Just being myself...
Female 73 years old Xenia, Ohio United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1358
[ 10 ]
01/27/2022 21:41:30 |
I like most anything. From comedies to drama, to action, suspence, clasics, few of the romance, and a couple of the westerns. Not much into the war movies or the teenage kid stuff. I like a good scary movie but not into the gory blood and guts or nonsenseical/no plot garbage. I even like some of the G rated kids cartoons. Ice Age, Shrek and Mupett Christmas Carol.
Ahhh....I love smooth jazz, easy listening, and the 60's and 70's oldies. I love music that soothes the soul or pumps the adreniline and something I can sing along because I can understand the words. Don't care for hard rock, heavy metal or rap.
Mysteries, suspence, and poetry. Dean Kuntz, John Saul, Robert B. Parker, and just got into Nicholas Sparks.
My favoirte color is purple but it's been known to vary depending on my mood. Some days I like yellow, some days blue and on occasion, green...
Well I'm on a diet right now so everything sounds great. But I do love Chinese style and some Inian and I love the basic, steak and potato. Seafood is great! Not deep into sweets but I do love a good brownie or chocolate chip cookie, lemon merigue pie,or strawberry pie. I make a mean rasin pie.
I'm a young 59 and can't believe thats the number I have to live by. So I don't. lol Not trying to deny my age, im proud to have come to this point in my life. I love being active and feel like I'm still in my 40's. I'm pleased to say that maturity is grately appreciated and under rated. Which is to say, I'm quite okay with who I am and I'm an honest open person. I have a spiritual side and I love the great outdoors. It is my haven. Not so much in the winter though. I love to write poetry and I have a mystery book on the back burner. Looking forward to finding some wonderful friends here.
my family, kids, animals, books, chicken curry, crab legs, chinese buffets, SUMMER, camping, fishing, swimming, moonlit nights with stars golore, sandy beaches, and FRIENDS! So much more that there isn't room to list.
heights, closed places, snakes, stinging insects, rats, dishonest people, rudeness, disrespect, controling people, foul language, amusment park rides that go up high or down fast. sushi, liver, squid, oysters/clams. Wow, didn't even realize I had so many.
camping, writing, reading, walking the parks, swimming, playing bingo and other games
purpleswan has 4 friend(s)