Hi there. I hope you are having a good afternoon. Its been a rainy day here. The rain started sometime in the night and its still raining here. It sure is a blessing for us. Went up and saw my son today and his girlfriend. Had a good time. Now back home and I have all my housework done. Got that done before I went to see my son. So now just going to have a lazy afternoon. Take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your day. Many hugs to you, Cheryl
Good afternoon to you. Its a chilly day here with a very good chance of rain for the next few days. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we do get the rain here. Its very dry here. And the grass isn't even green yet. I hope you are having a good day. We had a good weekend in Oklahoma City. Got to see our youngest grandson play soccer. Watching 5 year olds play is cute. They didn't win, but I'm sure they had fun playing. Well take care my friend and lots of hugs to you. Cheryl
Hi there. Its a lovely day here today. The wind is supposed to pick up and I really wish it wouldn't. But at least it isn't to warm yet. I hope you are having a nice afternoon. Not much going on here. Just doing the laundry. Tomorrow we are leaving to go to Oklahoma City. I have a doctor appointment there on Friday morning. Then we get to go and see our oldest daughter and her two boys. It will be nice to see them. Just wanted to let you know I won't be on here tomorrow or Friday or the weekend. Take care my friend and have a good rest of your week. Many hugs to you, Cheryl
Good afternoon to you. I hope you are having a good one. Its a nice day here. We could get some rain later today and I sure hope we do as its very dry here. Take care my friend and enjoy your afternoon. Many hugs to you, Cheryl
Hi there. How is your day going? Its a windy and warm one here. Same tomorrow but the wind is supposed to be worse. I think I will just stay in the house tomorrow. Not much going on here right now. Just decided to send out comments to friends. Take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your day. Many hugs to you, Cheryl
Hi there. I hope you are having a good afternoon. Its going to be a warm one here. Its 79* and supposed to get up too 83. Turned off the heaters this morning as we don't need them anymore. Now watch it turn cold. I'm enjoying the warmer temperatures and the sun shining. Went to Walmart this morning and picked up the things we needed from there. Now I have the laundry going. Well enjoy your day and take care my friend. Many hugs to you. Cheryl
Hi there. Its been a beautiful day here. Its in the low 80's and maybe a light breeze. I love this weather. How has your day been? Mine has been busy but I decided to get on here and leave comments. Have a great evening my friend and take care. Many hugs to you, Cheryl
Good afternoon my friend. Its a lovely day here today. I took a picture of my tulips this afternoon. They have slowly been opening as we have had some cool days. They are still pretty. I need to post the picture in my photos. Not much else going on here. Hope you are having a good afternoon. Take care my friend and many hugs to you. Cheryl
Its a very windy day here. My wind chimes are making lots of noise and dirt is in the air. My sinuses aren't liking this wind and dirt. Been like this all day. I hope you are having a nice day and take care. Many hugs, Cheryl
Good afternoon my friend. I hope you are having a good afternoon. Its another beautiful day here today. No wind and almost80*. That is how it was yesterday. Tomorrow unfortuntely is going to be windy. I could do without that. We need some rain very bad. Its very dry here and wind the wind blows dirt is everywhere. Well I will go for now. Enjoy the rest of your day and take care. Many hugs to you, Cheryl
Good afternoon to you my friend. I hope you are enjoying the day. Its a very windy day here. I'm hoping April won't be so windy. Do you have anything planned for the weekend? I don't. Just going to be lazy as weekends should be. Take care my friend and have a great weekend. Many hugs to you, Cheryl
Good afternoon my friend. Its a cloudy and windy day here today. But at least its warm and not cold. I have some white tulips that are open. Hopefully it won't be long and my pretty red ones will be open. I hope you are having a good day. Mine has been busy. Not much going on right now. Just have the clothes in the dryer. Take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your day. Many hugs to you, Cheryl