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Photos Life Magazine Appalachia 1964 povert
Posted On: 01/30/2013 15:44:41

The piece in which Dominis’ photos appeared — an extraordinary 12-page feature in the Jan. 31, 1964, issue of LIFE, titled “The Valley of Poverty” — was one of the very first substantive reports in any American publication on President Lyndon Johnson’s nascent “war on poverty.” At the time, LIFE was arguably the most influential weekly magazine in the country, and without doubt the most widely read magazine anywhere to regularly publish major photo essays by the world’s best photographers. That said, LIFE was in a unique position in the early days of Johnson’s administration to not merely tell but to show its readers what was at stake, and what the challenges were, as the new president’s “Great Society” initiatives got under way.

“The Valley of Poverty,” illustrated with some of the most powerful and, at the same time, some of the most intimate photographs of John Dominis’ extraordinary career, served (and still serves today) as an indictment of a wealthy nation’s indifference, and a plea — if not a demand — that the rest of the country not turn its back on the suffering of so many of its least powerful citizens

President Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty had just begun. 

I grew up in Shelby Ohio, in in the late 1950's I remember a large number of people coming to our town from Kentucky.  They were looking for better jobs, and an oppertunity to make life better for their familys. I had many friends who had come from backgrounds such as these pictured in these photos.  They were an influence on my life  for the better.  They were hard working, men and women most of them came because they had realtives who had moved to our town years earlier.  Many of the children kept this same haunting gaunt look in their faces for many years after their arrival. They were industrious proud, and intelligent.  These photos I think are public domaine sincee they came from a social network photo site.  They are the work of an extrodinary photographer John Dominis.
LIFE in Appalachia: Photos Date 1964. 1 repinof Appalachia, 1964Inez, Kentucky, in 1964.
in Appalachia, 1964Kentucky, 1964. William Gedney. 2 years ago 32 notes appalachia photography
Date 1964. 1 repinby car, Kentucky, 1964.in Appalachia Premiumin Appalachia Premium
Two months ago some members of my church went to appalachia to bring Christmas to families who still live in poverty.  WE along with other volunteers helped nearly 500 families with food, clothing, medical care, dental care, There were some barbers and beauticians who cut hair ect for the ladies and teenagers.
Poverty still exists today.  I am a member of the Salvation Army, this week in my city of 50,000 people we had our week long monthly noon day hot meal served . On average in the winter we serve about 850 meals a day to men women and children.  In the summer it runs about 1700 as many more children come for dinner. 
Please Remember your local food banks.  There are hungry people in your neighborhoods as well.  And say a prayer for them that our economy will grow.

Tags: Poverty Food Photos 1964 Food Banks


Viewing 1 - 1 out of 1 Comments

01/30/2013 20:59:13

Very good blog!

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