We came up with many ways to play in the late fourty's and fifties. We had to improvise big time because we didn't have many toys like kids do today.
I suspect I kicked a can hundred's of miles in my childhood. I was always barefoot in the summer but my feet were tough as leather and running up a dirt road kicking a rusty can was no problem. Sometimes we'd hold a few pennies in our grubby hands and kick a can all the way to. Hall Parks store.
Another thing girls did was draw a hop-scotch pattern in the dirt and jump sometimes jumping on one foot and picking up a rock as we went. I have buried my nose in the dirt bunches of times when I'd fall before getting to the end. Good thing it was dirt and not sidewalks down in our neck of the woods. No sidewalks in Denning then. Boys jumped hop-scotch sometimes also, though I don't think they wanted their friends to find out about it.
Jacks was a favorite of mine. We needed a more stable surface for the ball to bounce but sometimes dirt was all we had so we'd hunt up a board or flat rock. I remember a spot in the road in front of our house that we stomped down flat enough for the ball to bounce. We were on the end of the road with no through traffic so the road was a play ground as well as the yard.
Boys played marbles. They drew a circle in the dirt with a stick to shoot marbles. Kind of the same as pool is played. Some of those marbles were so pretty. There was a goalie, I think that's what it was called, and the cat eyes were special somehow. I'm not very learned on marbles. On the grounds at school would be boys at their marbles and girls playing jacks or hop-scotch.
I wasn't too fond of hide-and-seek. Mainly because I usually had to be it. Another reason was because I liked having all my friends together. I liked doing things together.
Walking was something we all did a lot. Money or not we liked to walk to the stores. Down one way was Parks store. A long cracker box style made from tin for the sides and roof. It wasn't as inviting as Snow's store which was a bit father on around the bend in the road. It was bright and cheerful and Charley and Elsie, as well as daughter Ruby were so nice to us. Sometimes when we were a few pennies shy of what we wanted it would miraculously become just the amount we had. The Parks never did that for us. Key's store was the closest to us, mainly because we were right next to the Rail-Road-Tracks. We could walk up the track and get off at the crossing. It wasn't very far to the store then. I just loved Wallace and Lela. Their store had lots more than the other two and I loved those Strawberry and Chocolate milk drinks. Mama bought Jergens lotion for herself and I'll never forget that smell on her. Daddy used Wilroot Cream Oil on his hair that was bought at Keys. If we were lucky enough to have a nickel I loved those big Power-house candy bars. I haven't seen one in years but I am drooling right now wishing I had one.
Something I loved to do was climb the big trees in our yard. The big Elm, we called it Ellem, tree was my favorite and I spent hours up there as long as Daddy didn't catch me. Boys could climb trees but he was afraid his little girl would fall. There were also the fragrant and beautiful China-berry trees, and walnut trees.
Mud pies was another past time that Brenda and I enjoyed. We made them in all shapes and flavors. My favorite to eat was made with milk and mud. Good Grief, I can't begin to guess how many of those were consumed made with mud of un-known content.
Brenda and I both had the very simple kinds of dolls. Grandma made me a small rag doll once which I loved. She got a cigar box and painted it, used big wooden spools that thread came on for the bottom so it stood off the floor on legs, then made a tiny pillow and blanket to cover the doll. I loved that home made doll and bed more than any I ever had. There was nothing fancy to be had then. If there was I never had them.
I remember vividly us building a playhouse, the boys called it a fort but we all built it together. We spent one whole day breaking down persimmon saplings until we had a comfy and secure place to play. I remember enjoying that so much. Maybe today's youth need to learn of the ways that we played. They might enjoy it. We were sure never bored.