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11/03/2021 10:06:08

A new day begins... Good...

11/01/2021 10:50:23

good morning and happy november..mk

10/30/2021 12:03:14

The berm behind my condo is lined with cedar trees, evergreens/pines and maples. By now in southeast Michigan, the leaves are ususally gone; this year one of 12 trees is just beginning to turn! And the shrub under that orange maple turns bright red--there are only about 10 red leaves. Strange October!

🎃 Have a great All Hallow's Weekend 🎃

10/29/2021 12:59:07

Hello my sweetfriend. How are you today.

Today is Friday and i am freezing. 

Put on a sweat shirt to stay warm.

We had some nasty weather here in maine.

I thought i visit your page to say 

Happy Halloween. I hope your staying safe and warm.

I will be spending time with my family this weekind

so i wont be on line. 

I hope you have a great day.

Your are in my prayers . God Bless you.

10/28/2021 09:07:23

10/27/2021 15:15:12

Leaves have changed color/It's getting darker sooner/Halloween is drawing near/It's a magical time of year!


10/25/2021 15:33:39

Startling to realize that this is the last week of October! Sharing some seasonal cheer; I used to decorate the tree for fall, Halloween and Thanksgiving, but for the last 5 yrs, I condensed it to an overall autumn look.


10/23/2021 09:53:36

10/22/2021 07:24:52

10/21/2021 19:53:22

Hope you are feeling better..it's been a fast week here.

10/20/2021 18:32:05

Busy week..still chilly at night, but day temps have warmed up. Was hoping we would get rain, as I have a lot of flower bulbs to plant. Iris', day lillies, crocus, sedum, and one shrub. Hoping the squirrels don't dig them up. Time will tell..

10/19/2021 07:17:24

10/18/2021 08:54:16

10/17/2021 22:56:11

The time seems to be galloping by; savor the moments. Have a great week!

10/17/2021 07:25:09

Good morning! Have a beautiful day!

10/16/2021 08:33:28

10/15/2021 09:46:54

FINALLY FRIDAY! What are you up to this weekend?

I'm lucky to live somewhere where's there's so much fresh water, but this year's constant sogginess is tiresome.☔

10/14/2021 10:37:34

Good Morning! Have a warm...

10/14/2021 09:33:11

good-morning, been really busy the last few days. taking advantage of nice days to get all of my outside stuff done before it gets cold out. hope all is well with you and you are enjoying this fall season..marykay

10/11/2021 18:36:49

Hello my sweet friend.

How are you today. 

Hope all is well with you.

Today is my day off from work.

Its a Holiday. Columbus Day,

Im getting ready for my drs appointment

Taking my moms car in for Inspection.

I hope it pass.

I am enjoying my day off resting.

Work tomorrow.

I hope you have a great day.

Take care. God Bless you. :-)

10/11/2021 10:18:08

10/10/2021 08:34:12

Shirley, let's jump into a new week of October fun!

10/09/2021 14:22:43

  • Lazy weekend..sunshine has returned..still muggy though. Cooking stew beef and Lima beans for supper -:)

10/07/2021 09:43:46

Kinda warm and drizzly here in Wonderland. My two little morkies aren't fond of getting wet during their morning walk. 🐰 Have a "hoppy" day!

10/03/2021 11:08:13

Good morning my sweet friend.

Happy Sunday to you.

10/03/2021 10:31:33

Hope your week is a cozy and comfortable one!🍪

10/02/2021 17:34:28

quaintlady wrote:

Hi, I thought of you when I saw this page. 


Perhaps you could use some of it. Our trees are about to peek in color this coming week. The maples around here are beautiful this year! Not much to tell for we do not go out much. I take Andy for walks for about a 1/2 mile. Or we go for a no leash romp in our woods. I appreciate all the notes you leave. Have a nice weekend.  Smiles, Shirley                      

Thanks for the suggestion/link. I look at Pinterest a lot and have an account, but I never did a search for "magnetic signs." So many clever quips and cute designs compared to my search for Alice quotes! 🐇

10/02/2021 10:19:14

10/01/2021 07:48:22

09/30/2021 19:17:58

Welcome October ~

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