It's getting Better All the Time !
Male 77 years old South Weber, UT United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1313
[ 31 ]
08/29/2012 19:50:03 |
history, overcoming challenges, straight comedy. I don't watch a lot of movies ~ just haven't gotten to them much ~
Celtic, Native American, English Ballads, Smooth Jazz, Soft Rock, woodwinds, Gregorian Chants, a capella ~ more??
Reading constantly, nearly all nonfiction - recent books, Conquest of the Incas, Indian Heritage, Galaxies, European Discovery of America, Energy Saver's Handbook, Sunset Western Garden Book, Splendors of the Past, Investing in Options and Futures, Scandinavian Humor, Vegetables and Fruit, etc.
Varies - sometimes blue, sometimes yellow green, sometimes tan/beige, sometimes red, sometimes bright yellow - I wouldn't want to be restricted to just one. I like a lot of colors. And I expect I might really enjoy getting to know a good woman with a bit of color in her life~ :-)
I like a lot of foods, as long as they are healthy, real foods, not a lot of processed materials, sugar is limited, no transfats. I like a lot of veggies, fruits, preferably very fresh, with a bit of fish, poultry, beef, or whatever medium.
There are a lot of foods I've liked, and I hope to try a lot more ~ make it a bit spicy and lively, and if it's served with a smile, that'll make it even better ~
ME- I can eat corn flakes and lettuce, can ride a bus, and know hot from cold. Just changed my livelihood. When top actors have a scene where just their tush is shown, I’m their double. The work is embarrassing, but barable. The pay’s all right up front, and it keeps me from getting my payments behind. I can give a good foot massage, but I'd rather get one! West Desert, National Parks, canoe, ski, arts, scenery , there's lots of good stuff around here to do. Seems there’s a lot of women who want a lot of attributes in a man. But myself, I want charm, interest, intrigue, excitement, happiness, fulfillment, growth, thrills, intelligence, warmth, enrichment, lots of fun, with plenty of laughs. Live fully, be yourself. Smile and laugh a lot, make it good! So, send me a message or if you're not sure, just say hello, and we'll see about some etalk to see if we might be interested in enjoying some conversation and friendship, without worrying if it's to go into anything more? :-) Keep smilin!
openness, cheerfulness, truth, light, being healthy, being lean, harmony, growth, learning, smiling, being smiled to, activity, accomplishing good things, curiosity, a passionate kiss from the right woman, fresh veggies and fruit, gorgeous sunsets, clean water, getting or giving a good massage, beautiful natural scenery, a great ski run, the gentle smell of a mountain meadow after a light rain, and maybe if you're good, I'd like you too??
dishonesty, sloth, greed, irresponsibility, carelessness, ill health, low life, filth
gardening, skiing, hiking, climbing, biking, learning