Just me!!!
Female 76 years old Ajo, Arizona United States
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Christian - other |
08/31/2009 18:55:44 |
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Gladiator-(Russell Crowe, bad boy but Yummy)
Troy-(I never was a Brad Pitt fan till this movie, he is yummy too. LOL Right girls?
Easy Listening, some rock, new age such as Yanni, Enya, Enigma.
Please note, the music at the top of my page is music that was composed by our maker, Yahweh.(not sure of the spelling but I love that name for our heavenly father). The music was put into my head and hands by him for others to hear.
The Silver Brumby, Thunderhead,
All Food!!!! Well, Mostly,
OH DEAR I found out I hate squash of any kind, YUCKY!!! I will stick with the sweets.
Please feel free to listen to my music and enjoy. It is easy listening, even though I have not quite been able to put it in any particular musical group. If you notice, the name of the music is composed by the name Enelra. Its backwards. Reverse the name and you will see who is the one playing the music. :-)
OH Dear, I just hit 61. I tried to become 59 but my birth certificate just would cooperate when I tried to change the year of birth. DURN
I do have four children, all grown, three grand daughters from my step daughter who may not be of blood but is of my spirit. I have three grandsons who are holey terrors, teenage boys, all three at one time. OH my poor daughter. Then my eldest lives in NY, works for the EPA and is also an author with one book published and is working on her second. My son is handicapped but he is a joy to be around, not much gets him down, he is happy all the time and its infectious.
As to insight and advice to the younger group. Not much has been said about me or to me that I have not said to or about myself first. Laugh at yourself, everyday and you will forget about what others may say about you. Only what you think of yourself is important. If you like yourself, you have it made.
I love composing music on my Yamaha 2000 Keyboard taking pictures of the unusual and the beautiful desert flowers in the spring. Many of which I hope to add to the site later.
Not much, other than people who won't recognize nor take responsibility for their own actions. Taking the easy way out, blame other.
Composing music and building new and rebuilding old computers.
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