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mem_normal OFFLINE
74 years old
Grand Junction, Colorado
United States

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JOB: Disabled
DRINK: Sometimes
RELIGION: Catholic
MEMBER SINCE: 05/24/2008
LAST LOGIN: 11/28/2011 14:16:45

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Jun 02 2008, 7:12 pm by slycat
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May 24 2008, 6:05 pm by slycat
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High road to China, Legends of the Fall, Gone with the wind, McClintock, the Quiet Man and anything with the Duke, Fiddler on the roof, Apollo 13, Fried Green Tomatoes, Driving Miss Daisy, Dances with wolves and Saving Private Ryan. About any movie which will either get a good laugh or tears out of me.

I love just about all music, except rap and heavy metal. I dearly love Big Band, and Celtic.
Alan Jackson, Josh Turner, Jim Reeves, Don Williams, and Patsy Cline are a few of my country favorites. And it seems I keep going to the 80's channel for music on TV.

Romance, love Nora Roberts. Tom Clancy and John Grisham. Computer books, how to books, Humor such as Ermma Bombeck and Dave Berry. The Chicken Soup books. Readers Digest. Actually, I read just about anything I get my hands on. The library see's me twice a week and knows me by name.

Greens and Pinks for a start. The colors of sunrises and sunsets. The variety of a whole bunch of different flowers all thrown together. The color of green trees against a blue sky. The color of a corn field ripe with golden corn.

I am on a C food diet......I see it, I eat it.

I just love food......well except brussel sprouts and lima beans.

In season, I dearly love our Colorado peaches grown here in the valley, and our Olathe sweet corn and Plump juicy vine ripened tomatoes.

I am a disabled/part time care provider for the elderly in home. I have two grown Children 30 and 26. One lives right here in Grand Junction CO and the other, my baby just moved to Seattle WA. I have Crohn's disease, so I have more time at home than I want to have, but feel so happy and blessed to be alive as complications have about taken me out 3 times. So being the fighting Irish that I am, I will still be causing mischief for many years to come I pray.

Life! Animals, flowers, romance, outdoors, reading, writing, movies, people who are lively, uplifting, and feel joy in being alive. Friends and family.Sunshine and warmth.

Down in the mouth people. Spiders and Snakes, and any creature that does not bleed red blood. Snow and cold. Meanness, gossip, Hypocrites and chronic negativity. I don't like people who manipulate and try to control others. Gorey Movies, the news media, and Bin Laden and terrorists!

Horses, writing, card design, bowling, TV, simple games,hiking, travel, reading, and going out to the desert to dinosaur digs. I collect pigs, though I don't have any live ones as of yet. And of course...computers.

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07/30/2021 06:20:57

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