Hi dear sweet Summer, I hope you are doing fine. You are missed. I hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day tommorow too. Bob got me a beautiful pearl and diamond pendant necklace for Valentine's clearly not cheap. So I am taking him out today to a nice eating establishment He was fine with that. He loves Chicken French and they serve it there. Not cheap either but he is worth it!
It is hard to believe that Valentine's Day is so close. I hope you have a wonderful day today and everyday and Valentine's too.
How are you doing? Again sure miss you me dear and sweet friend.
I am so sorry it is been so long since I was on here. I try to come and do comments but seems like, just as I sit down to that very thing something is always coming up and I get up and make breakfast, or dinner or something else. Just life. Thank you so much for being my friend and not giving up on me. I am doing fine so far thank goodness. I hope you are too.
Love, Hugs and blessings Your friend always Connie XOXOXO
Wishing you a very happy and Blessed Sunday. Well Summer, Tomorrow my dear Bob has to call the hospital to find out when his heart procedure will on Tuesday. Praying all will go well with it. It should, he had it done early Feb. but they didn't get all they wanted too 60- 40 % reduction of the extened heart muscel so now they want to get the rest of it. There are a few more cases of COVID around Bob had to get that test too so that is already done. It came back fine. Praying that they get it all and all will be fine.Thank you so much for your wonderful and caring spirit you are such a blessing. Bob was so amazed you were praying for him someone he had never met and so far away. But so thankful you are. Take care . Love and Hugs...Connie
Wow mine were the only Columbus Greetings! I am amazed I didn't do a bad job with ths one. :)
summerday111 wrote:
Just popped by My Dear Sweet Connie To Say Happy Columbus Day to you too . I went to Blingee to find you a picture . and your pictures for this day ,are the only ones there at Blingee . Loved your Page hun and love the picture of the little girl rocking the Baby in her arms . real cute . Will send you a PM another time . But know your not forgotton,its just i am not online much these days . We all lead such busy lives its hard to sometimes keep up . I do hope you and yours are well ,and happy Stay Safe Sweetpea . God Bless Luvya always X Summer X
Summer i want to see if you can recieve this graphic i would say you should but someone is having trouble so let me see this is the only way to know. here it is hon
Maybe ill see you tonight still if not then tomorrow :)
God bless you my nice friend and do have a beautiful Sunday tomorrow and a great new week .:)xRick
Hi Summie! Wishing you a beautiful 1st day of June, the month of roses love and pearls. I have been quite busy the last few weeks with Memorial day and all. I made a PowerPoint presentation which took like forever and getting my weekly publication out. Plus Bob's doctor's appointments etc. He is fine just routine check ups etc. But at least you can see the doctor now where we live. . I hope you are doing well and staying safe. Love,hugs, and kisses dear heart Connie
There must have been a little breeze coming thru the windows or the dogs tail must have hit the gift box cause i see the rose fell on the cake wink wink ;-}
How did that get there? lol
Have a wonderful time and make it a memorable day hon :) xRick
Im feeling a little better as i been massaging that area, but have to be more careful .
Thank you for understanding.
I do things sometimes not thinking .
Guess we all do at times huh?
I see i did send you that china site lol
Something eventually will come from it .
All the countries will be investigating.
That site tell the truth no fake news.
I was doing like you Summer ,i got home from walgreens and was disinfecting everything in the garage, but the ice cream lol that i did first outside then brought it in.
Hi Sweet Summie,Wishing you a beautiful day filled with only good things peace, reflection. contemplation, Joy, and Love. Well here in UPSTATE NY we have to wear masks. I saw a lady I didn't know but she said Hi and I said (which was true) Hi I am smiling under my mask. She laughed. She had hers on too. Take care keep safe Love Hugs and prayers Connie