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08/11/2023 17:30:03



    Hello Dear Summer,

 So nice of you to keep in touch.  It's always good to hear from you.  Your granddaughter must have been impatient to get into the world.  She arrived early, didn't she?  I couldn't handle helping to deliver a baby.  I'd be frantic.

 I've been going to physical therapy twice a week.  This is my 3rd round of therapy.  The surgeon mentioned doing an ankle fusion, which fuses two bones together.  That's suppose to eliminate some of the arthritis pain, but I'm afraid to chance it.  I'll be thrown backwards, meaning it will take another 4 to 6 months of healing, which means no weight bearing, so I'll be back in the wheelchair again while it heals.  The thought overwhelms me.  Feels like I've been climbing this mountain forever..

 After I'm done with therapy, I've been stopping at my favorite ice cream parlor called 'The Meadows'.  Yesterday, I got a Caramel frozen yogurt.  Everyday they offer a different flavor as the special of the day.  I'm glad I don't stop there everyday because I'd probably gain 5 pounds a week if I did.  lol.  I feel that I must treat myself after every therapy session.

 Please don't ever feel that you must come online for my sake.  You do what you feel is best for you.  I realize that you're a very busy lady and just so you know, I'm not a "needy" person.  lol

 Hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend (as I know you will).  xx Hugs from MoonGirl

08/09/2023 18:53:59

Hi Nana Summer ,Sinead does have a nice voice.  Pretty girl too.

Hope your week has been going nice for you.

I been very busy  trimming the bushes and painting  a part of the garage.

I also did all the landscaping work  also .

Doing what i can each day .

Im pretty caught up you might say  for now .

You feeling  good? 

I sure hope you are. . 

I miss you  my sweet friend. 

God Bless you ,,,xRick

This Grandma Loves Her Grandkids Decals & Window Stickers

07/26/2023 14:50:47

Happy Thursday Have A Lovely Day Pictures, Photos, and Images for ...

Hi hon ,have a nice Thursday

Hope to see you soon and fill you in with the latest news.  xRick πŸŒΌπŸŒΉπŸ’πŸŒ»πŸŒ·

Keep cool  over  there :)

07/16/2023 13:49:30

Summer have a beautiful week coming ahead .

Its quite  hot  by you and me also over here .

Its because of them hot fires  out in Canada

I cut my grass  real early Sunday and then closed up my garage , and went to  wash up , eat dinner  and  take a walk to the  mail box .  Now im relaxing   :)

Hope i get to see you again soon hon

07/14/2023 16:46:03


    Hello Dear Summer,

 I see you now have Yellow Submarine back on your page. There was another song here, but it went missing. It doesn't matter to me if someone has music or not. Some here think music is important, but it has never been a big thing to me. I think the person is most important..

 I just wanted to stop by to let you know that I'm thinking of you. I noticed you did a few word games too..

 Keep in touch when you can. Hope you have a nice weekend.. Hugs for you xx  From MoonGirl

07/13/2023 16:08:41

Summer hi hon  it has been about 1 year ago that you went skydiving off the building.

That had to quite a thrill.Dont know if i would of followed you .

Probably  i would . Don`t know if i would of lived to tell about it  lol

Well i am here on your page too and i dont hear no music nor see no video on this page as of yet.

I think you will work on it and certainly get things  back to the way they were.  Hope to see you real soon .

I had a rough couple of day actually 3 days but some how i am managing to get through it  :)  So far so good 

.God bless you hon

07/08/2023 17:00:45

 I see you have music on your page now.. The last time you were telling me you were having trouble with it.. Did you figure it out or did you message Altara?

 Did you ever hear of Paul Hardcastle? He's from England, so I thought you may have heard of him.. He's into playing saxophone music (jazz), but it's relaxing.. Lately, I've been listening to his music online.. It gives me a mellow, relaxing kind of feeling..

 Just thought I'd stop by to see what you're up to..

 I hope you're not breaking anymore toes! How are you doing?

 Keep in touch, my dear.. Hugs for you xo

07/04/2023 17:12:40

   Hello Dear Summer,

   Nice of you stop by. I wasn't expecting you today. I know you're not going to be around on your usual days, but I was surprised to see you on Tuesday..

 I got mixed up about which days you plan to be here, so I figured I'd just wait and see..

  Take Care. Hugs for you xo

06/24/2023 14:15:41

Hi Summer, hey that was  kind of suprising with a Beatles  tune playing .

Hope you are cool over there and  all is going  very nice..

God Bless you my sweet friend.  🌹

Oh by the way Adele  did purchase  Slyvester Stallones  home  6 days ago  for  58 million dollars.  

And she got to keep the statue  she wanted to  along with it .  

The home looks real beautiful  with a huge pool .I seen it.

  Chat with you soon Summer,,,

Stay well,,   your buddy

,xRick :-D

06/16/2023 17:08:16

 Hello Dear Summer,

  I stopped in yesterday to visit with you and I noticed right away

 that you changed your music.. That's a cute song..

 Haven't heard it in many years.. What have you been doing since

 I last heard from you? Nothing exciting here.. I've been keeping

 up with my physical therapy sessions, which is nothing exciting..

  I think we'll have fried fish and onion rings for dinner tonight..

 It's take out.. I just call in and tell them what I want, then go

  get it and eat in at home.. Fish is popular here on Fridays.. I don't

 get it every Friday (just when I get in the mood for it).. Do you ever order 'take out' food where you're at?


 Please keep in touch when you have the time..

 Hope you have a nice weekend.. Luv Ya.. xo Many Hugs xo

06/02/2023 16:25:24

Smile bHave/b a bBeautiful Weekend/b | bWeekend/b greetings, bWeekend/b images ...

05/30/2023 20:56:47

Summer hi :)  Happy Birthday  hon .

Hope the weather is nice for you  tomorrow.

We  been close to 90 degrees, but its just for a few  days .

They do say we  are not in for a Hot Summer lol. 

I went and remade that graphic  for you  hon making your name a bit darker   and added  a little extras :)

Hope you like it .

  If i can help you with any of the others   yo need  a little fixing  know im here and will help you  get them nicer.

My best friend i knew in school and in my old neighborhood  has a birthday today and he turned 66. 

Time is flying.

See you soon Summer

God bless you Summer :)

Birthday hugssssssssssssssssss for you

πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ’‹β€πŸ‘©  πŸ€—πŸ’πŸ’•πŸ’˜πŸ’ŒπŸ©πŸ˜šπŸ’• xRick :)

05/29/2023 23:55:24

  Happy Birthday to a dear lady and special friend..  *Hugs*  From MoonGirl

05/25/2023 14:01:09

Summer: Hi hon :)

πŸ’ŒπŸ’˜πŸ¦  Wishing you a Happy Happy Birthday πŸ’žπŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘πŸ»πŸ°  Summer!!!!!!πŸ’ƒπŸ»

Your good buddy  ,,,,xRick πŸ•ΊπŸ»

05/14/2023 13:48:34


Friendship Picture from CommentsLive.com
Hi Summer  wishing you a beautiful new week  coming up .

Stay in good health

xRick  :-)

05/09/2023 18:58:01

Happy Mothers Day Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr ...

Summer hi :) 

Hope all is going  nicely for you. 

  I did not want to forget about you this coming   Sunday.  Im still doing well.  

I been feeding the squirrel each day .  Bought two big jars of peanuts just for them :)

I keep a small conyainer of peanuts and when i walk out of the garage i  throw a bunch out on the lawn .

  Its fun to watch them as i can tell they come  to my lawn often and their  sniffin around.   Sometimes nothing is there lol 

But sometimes  they got a suprise.

Sometimes i am eating and watch them thru the window .lol 

Hope i get to see you soon   stay well and we be chatting soon

God Bless you always ,,,your friend  Rick  πŸ˜™πŸ˜šπŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ’‹β€πŸ‘©

05/05/2023 10:20:22

Making Dinner for Mother by Joyful226/ Connie

Wishing you a beautiful with all sunshine and flowers I have to write sometime. take care my dear dear friend. love Connie

04/30/2023 18:29:46

Wish For Blessed New Week Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook ...

Have a beautiful  new week ahead Summer and

all throughout the month of May.

Stay well and be safe in all you do.

Hugs xRick

04/18/2023 23:06:50

      Hello Summer,

 I see that you changed your music to Elton John.. His singing Rocket Man made me think that possibly he'll find Callisto up there in space.. lol.. That's the first thing I thought of

  Sending hugs --- From Darlene

04/15/2023 16:52:01

Summer wishing you a happy weekend.

Its still nice here might get some heavy showers  later on tonight

I been going non stop just doing one   job after another all week long, but going at a   normal pace.

I rode that bike like they mentioned and you was right  thats probably what i have.

It will take time  but i do feel much better.

Would of never of known had you not mentioned it so thank you hon .

I see the new song  you put in too :)

Stay safe in all you do :)  your buddy Rick

See you a good nurse just like i mentioned. lol

Wishing You A Wonderful Week Ahead Pictures, Photos, and Images for ...

04/08/2023 17:21:04


    Hello Dear Summer,

 I know you're not at home, but I wanted to stop by to wish you a Happy Easter - wherever you are.. Thinking of you..

  *Hugs* for you

04/04/2023 16:05:02

Summer  , Hi clever clogs . 

When i remade this Clever Clogs graphic  bigger,  ,it did have your name on there.

You did put it on there after all .

I covered it up though by making your name larger over it.

Now its even bigger.

Had a little fun in  redoing this one  hope you like it .:)

About a couple hours ago it was  hailing   big ice pellets out side.

Oh it was coming down hard .

They were like golf balls.

I  feel sorry for the peoples cars  parked out in the streets here.

It was coming down like that for a good 10 minutes.

Have a wonderful time  Summer and ill see you real soon .  God willing :)

x Rick x

PS:  Notice how this graphic has both  names showing clearly?

That`s clever clogs  lol  ha ha  It turned out quite nice :)

03/31/2023 18:12:54

Download Sweet as sugar - Saying quote wallpapers for your mobile cell ...Thank you hon for that  lovely comment .

Summer just as you left  the rain began to just pourrr hard. 

  It eased up some now  .

I got a notion lol  I see it   hon .  Wish you all the best hon . 

Be keeping in touch with you if ifind  anything out. 

I got a nice picture frame today the stand on the back sort of gave out . 

For the family lol  I hope you see this before u go hon.

Big huge gigantic everlasting  hugs :*)

God bless you.  xRick  :-*)

03/17/2023 15:53:08

Summer  wishing you a Happy St Patricks Day and a beautiful safe  and fun weekend. 

God bless you always.

Your best friend xRick  πŸ˜‡ πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

03/09/2023 15:51:20

Summer you wont believe this but this is a real post office that is located under water.

This is the Vanuatu Post Office

A resort location of Hideaway Island in the South Pacific not too far from Austrailia. 

People can go underwater and do their   business ,pay their bills , mail their

letters,probably get stamps i would assume lol

I added those two divers  along with the fish lol .

The man who is inside is for real and works there . 

Amazing the things people think of :)


03/06/2023 17:07:41

Cute song Summer lol

Rick is always looking :)

It was a real warm day today near 55  ,  i went and did my food shopping.Been on the go .

I did get that avocado hon so maybe ill  look a bit different next time we chat lol

As i shopped  today i  couldn`t believe  some of those prices. It`s maddening.

Hope you and the family are having  a very nice and happy times. 

Looking forward to chatting with you soon God willing

 your buddy xRick.:-)

A Great Week Ahead - Happy Monday Pictures, Photos, and Images for ...

02/23/2023 15:20:15

Good Morning Have A Wonderful And Blessed Thursday Pictures, Photos ...

lol Actually its late evening  by you now.

Hope all is going well Summer.

Things are going  fine here.

  Do have  a very nice evening and a good Friday and weekend coming up .

God bless you always and hope to catch up with you soon :-}

02/12/2023 17:03:13

  Happy Valentine's Day to a very special lady ...

 I hope you get to do something romantic (like maybe go out to a nice restaurant)..

 I still have my winter page.. Can't seem to move past winter.. Wish I could go back to December 1st.. That's my favorite month..

 Many Hugs from Darlene  xoxoxo

02/10/2023 16:11:15

Hello Summer  wishing you better days throughout the year  .

Hope you and the family are doing well.

Happy Valentines day   πŸ’β™₯,,,,xRick

60+ Valentine Day Messages for Friends - WishesMsg

02/04/2023 14:52:52

Happy Valentine's Day by Joyful226

Wishing you a day filled with beautiful things and wonderful Dreams and my they all come true!

Lovingly Connie

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