The Scarecrow
I have a lady scarecrow in my flower garden. The only thing she has ever scared is my little puppy, Bicuit. Probably because she's a pretty scarecrow with a big smile :-) Everyday when I leave in my car or on a walk she's there with that big smile and when I come back she welcomes me with that same smile. She has weathered the hot summers and cold winters, storms,and cats. Today I found her laying on the ground. The wooden pole that holds her up was broken. When I picked her up I realized how worn and faded she had become. I knew I couldn't just throw her away. Sometimes we all get a little worn and ragged but we still have a place in this world and a purpose, a value.I found the little plastic porch chair my girls used to sit in on the porch. I secured her in that little white chair and now she is out of the weather and I'm sure our porch is now well protected. She's still smiling...
Today I bought another scarecrow for the flower garden. It's a boy this time and he has a big smile on his face. One day Miss scarecrow is going to be in for a big surprise. I bought another little white chair...No matter how worn or ragged we may get there is always a place for us...

Tags: Life Nature