with smiles~


10/30/2023 01:39:52

Thank you for your kind words about my page Darlene.  Hope your weekend was good and that you'll have a good start to the new week - the last couple days of your beloved October.  Not only is it Trick or Treating but it's also my sister' birthday.  I love garlic and it's so good for you too and no, I don't have any side effects from it - no dry mouth.  The game of dominos is played with flat dice that have two parts divided by a line.  You start the game by everyone drawing a certain amount of dominos.  Lets say you start with a set of 12 and there are 4 of you playing.  The first person who draws the double 12 puts it in the middle.  You then have to line up all  the dominos in your had starting with 12 dots on the top half - the bottom half lets say is a 6 dots.  You then need to find a 6 on the next domino and whatever the bottom half of that 6 is, you need to find a domino that has that number of dots on it. For example 12/6 6/5 5/9 9/2 ect.  You keep lining them all up in your hand.  This is called your TRAIN.  Any other domionos that you can't fit in your hand becomes Mexico.  Everyone has to start with a 12 domino.  Whe it goes around to who started, if they have an extra 12 domino, they can put this in the extra place and anyone can play on that (from their Mexico) when it's their turn.  That's why what we play is called Mexican Dominos.  I don't explain it very well, but if you picked up a set and read the instructions, you would understand better.  I came in last tonite - when a person plays their last domino in their hand, they go out everyone else counts all the dominoes left in their hand.  The one with the least amount of points when "blanks" are played is the winner.   We didn't finish the game till 12:30.  Sometimes it doesn't take that long, you just never know.   

The hamburger soup is really good but not like wedding soup - at least I don't think so.  You start off with hamburg, onions, celery, carrots, tomatoes, and all kinds  of veggies and beef broth.  Google it - there are several different kinds - just do the basics and then add.  I put some leftover peas and corn in mine and added pinto beans and green beans - made it real hearty.  Add what you want and leave out anything you don't like.  I put garlic in mine too. We always need to wind down when we come home from playing on Sundays - it's now quarter after 2am and we'll probably finish watching this one show - House Hunters - I like that show and tape alot of them , then we'll go to bed.  What are some of your favorite shows, Darlen?  Have a good morning.  Hugs, Wendy

Wishing You A Fang-tastic Halloween

10/29/2023 12:44:16

Our final Sunday of October. I hope yours is restful and rejuvenating. Darlene, we don't get trick or treaters. We live on a dead end street and there are no young kids here anymore. Most of us here are of the "elder" variety. LOL

Sending smiles~


10/29/2023 11:27:46

Happy Sunday, Darlene:) I think
a cold front is coming, or so "they" say.
Here's hoping we'll both enjoy
coooool weather soon:)
*hugs* πŸŽƒπŸ‘»πŸ‘½πŸ’€

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