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Good old days?
Posted On: 01/25/2014 15:40:19

My husband and I have been sitting here  watching the snow come down and the birds eating at the feeder as fast as they can get a seed out. They are empting the feeder almost as fast as I can fill it.

It is so cold and pretty out I was thinking back to my childhood and the fun we had in the snow. Then it dawned on me that we had to go out in the snowy, cold weather to use the toilet and THAT was NOT fun. The "out house" was a good distance from the back porch because no one wanted such a smelly place near the house. No matter what you did to keep the odor down when you opened the door there was the odor. Now that is not a memory I would like to relive. We had a marvelous view from the top of our hill and the sunsets were out of this world but we had to walk up the hill because there was no way to build a driveway because of the rocks half way up. Snow and ice did not add anything positive to the walk up the path. Again I think of how warm and cosy the house was with the big kitchen coal range and warm morning heater in the living room, but then I remembered that Daddy had to carry the coal up from the bottom of the hill in a sack on his back or load  a wagon that the mules would pull up the hill. Now that was not a "good thing". Mama had to heat the water for laundry on the coal stove, fill the washing machine up ( we were lucky to have electricity as most people didn't) and hang the clothes on the outside line in the snow and cold, not a" good thing".

Now that I am older I remember things I never thought a thing about untill now and somethings were not good about the "old days". I enjoy all the wonderful things I have today that makes my life easier. We should not forget the "good old days" but remember we are having good days now.




Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Comments

01/27/2014 11:50:37

 I agree with Arthur, You said it  right and well Arthur.

01/25/2014 19:54:38

Loved the Blog and comment.  Family unity as well as community/neighbourhood unity is gone.. Life is easier, living is harder..Cheers Nancy

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