Hi there Magie! Wishing you a beautiful 1st day of June, the month of roses love and pearls. I have been quite busy the last few weeks with Memorial day and all. I made a PowerPoint presentation which took like forever and getting my weekly publication out. Plus Bob's doctor's appointments etc. He is fine just routine check ups etc. But at least you can see the doctor now where we live. I hope you are doing well and staying safe. Love and hugs Connie
Hi Maggie Thank for letting me know Today Feb. 26 is my birthday so I'll also take the note as a birthday wish thus. Thank you so much for the Birthday well wishes. I love it! Is twas a great day. Thank you so much again Praying you get it all up and running again. my email is joyful226@gmail.com I was wondering why I hadn't heard from you in a while. Well at least in the States Microsoft will update anything under windows 10 which I think is wrong. But had to upgrade to it like it or not. Take care dear friend Love and hugs Connie
Unto Us a Child is Born, Unto Us, a Son is Given...And His Name Shall be Called: Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God the Everlasting Father the Prince of Peace.
Wishing you a Wonderful Christmas filled with Peace, Joy, and Love. Merry Christmas Connie PS I left my 2018 Christmas letter on Bulletins.