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02/05/2025 03:02:07

Hello, good morning, I hope you start well 

this Wednesday Fly as high as your dreams

 take you Every day is important to

achieve, be happy, with effort, and dedication

For those of us who have faith and new dreams

Full of joy, with good humor, today is

What matters most Live here and now

I send you a ray of light so that your

dreams come true with everything you dream of

and your home is illuminated Big hugs

Maria, take care

02/04/2025 02:54:34

Hello sweet friend, have a wonderful Tuesday! Hugs



02/04/2025 02:47:48

Hello, happy Tuesday. Let's live intensely

every moment because life is a box

of surprises. Being happy is a unique option

It depends on you. Choose happiness as a way of

life. It's a good time to start

the dream you want or that goal you have

pending. Live with joy and good humor

and you will feel better with a ray of light

and hope. Sending you smiles and joy

will bring you happiness. I send you 

big hugs, Maria. Take care.

02/03/2025 15:53:34


letting u know how  im doing from the surgery .my arm is still hurting
.but it getting  better. thinking about my friends on here .i took some
days off of work . i try to go back on sunday just hurt a lot . love u
and miss u all. from miss whisler.

02/03/2025 04:50:46

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02/03/2025 02:23:11

Hello sweet friend, have a nice week...happy Monday! Kisses

02/03/2025 02:16:27

Hello, we are starting a new week.the days

 fly by like birds.I hope your day is as

 BRIGHT as your SMILE Start your Monday with 

a good coffee and a delicious toast with cheese

and a delicious jam Take energy to strengthen

the morning with new wishes and you are

fulfill everything you wish for May your day 

be illuminated like the stars that shine in 

your eyes Make a wish that you want the most

I wish you friendship Maria take care

02/02/2025 12:53:06

Enjoy a relaxing Sunday

02/02/2025 07:03:43

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Hi ! my sweet friend,

Have a terrific blessed Sunday

Lots of love


02/02/2025 03:15:12

Hello dear friend, have a wonderful Sunday! Kisses for you.

02/02/2025 02:37:48

Hello, may your Sunday be as beautiful

as you expect, may a goblin come

with a magic wand and light you up like

the stars in the sky that shine

may your day be fulfilled with all your plans

with all your enthusiasm, may you hope that every

day is happy and everything goes well

with surprises you don't expect

full of positive and bright energy

and may it be like a gift you so desire

big hugs Maria, take care of yourself

02/01/2025 18:15:57

Hi ! there...

I'm a bit late...but better late than not at all !!!...LOL

Have a great Caturday evening  and a fabulous blessed Sunday.

Much love, and tender hugs, dear friend.


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after having seen  this, I hope you'll have pleasant dreams 

02/01/2025 02:06:19

Hello, I'm passing by your beautiful world 

and I want to leave you my best wishes for 

the weekend I wish GOOD MORNING to the person 

whose KISSES are the reason for my happiness

and whose HUGS make my LIFE PRICELESS.

GOD bless your day and keep you safe for 

harm and more.And may you have a better one

that the day before.Life is short and every 

second is precious, so make the most of it.

May GOD smile on you and take good 

care of you today and everyday of your life.

take care maria kisses

02/01/2025 01:57:39

Hello sweet friend, have a wonderful weekend! Hugs

01/31/2025 13:29:09

Good evening  my dear lovely friend.

I wish everyone a pleasant time, 

comfort and warmth.

Have a fabulous weekend.


01/31/2025 09:14:51

01/31/2025 04:30:57

Hello friend, have a wonderful Friday! Hugs

01/31/2025 02:51:07

Hello, may your Friday and weekend begin well,

with a shower of blessings, live

each day with beautiful dreams, a smile

is a gift, sadness brings wrinkles and

bad moods, while you find what you are looking for,

be happy, with what you have, life gives us

a new day so that we can fill it with

joy, happiness, love, and health, fly as

high as your dreams take you, I leave you

a million kisses and friendship, Maria

01/30/2025 20:23:40

Have a good evening~We have sun shine in the afternoon & freezing at nite....Still recovering from my foot surgery....but getting better....Hugs Lorri

01/30/2025 19:00:31

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hello sweetie 

I hope you're doing well.

Here in my part of Belgium, we do'nt need to go to the pool to have a swim...LOL LOL LOL

Just go out...and you're almost OK.

It has'nt stopped raining for days...

As in the north-west part of France, we also have got floods in some parts of the country...
We are close !

When I need to go and feed the poultry ,I have to wear boots .

I filled the silo with seeds, so I don't have to go there every day .

Rain is good for the coming Spring...nature needs water..

But now, it's too much !!!

Anyway, we just have to accept it....

So, I send you lots of rainy kisses LOL LOL

Enjoy your weekend , and stay safe !!

lots of love


01/30/2025 09:49:42

finally got my computer to work. i could'nt do anything on it for weeks.

01/30/2025 03:14:27

Hello, may your Thursday be as you wish,

you can turn this new day into a great day, you just

have to face it with enthusiasm and good 

humor, life is a challenge and beautiful, take

care of it, remember that the attitude you take today 

will be the color that draws your smile, have

a wonderful, radiant, spectacular, great, divine,

 brilliant day, because you deserve it, lots of hugs,

 Maria, take care---------------

01/30/2025 02:00:37

Good morning my sweet friend: Have a happy Thursday! Kisses for you.

01/29/2025 02:12:45

Hello friend, have a wonderful Wednesday full of smiles. Kisses

01/29/2025 02:01:43

Hello, even if you're not having a perfect day,

I can always make you smile. Have a happy

 Wednesday.Smiles cost less than electricity

and they give more light. Smile more and life

will give you back with more.Light around you.

 There's no better medicine than having happy thoughts.

I'm going to blow away all those gray clouds.

So that you have a nice day, I give you my heart.

Take good care of it because you're inside. I send you

 hugs.maria take care-------------------

01/28/2025 04:28:22

Hi friend, I hope you have a nice week...happy tuesday! Kisses

01/28/2025 03:36:47

Hello, start your Tuesday bright like

your smile, don't start your day without your

smile, let it shine and light you up throughout

the day, like the stars at night

never lose hope, there are miracles

every day, no matter what day it is

get up and shine and follow the path

that you want, full of fun and pleasure

warm and healthy and special and beautiful

like your friendship, big hugs

take care, Maria wishes you

01/27/2025 03:24:27

Hello, may your light fill the new beginning

of the week with joy, and may your Monday be a 

day of new hope.Some time ago I decided that not even

 MONDAYS were going to erase the smile from my 

face,I hope they don't erase yours

either.Enjoy a BEAUTIFUL DAY.This week

you will have new, positive, big smiles. Kisses

take care of yourself, Maria 

01/27/2025 02:04:07

Good morning, have a good start to the week...happy Monday! Kisses

01/26/2025 04:01:10

Hello, friend, in this life we ​​receive what we

give, so make sure you give the best of yourself. 

When  you SMILE at LIFE, LIFE always ends up 

smiling at you. Take advantage of the afternoon

 to do something fun. Let's live intensely every moment,

 because life is a box of surprises.Being happy is an 

option that only depends on you. Choose happiness 

and get what you long for. Because the secret

of your happiness is hidden in it. Big hugs, Maria.

May your Sunday be bright and splendid

and sweet as your friendship

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