Female 75 years old Australia
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09/22/2011 18:33:16 |
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I would not call myself a real movie buff, as I find most movies too long. I find it hard to cope with the bad language in a lot of modern movies. I prefer drama, though some so-called "romantic comedies" are quite enjoyable, e.g. Notting Hill etc. I liked The Young Victoria (great) and Julie & Julia (fabulous). Recently, I had the pleasure of seeing The Blind Side - very good.
Being a teenager when the Beatles came to light, I am a real Beatles fan and still have my scrapbooks from when I was fourteen. I can't part with them. I like most of the music from the sixties. I also like earlier music as my mother always sang as we were growing up. I like a lot of classical music, particularly Mozart, Chopin and Verdi. I also like brass band music!
Reading is another favourite pastime. I have always at least two books on the go at once, and am not happy unless I have several on hand "to be read". Luckily, my local library is very well stocked; if I had to buy all the books I read, I'd be broke.
Belonging to a Book Group has broadened my horizons regarding choices, but I do not like science fiction or cheesy "romance" novels. Some of my favourite authors are: Ian McEwan, Jodi Picoult, Lisa Gardner, Joyce Carol Oates - really too many to list.
I prefer pastels to bright colours. I love pink combined with white or cream; also blue and white.
Eating is one of my favourite pastimes. I really prefer savoury/salty to sweet/sugary. I can pass on cakes and desserts, but find it hard to resist cheese and nibbles. I could happily eat chicken or fish every day, but I also enjoy meat. I don't eat enough fruit, but my favourites are oranges, pineapple, mango. I'm a bit strange in that I don't eat "red" food; I've been like this all my life and don't know why! I am not a dessert person, but lemon tarts or anything citrus-y can be appealing. In my own defence, I make an excellent lemon curd and lemon meringue pie.
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"Oldredneck" has been a special friend to me from when I first joined Not Over The Hill. I admire his attitude to life and the way he tells us about Kentucky and his busy lifestyle. Joseph and I share a similar sense of humour and he is such a lovely man. It's a shame we live on different continents as I would love to meet him.
No news, no announcements.......except to say thank you for being my friends and thank you NOTH.
I live a happy life in Sydney, with family all close by. Jim and I are in a nice space (second time around for both). My parents, brother and sister (and their families) all live within ten minutes of us and we all see each other a lot.
I am shy at first, and talk too much when nervous! When I get to know people, I'm comfortable. I like a good discussion - "wishy washy" is not me - I think it's good to have an opinion. I quite like an argument that doesn't degenerate into abuse.
I am now retired but was in the corporate sector for many years and met many fascinating people.
I am a bit of a perfectionist and a neat freak, but not as bad as I used to be!
I like my life, blessed as I am with family and friends. I like to laugh and do so often. I love to read and do so every day. I love fresh flowers, especially sweetpeas and roses, pink and white! I love the sound of babies and small children laughing. I prefer a river to the beach. Rainbows are nice. My budgie is cute. I like chocolate, fresh bread, smoked salmon, white wine, good cheese. I like my computer and think I might have to give her a name. I really like my online friends and the relationships we have formed.
Some of the things that annoy me are: jumped-up politicians; hypocrisy; doofdoof music; road rage; being late; bad hair days; sore feet; heat and humidity; windy weather; and especially BANANAS!!
Reading, Walking Group, Scrabble, Computer stuff, cryptic crosswords, soduko, a bit of t.v., memory training. I am an insomniac and listen to a lot of overnight radio (which is amazing in its variety if you twiddle the dial). There are lots of good doco type stuff on BBC radio overnight, as well as talk back on local stations.
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