I waited a long time for December and now that it's here, it's almost over.. I always get the 'after Christmas blues' because everything feels and looks so empty..
Do you have your stockings hung for Santa? Mine are up.. Best wishes to you and Merry Christmas....
I see you out there :) I didn't know you were coming in on Wednesday.. Did you ever taste Irish Creme whisky? I suggested to Rick that he should buy a bottle of it, then we could toast it on Christmas Eve.. It's nothing like regular whiskey.. It has a creamy, sweet texture, but it does have a bite to it.. Some people put in their coffee as a creamer that has a kick to it..
It's snowing right now.. As it was getting dark I could see snowflakes falling in the fading light.. Looks so Chrismasy and romantic :) I just wanted to say hello and to keep in touch my dear.. *hugs* from ME xo
It is going to get a bit cool for a couple of days here.
Letiing you know that i am well and ok so far :)
My internet was turned off today when i tried to start the updates.
I shutdown and unplugged and i luckily it worked :)
.Don`t know if it had to do with the bad hurricane or not. I do know a watermain broke not too far away from me, other than that it just might have been a glich.
This is only Wednesday. Have you arranged your days differently this week? We had a holiday on Monday and anytime that happens, the week feels all messed up. I had to think for a minute because I thought maybe it was Thursday. lol... Holidays always play tricks on my mind. Days never seem what they are. My brain will get straightened out by next week. Anyway, Labor Day is considered our last official holiday of the summer. I'm glad September is finally here. Good riddance to August. I've never been partial to the summer time months. I like the cooler weather of fall..
Thanks for stopping by, Summer. That's a nice picture you sent. The 4th of July holiday is more noisy than New Years Eve. I'm not wild about fireworks anymore. So noisy. Some of them are so intense they sound like bombs going off. I think those kind are against the law, but no one pays attention to the law anymore. Just wanted to stop by to say hello. Good night, dear friend *hugs*
Hi ya summer popping in while you are away .It is Memorial day for us here.
All was going pretty good .
It seemed like it was going to rain so heck i took the time to cook how aboutthat ? lol
It was sort of cool out there but heck it had warmed up and the sun was popping out .So heck i went for it and did all my lawn work .
All was going so nice until i was way over on the other end as i was coming beck to the front of the house by my neighbors side i looked down and seen my lawn mower wheel fell off LMAOOOOOOOOO.
OH Fudge
Of all places and i had to drag that mower all the way back to my garage and fix it up again .
4 more days for you and 5 more for the big wedding.
Don`t you and i have an anniversary in May? I swear we do We must be going on 14 years .
Im ready for another 14.(with you :))
Stay well have fun and enjoy everyday to the fullest
God bless you and will see you soon. xRick πΉπΉπΉπΉπΉπΉπΉπΉπΉπΉπΉπΉ