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06/23/2024 13:42:30



"Az élet rövid, élj. A szeretet ritka, ragadd meg. A harag rossz, engedd el. A félelem szörnyű, nézz szembe vele. Az emlékek édesek, tartsd meg őket."

Ismeretlen szerző



Üdvözöllek! Ma délelőtt még barátságtalan volt az idő, délutánra kisütött a nap és meleg lett. Sajnos a medencébe nem melegedett úgy fel a víz, hogy Grétink fürödhessen....majd legközelebb. Azért jól telt a hétvégénk remélem, nektek is?

Vidám, tartalmas jövő hetet kívánok. Vasárnap estére jó pihenést. Ölelésem, Éva


06/23/2024 02:16:32

Happy sunday, my dear friend...   Kisses for you.





06/22/2024 05:29:12

hello,Finally, the long-awaited end of the week has arrived,

I want it to happen, very, slowly, I have

so many things to do, but I want to enjoy,

 to the maximum, every minute. and you?

The weekend is great, it's gone,

stress, from work, we can, think,

although mine are all the same days

for my mom, in something, different, to do,

May you enjoy a good weekend,

full of joy, and much happiness, I wish you,

with everything, my love, big hugs, take care,

Maria, kisses,.................

06/21/2024 09:40:49



Nem vagy szabad, míg önmagadért élsz, mert önzésed rabja maradsz.

Széchenyi István - levelezés






Üdvözöllek kedves Barátom! Nagyon meleg van felénk. Holnap jönnek a fiamék, már felállítottuk a medencét, hogy Gréti unokánk tudjon fürdeni.

Kellemes péntek délután, csodás hétvégi napokat kívánok! Jó pihenést, vigyázz magadra. Ölelésem, Éva


06/20/2024 10:37:10

06/20/2024 10:18:56

06/20/2024 05:35:20

Hello, May this Thursday, long live, full, of

hope, and transmit it to everyone, Reflect, what

well, what is there, in you, it is very likely that

Let's find many reasons not to move forward,

But when you think about how lucky you are,

in being, well, and able, to continue, you can put what

, positive, above all, your illusions,

and joys, have a nice Thursday, have you,

I wish, with love, your friend, Maria, great,

hugs, take care,

06/19/2024 05:30:50

Hello, May you experience this Wednesday,

a sea of ​​joy, let the calm dominate your

thoughts, God, bless your Wednesday, with its

light, in everything, whatever you do, May you always,

have the joy, and the peace, that today God,

help you, in everything, the good, that you want,

with love, to all, your family, and enjoy, very much,

with them, that you can be in harmony,

full, of health, and happiness, I send you great,

hugs, and my friendship, kisses

06/18/2024 05:39:32

Hello, This, Tuesday, and any, and any, other, day,

of the week, enjoy life, don't waste it,the, opportunities,

 add, multiply, good, thoughts, and excellent, actions,

Today is Tuesday, come on, now, it's time to do,

everything you have planned, time flies,

Don't let this Tuesday go away from you,

hands, Happy, day, with the blessing, of God,

I leave you big hugs and kisses, take care, Maria

06/17/2024 05:09:42

Hello, I send you all my positive energies.

so that you have a great START to the WEEK,

The best gifts you can give to people

that surrounds you, is to transmit your joy, and

 desire, to live, LIFE, is too much, SHORT,

like, to, live it, in a bad mood, like me, hehe,

The best medicine is to have THOUGHTS

happy, thoughts, and joys,

Happy Monday, from Maria, take care

06/16/2024 05:47:08

hello.This, Beautiful, Sunday, is a beautiful, day, for,

Enjoy it, with family, or with some good friends

to spend it with the important people

in our life, expressing feelings of love and

kindness, spending quality  time,

Giving words of motivation and encouragement

Take advantage of this day and make it unique,

special, and to share, with, those you love, leave,

see the light, with joy, peace and love, big hugs,

Maria, take care,

06/15/2024 05:45:05

Hello, Happy, and positive, SATURDAY, Today 

we are going to ADD,Happy SATURDAY,

day, life, has you, everyone! Have a nice time,

 beautiful, surprises, you just, you have to live 

them, day by day, live with enthusiasm, with great,

smiles on your face, may your heart be full,

of hopes, your life, of health, and your day, of

rest, make the most of it, on Saturday,

big hugs, maria

06/14/2024 05:16:38

 hello ur Friday be special, may it arrive full,

of,blessings,for you,and your,loved,ones,

Enjoy your weekend with new things

one, pretty,  day, and everything, makes you happy,

grace is with you, take advantage of these days,

happy, so cute, although, for me, they are all,

the days of worries, I am already prepared,

Life is like that, with an ode, my hope, I send you many

kisses, and hugs, take care

06/13/2024 07:53:26

Hello friend!

Have a peaceful day!


Dies enthält ein Bild von:

06/13/2024 05:40:57

Hello, have a great, nice, Thursday, The, SMALL,

THINGS, are, necessary, for, the, BIG, THINGS,

to happen, Live, LIFE, with JOY, and 

never, leave, your,smile, that, rejuvenates,

 May GOD guide your,decisions, and bless

the, work, of your, hands,Just one thought of

yours illuminates your soul It's like feeling the sun

on both sides big hugs from your friend, maria

06/12/2024 13:41:08








Kellemetlen, esős időnk volt de talán ma még a legkevésbé, így már el kellett mennünk pár dolgot elitézni. Még holnapra is hasonlót ígérnek, utána talán látjuk a napocskát is.

Kívánok szép estét, jó éjszakát mesés álmokkal. Vigyázz magadra. Ölelésem, Éva


06/12/2024 09:18:53

06/11/2024 14:24:18

06/11/2024 05:35:12

Hello, again, Tuesday, the days fly by,

The days return, and we advance, to more mallores,

and there, Enjoy, this, beautiful, day, in peace,

and harmony, every new day we learn something.

They give us one more day, and may there be many, let us live,

with joy, and fill it with happy moments,

full of happiness, it's easy, life, when you are,

pleasure, take advantage, with smiles, big hugs,

Maria, take care

06/11/2024 01:30:43

Good morning my dear friend, I hope you have a fantastic Tuesday! Many kisses

06/10/2024 21:36:40

06/10/2024 11:04:15

06/10/2024 05:03:08

Hello, Happy, BEGINNING, of the WEEK, May all, your

goals are met, and that nothing, and no one, takes away from them,

your happiness, Enjoy, HERE, and NOW, because,

LIFE is an eternal present, I wish you, one,

 BRIGHT, full, of LIGHT, and JOY. May you have,

I wish that each day of your life is better than the previous one,

May you always have a reason to smile and never,

I missed you, an illusion, I leave you, big hugs, Maria

06/09/2024 16:33:10

06/09/2024 16:17:05

06/09/2024 11:49:27

Do what makes your soul shine.

Joyful Sunday to you !

Sending love♥


06/08/2024 05:21:46

Hello, Enjoy a great Saturday, friend,

Savor the weekend, drop by drop, like

If it's about a good coffee, let them give you a gram,

day, with a bouquet, of flowers, and blessings,

Live the life that you like to live without paying attention.

to them, others, Look, to the horizon, and think, of everything

well, what is yet to come, for you, smile, and enjoy,

big hugs, maria

06/07/2024 05:06:07

Have a happy, Friday, with wisdom,

love, and prudence, we all need, fill ourselves,

to be able to give. Thank God, that He, always,

He has these things to give us in abundance,

Even more so, living under his mantle of love,

We can help others who need it This Friday, don'

 t pass by, of joys, and smiles,and enjoy, what you can,

 thank you, for your friendship, which I appreciate,

With everything, my love, Maria, take care, big hugs.

06/07/2024 01:09:20

Hello sweet friend...have a nice Friday, full of color. Hugs

06/06/2024 13:50:00

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