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12/31/2024 14:41:19

01/24/2024 11:16:08

Even critters know when it's a good day
for napping. Happy today, Pam:) ♥

04/02/2023 11:52:27

03/21/2023 06:47:41


This is my great grandbaby Leo David Andrew Hull. He is Julians baby can you believe it?? I may be prejudice but I think he is really a cutie. He looks a lot like my son Shane can you believe it a Grandpa and his Dad too. Of course that does go back to my Dad and his dad. So I would say I have a lot of great looking guys. LOL I hope this find well and Happy, Love, Connie

03/06/2023 11:44:21

Wow, that was quick:) Oh well,
Merry Monday, dearest Pam! -di

02/25/2023 18:51:40

03/21/2022 16:06:13

So soft & lovely, Pam... just perfect!

02/14/2022 10:38:01

Hello my dearest Pam,
What happened to you? I hope you and your family are healthy and well.
Unfortunately, I'm not, have been struggling with "Long Covid" for a long time and hope every day it goes over.
You are always in my thoughts and I miss you.

Love and warm Hugs, Angelika

01/13/2022 11:22:20

This is so purty, pal!!  It's your climate, for sure... ♥

12/29/2021 10:56:37

10/31/2021 10:49:50

10/27/2021 19:26:39

Thank you, sweet pea:)  *hugs*

08/26/2021 20:17:05

06/30/2021 15:10:49

Whadda beautiful layout, Pam... Just BEAUTIFUL! 🦋

05/24/2021 09:51:29

Hello Pam,

03/26/2021 21:25:41

Beautiful Easter Eggs Joyful226, Connie

Hi Dear Pam. Oh what a pretty butterfly backgorund. Wishing you a beautiful day. I thought I would send you this little greeting as Easter grows near. Take care Love Hugs, Connie

03/19/2021 23:13:11

Wishing you a beautiful Day and great first day of Spring

Hugs and Blessings... Connie

03/12/2021 14:52:27


Hi Pam. I really having Doc Shell's place withdrawal. What a beauitful creation you have made here. Just love it. This is a new creation I made to day. I hope you like it. Since my old standby Blingee is no longer letting us creatie graphics there any more I found another place called Picmix a French place. So I hope you like this little Irish themed creation. Wishing you a beautiful day. Love always..Connie

02/05/2021 22:39:58

Happy Valentine's Day by Joyful226

Hi Pam how are you doing? well it looks like that Blingee has shut down I  can't make a picture there anymore. So sad. I liked it a bit better than PicPix. I'll surely miss it and my friends on there as well. OH well don't know what to do about it. Do you know why Doc Shell has closed down her background site for pages.  This is such a cute background.

Love and hugs dear friend Connie

01/11/2021 09:11:02

Hi Pam, dropping in for a belated New Year wish.  January has dug in it's heels and we are having actual Winter temps.  We usually have balmy temps while the rest of the country is freezing.  Not so this year!  Hope your holidays were nice. Ours were pretty quiet. We are all healthy and well though and for that I am immensely grateful.  Hope you and your family are all well.  hugs from frosty FL, Beth

12/29/2020 11:57:10




We have had friends and adopted family over and been to the kids home around Christmas time.  So all our partying is over for another year.  My plans are to stay up and try to comfort the dogs as people around shoot off fireworks and scare them!  


12/25/2020 07:40:04

11/10/2020 11:49:48

Thanksgivng at Grandma's by Joyful226

So nice to see you here Pamela very nice page. I just not finished this little greeting I'll put in on my page, in a bit to go with my beautiful background. This is of course for Thanksgiving here in the USA. Wishing you and  yours a beautiful day. Love and hugs.. Connie

11/03/2020 23:29:05


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