Windy here also. Rained today. Saw our eye doctor this morning. Neither of us needed glasses changed. A good thing! But, I saw a pair of red frames I liked! So Boyd told me to get them! Went to a funeral after our appt. Came home, ate leftover roast!! I tried to wear a smile! Gave out hugs! We are at 40 degrees here at the moment. I pray the power will be restored to all the people in your area!! Hugs Shirley
I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday Pam. It was a very windy night last night and it rained for a few hours early this morning. The sun is out and it's not quite as windy but still way to windy out there to want to go out and do much.
Happy WINDY Wednesday. Holy cannoli, it's a "hang on to your hat" kind of day. It's warm and nearly 70* so it's pleasant outside if you can keep from blowing over. hehe. My work for today is completed so now I will see what I can get into that doesn't get me into trouble or into the refrigerator! Have a great afternoon and evening, Pam.
Our rain shower moved through early and fast. I was up at 5:30 am, but went back to bed and slept till 9 am. The sun is shining now and we will cool down tomorrow. Extended forecast shows 80 next Wednesday..🫨
Good Afternoon Pam we're going to be busy around 1:30 we're going to make lobster crab & shrimp Macaroni & cheese for supper and it take awhile to get it done we did our grocery shopping yesterday Ceil's cousin was going to take us today but yesterday morning he saw the weather for today and decided to take us yesterday instead so from today until Easter we'll be eating some kind of fish or pierogies for supper on Friday's but that's okay we eat fish on a regular basis have a pleasant rest of your day
Your plan worked. I did, INDEED, Laugh Out Loud. That was epic. Glad to hear you suffered no loss, from the winds. We had winds up to about 30mph, and we're okay, no power loss, just some flickerng...
Good afternoon to you. It's a terrible windy and rainy day here. And it's only 45 degrees and feels like 32 and the wind is 39 mph from the north. Not a day to be out but I was. Glad I'm back home. Got the laundry in the dryer. Tomorrow is me and Tony's 36th Wedding Annvisary. Time sure does fly by. I hope you are having a good day. Take care my friend, Hugs to you, Cheryl
I hope you are having a terrific Tuesday. Got some work done both indoors and out today and now I'm just relaxing until suppertime. I have potatoes washed ( sweet potato for me, regular potato for Dave) to bake and Dave is going to grill out chicken breasts. It's been a good day here and I hope yours has been, too.
Finally checking in here. I had all this energy when I got up this, here we are, late energy has decided to go back to sleep. I'm drinking coffee too. Our rain should move in tomorrow around 2 am. We do need the rain, as it's been so dry. We had a brush fire just 33 miles west yesterday. Over 6 fire departments tackled it quickly. March is the month where winter and spring quarrel over who is going to prevail..
I think they've finally moved on over to your way was noisey between 4 and 6:30 a.m. I guess it started at 4, that's when I woke up hearing thunder
fategrandma wrote:
Storm should be past you as it is just getting here! Turnng off computer!