So nice of you to keep in touch. It's always good to hear from you. Your granddaughter must have been impatient to get into the world. She arrived early, didn't she? I couldn't handle helping to deliver a baby. I'd be frantic.
I've been going to physical therapy twice a week. This is my 3rd round of therapy. The surgeon mentioned doing an ankle fusion, which fuses two bones together. That's suppose to eliminate some of the arthritis pain, but I'm afraid to chance it. I'll be thrown backwards, meaning it will take another 4 to 6 months of healing, which means no weight bearing, so I'll be back in the wheelchair again while it heals. The thought overwhelms me. Feels like I've been climbing this mountain forever..
After I'm done with therapy, I've been stopping at my favorite ice cream parlor called 'The Meadows'. Yesterday, I got a Caramel frozen yogurt. Everyday they offer a different flavor as the special of the day. I'm glad I don't stop there everyday because I'd probably gain 5 pounds a week if I did. lol. I feel that I must treat myself after every therapy session.
Please don't ever feel that you must come online for my sake. You do what you feel is best for you. I realize that you're a very busy lady and just so you know, I'm not a "needy" person. lol
Hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend (as I know you will). xx Hugs from MoonGirl
I see you now have Yellow Submarine back on your page. There was another song here, but it went missing. It doesn't matter to me if someone has music or not. Some here think music is important, but it has never been a big thing to me. I think the person is most important..
I just wanted to stop by to let you know that I'm thinking of you. I noticed you did a few word games too..
Keep in touch when you can. Hope you have a nice weekend.. Hugs for you xx From MoonGirl
I see you have music on your page now.. The last time you were telling me you were having trouble with it.. Did you figure it out or did you message Altara?
Did you ever hear of Paul Hardcastle? He's from England, so I thought you may have heard of him.. He's into playing saxophone music (jazz), but it's relaxing.. Lately, I've been listening to his music online.. It gives me a mellow, relaxing kind of feeling..
Just thought I'd stop by to see what you're up to..
I hope you're not breaking anymore toes! How are you doing?
Nice of you stop by. I wasn't expecting you today. I know you're not going to be around on your usual days, but I was surprised to see you on Tuesday..
I got mixed up about which days you plan to be here, so I figured I'd just wait and see..
I see that you changed your music to Elton John.. His singing Rocket Man made me think that possibly he'll find Callisto up there in space.. lol.. That's the first thing I thought of