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03/06/2025 08:27:16

Morning MK...put a little song in your day and smile often

03/06/2025 08:27:07


03/06/2025 07:35:30


03/06/2025 07:02:52

hello, good morning  my dear friend Thursday is

a beautiful day.Make great use of

it, and start planning what you will do on your

 weekend.I wish you a happy Thursday.


03/06/2025 06:25:45

it's going to be a beautiful day here in my part of Texas, I think I'll be sitting on my backyard swing most of the day..nothing like a lazy day when we can get one LOL!   I hope your day will be a happy one...

03/06/2025 05:48:15

Good Thursday Morning!  It is still dark and cold.  In just a few days, the time will be an hour later and it won't be quite as dark.  

We will have to stay up later to catch the moon coming up.  Are you a night person?  

Or are you an early riser and one who doesn't get to see the moon in the middle of the night?  

I am both!  I love watching the crack of dawn as the sun comes up and to see all the different colors God paints in the sky.  I also love the night and all the stars.  

I don't need as much sleep as the "average" calls for.  So I am giddy with excitement that we lose an hour and have more sun later in the day.  

No matter if you like mornings or late nights, I pray for you to have joy in your heart! 

Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

03/06/2025 05:19:17

Good morning dear MaryKay, wishing you a beautiful Thursday.

Happy Thursday
Blessed Be..*Hugs*

03/06/2025 04:57:47

Hello good morning, Thursday is here,

this week flew by,

enjoy a BEAUTIFUL DAY full of PEACE, and

new joys, I wish I had them but

how nice that on this new day your routines

become new surprises, anger, smiles and sadness,

in hopes, face your day with a smile

on your pretty face, a new illusion in your

soul and a lot of love in your heart, the weather here

is crazy cold, rainy, sad days,

if tomorrow it changes I will grow wings, and I will fly

it must be relaxing, in the sky, and see

new things, get into a white cloud

and let the stars illuminate me, and I send you hugs

Maria take care.......................

03/06/2025 04:12:50



The Horse Mafia - Thankful Thursday Blessings | FacebookJigsaw Puzzle | ☺ THURSDAY BLESSINGS ☺ | 100 pieces | JigidiThursday Greeting Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr,  Pinterest, and Twitter

03/06/2025 01:49:16

Good morning my dear friend, I hope you have a nice Thursday! Many kisses.

03/06/2025 01:35:13

03/05/2025 23:56:17

03/05/2025 22:31:17

good morning happy thursday - Apps on Google Play

Most Beautiful Flowers to Express Your Love | Blog - MyFlowerTree

03/05/2025 17:44:04

This may contain: a painting of a teddy bear pushing a stroller with autumn leaves in the backgroundHello my friend! Stay well I pray! A new month already!! Time is flying by! Hugs Shirley

03/05/2025 13:32:48

Happy WINDY Wednesday. Holy cannoli, it's a "hang on to your hat" kind of day. It's warm and nearly 70* so it's pleasant outside if you can keep from blowing over. hehe. My work for today is completed so now I will see what I can get into that doesn't get me into trouble or into the refrigerator! Have a great afternoon and evening, MaryKay.


03/05/2025 11:14:44

This may contain: a quote with flowers on it that says, we all have days where we don't

03/05/2025 08:45:34

03/05/2025 06:46:28

Hello, Wishing you a wonderful day May your  

happiness, day be filled with joy,

 and lots of positive vibes.

Smiles, Hugs  (((((robert)))))

03/05/2025 06:13:25

Hello dear friend, have a fantastic Wednesday! Hugs

03/05/2025 05:49:03

Good Morning!  After the wind dies down there is hope left in our world for a new day.  

It is Ash Wednesday after all.  It means Easter is 6 and 1/2 weeks away.  

Always look for the best especially after you've had a tough time.  

Find a way to do something good each and every day or at least the start of something good.  

We are all praying for Peace and for God's Favor.  

May you also have His Blessings and feel His Hugs because Jesus loves you!  

03/05/2025 05:32:30

Good morning dear MaryKay, wishing you a wonderful Wednesday.

Download Good Morning Happy Wednesday ...
Blessed Be..*Hugs*

03/05/2025 04:20:32

Hello, how the days go by, every day that passes 

we areone day older, hehe, it is a saying from Spain

that TODAY and ALWAYS there is a reason to LAUGH, an

illusion to move forward and start a great

Wednesday, and hundreds of reasons to FIGHT and

be happy, one more day I was passing by here to

greet you, and wish you a great day of peace full

of love, enjoy your little pleasures

that surround you, don't let anyone erase your

smile. If it's being a good day, PAUSE to

enjoy it. It's the best secret of life

I wish you with all my heart, with a big hug

Maria, take care

03/05/2025 02:07:48

Wednesday Hugs

03/05/2025 01:52:47

03/04/2025 22:01:23

17742 July 1 2020 #Happy #Wednesday #Blessing www.facebook.com/Judiann.F

A picture of flowers that is from the series

03/04/2025 15:15:26


Good afternoon to you. It's a terrible windy and rainy day here. And it's only 45 degrees and feels like 32 and the wind is 39 mph from the north. Not a day to be out but I was. Glad I'm back home. Got the laundry in the dryer. Tomorrow is me and Tony's 36th Wedding Annvisary. Time sure does fly by. I hope you are having a good day. Take care my friend, Hugs to you, Cheryl

03/04/2025 14:47:18

I hope you are having a terrific Tuesday. Got some work done both indoors and out today and now I'm just relaxing until suppertime. I have potatoes washed ( sweet potato for me, regular potato for Dave) to bake and Dave is going to grill out chicken breasts. It's been a good day here and I hope yours has been, too.


03/04/2025 11:33:26

Hello MK

03/04/2025 07:42:14


03/04/2025 06:35:58

Hello, good morning friend, waiting

  have the sweetest day. on this tuesday

Hugs - Friendship and friendly kisses

smile to life,((((((robert)))))

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