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mem_normal OFFLINE
51 years old
LeClaire, Iowa
United States

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Profile Views: 2369
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Who referred me: love2bgram

Profile Views: 2370

DRINK: Socially
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 07/04/2008
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius
LAST LOGIN: 12/30/2010 13:04:14

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Feb 28 2009, 11:35 am by uhohitsangie
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I love most anything with Harrison Ford or Robin Williams in it! My alltime favorites are the Indiana Jones movies, Star Wars, The Bucket List, Harry Potter, Bug's Life, Finding Nemo and of course...

My taste in music is eclectic. You'll find Journey, Matchbox 20, Metallica, Bon Jovi, Kenny Chesney, Garth Brooks, Yanni, David Lanz, Zoe Girl, Debbie Gibson, Cher, Tom Petty, etc. I grew up in the 1980's and I have so many great memories of my best friend and I "rocking out" to the 80's music!

Favorite food would have to be chocolate and a really good cheeseburger! Chocolate ice cream is a plus and so is pizza!

My contact person is: love2bgram...
she's my mom!

Popcorn for you....enjoy the shows!

My career is Property Management. I am Corporate Administrator of a Manufactured Home Company (which means that as 2nd in command, I run the company). I do whatever needs to be done: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, HR, Property Manager, Trainer, and everything in between! We sell new and pre-owned homes so that means sales too.

We have 8 properties and I oversee every one of them, including two of my own directly. I have Managers and Maintenance crews that work at different properties and I sometimes have to travel within a 100 mile radius to the different locations. I can definitely say that my job is different every single day. You never know what the day will bring!

My son is now a TEENAGER,into the 8th grade and he loves middle school! Yahoo! He's my pride and joy, and my best friend. He's in band, playing the tuba now for the fourth year and now wants to learn the cello too (we'll have to see about that one!). I'm so proud of him as I never thought he would want to be in band, nor did I think he'd last this long!

He's in boy scouts, too, and striving towards his eagle rank. He has a long way to go....but he has his First Class Badge already. He'll get there! He does good in school too, mostly A's and B's. He doesn't usually get C's and if he does, he brings the grade back up pretty quick.

I love the sound of my son's laughter, the sound of him playing his tuba, I love lower 70 degree days with the promise of an afternoon nap in front of an open window & I love the smell of fresh laundry.

I love sitting around the campfire at night with millions of stars in the sky to look at. It's awesome to be camping under a meteor shower...there's nothing else like it!

I don't like yardwork...can't stand people that can't seem to tell the truth, and I have a problem with people who are only out for themselves.

My hobbies would be: crocheting, reading, and playing games on the computer

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06/22/2024 18:08:50

11/24/2021 06:12:26

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