Have you started decorating inside/outsideyour home yet? We've done a little, butthat's our routine lately:) Enjoy thisspecial season, friend! *hugs* -di
we got snow over the week-end..it
sure is pretty...have a marvelous day
Thank you dear friend, I also hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving xx
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Whatever this week's activities, wishingyou thankfulness in all things enjoyed.C'ya this weekend. *hugs*
it's cold out now and it feels more like Michigan with the new smow that we had yesterday and last night. I hope you enjoy your weekend.
At least we recover 1hr we lost during thisfast-paced year! lol First freeze thismorning @30ยบ. *hugs* -di
Hello, I leave you my best wishes, and have a good weekend,
I'm still in pain, and I don't connect, I'm sorry, take care,
I am again, with rehabilitation, from the shoulder,
to the hand, kisses,maria--------
Hello, how about I barely, I can answer, my joints are not
well I have my hand, bandaged, with a wrist strap,
with a lot of pain, and I can hardly write, I'm sorry, I
miss my friends, kisses, Maria ,take care
Hope you're enjoying this time of year. Got your front door decorated for'Ween? Bwahaaaaaa:) *hugs* -di