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07/13/2019 20:28:17

May you have a glorious weekend doing this and that and that and this while you enjoy the precious moments of life.  Smiles  Gloria

07/12/2019 20:28:13

My apologies for not being here as much as I would like.
I've been dealing with some family issues.
I want to thank you for your patience and lovely comments as well as wish you a
a WONDERFUL weekend.
Lots Of Hugs, Judi.

07/10/2019 14:30:49

A glorious day to you.   Hope your moments are being ever so kind to you.  Blessings this morning  with  rain falling in our area and now this afternoon the sun is trying to shine off and on  while  more rain comes down once again  ever so nicely.  The  flowerbeds are loving all this rain as the flowers show out its beauty.  Smiles   Gloria 

07/10/2019 14:08:22

Image result for friendship images

07/03/2019 07:58:24

Patriotic Babies with fireworks

Happy 4 th to all of you

07/02/2019 22:44:49

07/01/2019 19:17:34

❤Hello my friend.
I'm stopping by to say "Hi" and
let you know
I hope you have a wonderful week
Lots Of Hugs❤, Judi.

06/29/2019 11:14:53

06/27/2019 21:45:06

Goodnight my friend :)

06/27/2019 18:22:40

I hope you're having a good week.

06/21/2019 13:14:18

A blessed day to you. A bit cool today so I think I need another hot cup of coffee to continue with my moments.

The wild yellow and pink roses are now in bloom around the yard, so warms my heart looking it the beauty of them each day while the roses last. Have a glorious Friday day. Smiles Gloria

06/17/2019 13:57:20

My goodness it is early afternoon already. I am enjoying the moments so much dong this and that, this day is just flying away from me. I need another cup of coffee to brighten this afternoon even more. Smiles Gloria.

06/13/2019 15:23:51

I have been enjoying the out of doors for most of the day and I truly do need another cup of coffee. 

Flowers are blooming more and more all over the yard plus the rose bushes. What a breathtaking site to see. I so do enjoy all the four seasons and all of its beauty.

                  Smiles Gloria

06/09/2019 16:35:04

5040093_milashka (240x320, 94Kb)

06/07/2019 19:00:46

Today has once again been a glorious day doing this and that and enjoying the out of doors while doing the daily household duties.

May your weekend be ever so kind to you. Smiles Gloria

06/07/2019 18:26:03

06/06/2019 21:49:17

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We had another beautiful day. No rain. How nice. We are thankful for rain but we need some sunshine too. lol lol  lol  And sunshine we got. It was wonderful.  Perfect temperatures.  God is good to give us so many blessings.  The birds sure are singing. We have a Bull Frog and he serenades us every night.  Love it.  Of course, the Hoot Owl is in competition with him and they are in a competition to see who can out do the other. But I think the Bull Frog will win. lol  lol   He is pretty loud.   The sounds of warm weather never grow old.  I love those crickets, fireflies lighting up the sky and all the night sounds, the geese making a lot of honking sound.. they are all fabulous.  The wonders of God's creation. We can never ever take his creation for granted.  Because it is so marvelous.  Have a wonderful night my friends. God Bless you. hugs, Shirley 

06/06/2019 18:12:06

It is a breathtaking summer day and I just had a yummy dish of ice cream to make it even more special as the afternoon is soon ending .

May you have a lovely evening and a very pleasant day tomorrow. Smiles Gloria

06/05/2019 12:56:57

Thanks for stopping by -:)

06/01/2019 20:29:21

A pleasant Saturday evening to you and a very peaceful Sunday counting all your many blessings. Smiles Gloria

05/28/2019 19:48:50

05/25/2019 08:50:21

Image result for mastergreetings

05/24/2019 22:13:52

05/21/2019 05:22:29

Image result for good morning images and quotes

05/20/2019 08:48:56

hi..would love to see some pix of the Amish area in your neck of the woods..we have some here too. xo

05/17/2019 21:43:11

From my heart to yours ♥.•*¨*•♥
I wish you a beautiful weekend.
Love N Hugs; Always, Judi

05/12/2019 10:59:55

Hello my dear Friend...


It is always a sad day for me because unfortunately I was not lucky enough to become a mother and have children.

05/11/2019 11:03:52

Happy Mothers Day to all visiting my site

05/10/2019 16:46:52

Hello my sweet friend
I'm popping in to wish you a great weekend.
and a beautiful Mothers Day
Love N Hugs; Always, Judi

05/10/2019 16:17:51

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