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01/02/2022 17:45:47

New Year Messages | New year wishes messages, Happy new ...

Hi Summer hope your New Year  is off to a beautiful start.

We had  our first snow fall on the first of the month :)  about 4 inches,and bitterly cold weather tonight . 

Have a wonderful new week  and stay safe ,,,,xRick :)

12/08/2021 14:52:52

Hi Summer i am  hoping you made it back safely and everyone is doing well .

Sure  been awhile since we last chatted :)

Just checking in on you. 

 I`ll bet you  you`re  trying to make that delicious pumpkin pie recipe   :) 

I was almost tempted  too when i was  shopping.

Like you say  and i quote

" Never say never try everything it`s fun" lol

Chat with you  real soon,    God bless   ,,,,xRick :-D

11/22/2021 19:57:09

Summer wishing you all the best this Thanksgiving day.Make it memorable :)

Hope you like that Pumpkin pie   .

Its delicious. The recipe is easy to make too . I made one years back  and it  turned out perfectly . Be safe and hope to catch up with you  later on.

See what happens when you get too close to them onions?   lol

10/24/2021 15:42:21

Wishing You A Wonderful Week Ahead Be Safe Pictures ...

Hi Summer i am doing  good and  hope all is nice for you too.

We have  a lot of rain coming in but most of it will be   on the  south side of the city .

Stay safe and have fun :)  will see you soon

God bless you   :)  xRick

09/18/2021 19:21:19

This came out real nice  Summer you did a very good job on it.

Thank you for sharing :) 

Have a beautiful new week ahead. 

Stay safe always   xRick   ;-)

09/15/2021 20:33:50

you are a sweet lady thanks for being my friend

Hello Summie  :)  Pretty soon you will be celebrating your 10th anniversary .

We had a lot of good memorable times .

It was nice to see you over at Pic Mix site ,i couldnt believe it at first and had to do a double take and yep it was you sweetness.:-D

Hope to chat with you soon and things will certainly be looking up.

May the good Lord watch over you each day.  

Your true unchangeable  friend  for many wonderful years .🌸🌻🌼🌹🌷💮🥀

09/02/2021 16:46:38

Jeremiah  33:3

Hello Summer  thinking about you and hope you had a very wonderful time away .

No more accidents on my end  so far ,but  that sure was a close call with that spray can .😅

Im doing very good . 

Feeling rested from those long walks i had to take back to back getting my Identification card  . 

Hope to see you pretty soon here and everyone is still  doing well.

Be safe always.

Have a Happy Labor day if you celebrate that in your country :)

God Bless you,,

xRick :)

08/25/2021 15:14:54

Hi Summer    i just read about Bree  from Darlenes post .

She has been gone for awhile,since Mothers Day

I think someday she will come back to see her nice friends again .

Do have a pleasant rest of the week

Hope your weather is much more    better  than ours here in Chicago :)

Have a safe trip coming back home. 

God bless you ,,,xRick  :-D

08/23/2021 01:01:51

  Hello my Dear Summer,

 Stopping by to 'see' you and to say hello..

 You are always close in my thoughts and I think about the way things use to be.. I hope you are doing okay.. I know you wanted to travel to the US and I hope you got to do that..

 Bree is no longer here at this site.. She doesn't post things anymore.. She has slowly drifted away.. I think she's on another social site.. I guess she got bored here.. But that's okay

 From your friend -- Darlene  xoxo

08/15/2021 18:16:07

Have a happy and healthy week ahead Summer. :-D

Miss seeing you.

Remember  that saying >>

And there ain`t  no cure for the Summerday blues lol

Tomorrow i will go grocery shopping and then Tuesday ill go get that ID  Card and i will be set.

I do hope you are well . 

I know you are a very busy lady but, you  take things in stride.  

God watch over you Summer and maybe i chat with you soon .

xRick :)

08/12/2021 16:10:08

Summer   hope you are feeling  very well.   Hang in there and have a very lovely rest of the week,  God bless you hon :)  

The days are sure flying by so quickly.

Maybe i catch up with you real soon .:)

xRick :)

07/23/2021 17:12:13

Summer  have a very nice weekend and be safe out there and get back  as soon as you can :)  I miss you.  xRick  :)

07/12/2021 16:24:19

Hi Summer i hope you are doing very well.

I am doing  good and  been painting the  garage.

I do a side each year so this year its the front of the garage . 

I am almost donejust a little bit more to go.

We had some crazy hot weather here  , but now its quite nice.

Just have to do the gutter up above.

Hey i took a look at my past comments and i remmeber no chocolate cake lol

Thats not my favorite either :)  

I like Banana cream cake.

Hope to see you soon my  nice friend.

Had a crazy dream about you too   . 

Stay well and safe,,,xRick :-*)

Banana Pecan Cake | Real Mom Kitchen

06/25/2021 16:04:35

Have a great weekend 40 - JuJuGraphics

Have  a beautiful weekend Summer  and  stay well always ,,,,Hugs Rick :-)

06/21/2021 19:15:09

Stuffin My Face Today!

Hi Summer  thinking of you hope you are well and things are going nice .

Last night it was  just downpouring rain like mad  but luckily our city was spared   as it finally    slowed down a bit  but some of our other suburbs were not so lucky as their trees were uproted and  their homes were flooded.

Today was a beautiful 70 degree day tomorrow a little more of the same .

PS im seeing the little possums in my yard .

They crazy sometimes they dart out at one another and then they suddenly stop .And they have a stare down till one starts nibbling the grass again lol

But they are cute .

I had just one flower  from my neighbors  yard growing in mine and they had to nibble on it didn`t they?lol    

God bless you  and hope to see you soon .xRick :)

06/14/2021 19:00:08

Honoring Prince Phillip and Her Majesty

Hi Summer wishing you a wonderful week ahead .

Our weather has finally changed . 

Hope you are well and doing good .

Knitting  and planting more flowers i bet :)

Be safe hon and hope to see you soon.

Miss you ,,,,xRick 

06/08/2021 18:52:22

 Unicorns in fairy garden

Hi Summer :)

This is  such a pretty graphic of unicorns in a fairy garden  

Have a very beautiful Wednesday .

Stay cool out there

God bless you ,,,,xRick

05/20/2021 18:27:56

To an Incredible Friend - Happy Birthday Wishes Card ...

Birthday Cakes | Cold Stone Creamery

Happy Birthday Summer  :) 

      🍰 🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰

Hope you get a lot of unexpected  suprises  headed your way .

May God bless you in everything you do.  xRick  😁

05/17/2021 19:58:50

I'm So Beautiful

Hi Hon thinking of you. 

That cat up above is getting ready for a hot date .

Hope all is going very nice for you. :)

and you having a great time. 

You behave now :)

And ill be back before you know it lol  Rickykins   :)  lol

05/04/2021 20:12:10

Well Summer ,that was quite an evening .lol

Im back off the highwire now and im inside the window lol

That wind was fierce.

 I want to wish you a Happy Birthday coming soon and also wish you  a very good time in all you do, be safe  where ever you may go.

May Our Lord pour his  special blessings upon you,your family, and your friends .

God bless you hon ,

Make it a memorable time and enjoy every minute.

Your good buddy xRick :)

Happy Birthday to you   March 4th,2021  by xRick7701x

04/22/2021 19:42:58

Made a nice fairy garden   for you hon.

I tried  getting a frame but once i did it stopped the annimation so i gave it up .

Have a beautiful weekend .

Someday we will figure this out .

God bless you Summer :)   xRick

04/19/2021 19:05:01

Summer have a lovely week ahead .

We due for a little snow Tuesday

God bless you hon  stay safe  out there

xRick :-*)

Fairy from Heaven

04/15/2021 17:49:32

Hi Summer this picture was taken last year near her  94th birthday

.She sure looks   small compared to those guards  standing with her lol

Her birthday will be coming up again in June ,she will be 95 years old .

God bless the Queen :)

Have a very nice weekend  coming up  and keep safe  :)  xRickQueen Elizabeth Celebrates her 94th Birthday 13th June 2020

04/14/2021 19:03:33

Victorian Getaway by  Randy Van Beck

This is a picture of the Victorian Gateway looks  pretty.Hope you have a pleasant weekend summer  make it a good one.

Keep track of how things are going out in your country .

I wonder if they are allowing  visitors to fly in out there since  things have improved  .thats how things get started again. 

You be safe and hope u get that program installed  and youll be in good shape.  God bless you   xRick  :-D

03/29/2021 19:23:50

The Queen and Her Corgis

Summer i found a better   picture of the Queen with her Corgis 

Thats a new word for me lol

She is 90 years old here in this picture taken in 2016 so she sure looks good for her age.

"The Queen's first dog was Susan which was given to her on her 18th

And since then, she has owned over 30 corgis.

Once she bred a
corgi with a dachshund and created a new breed dorgi which she has
continued to bred ever since.

It's also been known that she once demoted
a footman for putting gin and whiskey in the water bowl of one of her

I see you real soon Summer :-) 

Your bestie buddy  xRick  :)

03/29/2021 16:42:56


Have a Happy Easter Sunday Summer:)    Lovely day today i went and i took care of all the weeds in the back before they start sprouting   more lol. 

Did my door  by the back and the windows .

Stay safe hon and stay up to date with everything. xRick :)

03/20/2021 09:27:30

Hi Summie, How are you? Long time to no see. I made this one on PicMix they are getting better can even add animation like you could on Blingee. Wishing you a beautiful Day and great first day of Spring

Love, Kisses, Hugs and Blessings... Connie

03/18/2021 16:44:56

Bunny Easter.

Summer have a wonderful springtime weekeend :) 

Hope everything is going well on your end always .  i do prefer dogs over cats too ,but  im still undecided as w to what im going to do .Have to play it by ear  for now.

 It sure is very windy here .We under a wind advisory until 8:pm

Be safe and God bless you  ,,xRick

03/07/2021 17:31:01

Summerday and her little sweetheart 3-2-21 by xRick7701x

Shhhhhhhhh  im sneaking in this week lol

Summer ,i had made this from blingee a long time back and i redone it over to look so much better.

Hope you like it Summer.

  I guess you heard theres another new virus  hitting us again . 

Right now its in its early stages  so we have to see what happens.Some fella didnt even travel out of Illinois and still he managed to catch that virus.

About this brazilian virus they say the  vaccines wont be able to  handle  it . 

Hope you did gets yours by now  

Im still waiting.. 

Have another  safe and happy week coming.

hope you pop on line soon.

Stay up to date on everything its important.  God bless you ,,,xRick :)

02/28/2021 16:25:54


Hi Summer, :) wishing you another happy and healthy week ahead.

Hope you are doing  well . 

Pretty puppy isn`t it ?   :) 

Hope to hear from you soon.

You are missed.

Be well and always be  happy, full of good cheer.

God bless you my friend ,,,x

xRick  :-D

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