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02/28/2025 18:21:41

Hi Summer we are up kind of early .   

We better get seated , as i see the waitress  is coming with our breakfast. :) 

Have a great time Summer :)  xRick

02/14/2025 00:13:19

    Valentine hugs for a dear lady

02/13/2025 14:49:17

Happy Valentines Day hon

πŸ’ŒπŸ’–πŸ₯°πŸ’ž      xRick

01/25/2025 08:37:51

01/20/2025 13:08:03

Stopping by to say hello ...

01/16/2025 19:45:57

Hi Summer, hoping your  family   out in the California area  were not a part of the terrible  fires that ravaged Los Angeles..

The days are just flying on my end.

Had a bad accident ,but im going to be ok in time.

I`ll fill you in when we meet up .

I think of you  alot hon.

 Keep warm and be safe.


Happy Friday Dear Friend Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook ...

12/27/2024 16:18:19

Happy New Year 2025 Background, Happy New Year, 2025, New Year ...

Hi Summer wishing you a beautiful  New Yearin 2025

Stay in good health that is a must and  always be happy looking  on the bright side.

Its been a teeter totter year for me, but i can say that everything turned out pretty darn nice in the end for that i give  Give thanks . 

God Bless my friend Summer keep her safe. :)  πŸ’ 🌹🌼🌺πŸ₯€πŸŒ»


12/19/2024 10:27:53

12/18/2024 18:17:30

Happy New Year  2025 !!!!!!!!!  hon

🍸 🍹 πŸ₯‚ πŸ₯› πŸ§‰ 🍾 🍼 🍺 🍷

God Bless you.

xRick πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ’‹β€πŸ‘©

12/18/2024 18:01:10

Summer i want to wish you and all your family and friends a wonderful Merry Christmas. πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ»

We are just 1 week away now.

Know that i will be thinking of you on Christmas eve and Christmas day.:)

And  New Years Eve πŸ₯‚

Cheers to you Summer for a beautiful ,healthy  and Happy New Year of 2025. 

Hope its good for both of us.


12/18/2024 16:58:47

    A Christmas Wish for you, Summer .........

 I waited a long time for December and now that it's here, it's almost over..  I always get the 'after Christmas blues' because everything feels and looks so empty..

  Do you have your stockings hung for Santa?  Mine are up.. Best wishes to you and Merry Christmas....

12/18/2024 16:37:53

  Hi there Summer

 I see you out there :)  I didn't know you were coming in on Wednesday.. Did you ever taste Irish Creme whisky?  I suggested to Rick that he should buy a bottle of it, then we could toast it on Christmas Eve.. It's nothing like regular whiskey.. It has a creamy, sweet texture, but it does have a bite to it.. Some people put in their coffee as a creamer that has a kick to it..

 It's snowing right now.. As it was getting dark I could see snowflakes falling in the fading light.. Looks so Chrismasy and romantic :)  I just wanted to say hello and to keep in touch my dear..  *hugs* from ME xo

11/29/2024 19:51:28

Hi Hon , hope you had a real fun time while here in America.

Lots of wonderful sights to see.

Summer know what really would of been something ? 

You coming to America and me coming to  the United Kingdom  and we both arrived at our destinations on the same day . 

And we both stayed for the same length of time.

and  we both flying in the air at the same time.  Too good  to be true  :)

Just a passing thought  hon

(no pun intented )  πŸ›¬     πŸ›« lol

It`s bone chilling cold here in Chicago .

My mail just came a little after 7:00 pm.

Very bad outside.

I want to wish you a very nice Saturday and after that,

i want to wish you a very nice month of December .

You`re buddy xRick

Happy new month of December greetings Template | PosterMyWall

11/24/2024 14:35:50

Summer hi hon I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and hope you are enjoying your time in America.

I hear there is snow out there in California   .

Such crazy weather for a state that usually has  hot temperatures.

Im doing  real good been walking  an awful lot  and have not missed a day .

Eating much much better too

Going to keep it that way

Its trying to reach 50 degrees here but it wont last long, by Tuesday its  going to be in the 30`s .  

I have a doctors  appointment on that day  for the doctor to remove a cyst.

It has taken a little over 2 weeks in order for me to see the doctor that 

the cyst is  99%  healed.

There is hardly anything there just a small mark.

I will still go and let him  know.  

Have a safe trip on your way home hon and hope your eye is feeling stronger.  

God Bless you hon.  

Hugs Rick 🌹🌼🌺πŸ₯€πŸŒΈ

50+ Happy Thanksgiving Images 2023 | Thanksgiving Pictures, Photos ...

11/14/2024 16:00:33

Summer i want to wish you a safe trip hon . 

You are going to be two hours  before  me here .

What ever time it is im two hours  later.

Enjoy  your visit to San Diego.Make every minute count :) 

Have a safe flight back, the turkeys you ordered  should be waiting  for you  and  i will too . :-D     lol

God bless and watch over you ,,,   Huge hugs ,xRickπŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ’‹β€πŸ‘©

11/01/2024 12:16:40

  Hello Dear Lady,

  How did your surgery go?  Did you get just one eye done? When I think about eye surgery, it gives me the heebie jeebies

 Do you have trick-or-treating in England?  Do you get any little Halloweeners come to your house for candy?

 Wanted to stop by and say hello ... *hugs* and Best Wishes

  Your Friend Aways --   Callisto

10/24/2024 17:37:03

Hi Summer ,i still thinking of you hon .

Miss you a bunch .

It`s Thursday today  .

Laptop is running real nice for me hon.

Next week will be Halloween

Did window updates today all went fine.There was 1 optional one  but i left that. 

If i was there  i could keep you company.

Oh boy what a treat   lol  

 God bless you hon🌸🌸🌸🌸

Be checking up on you my sweet friend  ,,

Huge Huge Huggies,,,xRick

πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™πŸ˜™  🌹

10/06/2024 19:37:00

Thinking of you | Inspirational Pictures and Quotes | Pinterest

I want to wish you a very nice week ahead.

  It is going to get a bit  cool  for a  couple of days here. 

Letiing you know that i am well and ok  so far :)

My internet was turned  off today when i tried to start the updates.

I shutdown and unplugged  and i luckily it worked :)

.Don`t know if it had to do with the bad hurricane or not.  I do know a watermain broke not too far away from me, other than that it just might have been a glich.

Have a real nice week make it a good one .

I will see you real soon.  God willing


09/18/2024 14:04:08

Hi Summer  i see a new Blingee on your page .

You must of had that saved :)

I will let you know when that Blingee site comes back ,i check it every day .

Hope you are ok and enjoying your day. 

Plan to see you tomorrow . 

It has been nothing but hot   the last 5 days with no let up yet.

We need a real good rain.Next week ill go do my food shopping unless we  see a miracle here with the weather.

Stay well ,,, see you real soon ,,,,xRick

09/04/2024 16:17:13

  Hey there Summer ~~

  This is only Wednesday. Have you arranged your days differently this week?  We had a holiday on Monday and anytime that happens, the week feels all messed up. I had to think for a minute because I thought maybe it was Thursday. lol... Holidays always play tricks on my mind.  Days never seem what they are. My brain will get straightened out by next week.  Anyway, Labor Day is considered our last official holiday of the summer.  I'm glad September is finally here. Good riddance to August. I've never been partial to the summer time months. I like the cooler weather of fall..

 Thought I'd stop by to say hello.. Good night xo

   *hugs* from  Callisto 

08/17/2024 17:14:47

Hi Summer  this won was from the desktop wallpapaer site  and so i added  to the still graphic to make it come alive. 

That one fairy is in trining as the other two are teaching her how to hypnotize the moon lol

Have a beautiful week ahead hon and i hope things go real well for you.  

I`ll be back  soon to visit you again ,,,,xRick

08/15/2024 20:27:28

Thank you Summer  for the nice birthday greeting. 

Have a beautiful Friday and  wonderful weekend.

May God bless and watch over you always.Your bestie friend   xRick 🌹

07/15/2024 20:15:24

Summer i see that graphic you placed on your page .  Pretty.

  That looks just like you too :)

Wish i could turn you around lol

Be safe and make it a great week  for everyone close to you . 

Your buddy Rick

Hope You're Doing Fine. Free Hi eCards, Greeting Cards | 123 Greetings

07/05/2024 16:13:22

Have A Beautiful Friday Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook ...Have  lots of fun this weekend hon :) We might catch a break  with this heat too .  God bless :)

07/05/2024 12:56:20

  Thanks for stopping by, Summer.  That's a nice picture you sent.  The 4th of July holiday is more noisy than New Years Eve.  I'm not wild about fireworks anymore.  So noisy.  Some of them are so intense they sound like bombs going off.  I think those kind are against the law, but no one pays attention to the law anymore.  Just wanted to stop by to say hello.  Good night, dear friend  *hugs*

06/13/2024 13:39:37

Hi hon hope to see you  soon .xRick18 Cool Thursday Morning Greetings - Morning Greetings - Morning Quotes ...

06/03/2024 19:42:56

Have a real beautiful day tomorrow  hon.

You know i been wondering with all that hypnotizing  we been seeing  i wonder if that might of affected that website from not working .  

You think?   :)  

I was going to mention that earlier, but i held back lol

Remember you are always an arms length away from me. :)  Be safe

Have A Happy & Blessed Tuesday Pictures, Photos, and Images for ...

05/28/2024 23:40:50

       Happy Birthday to a Dear Lady ~~

 Hope you get to do something special to celebrate

 You can tell me about it later on after the wedding

 No hurry.. Have a wonderful time.. hugs for ya!!

05/27/2024 17:58:49

Hi ya summer  popping in while you are away .It is Memorial day for us here.  

All was going  pretty good .

It seemed like it was going to rain so heck i took the time to cook  how aboutthat ? lol

It was sort of cool out there but heck it had warmed up and the sun was  popping out .So heck i went for it and did all my lawn work .

All was going  so nice until i was way over on the other end as i was coming  beck to the front of the house by my neighbors side i looked down and seen my lawn mower wheel fell off    LMAOOOOOOOOO.

OH Fudge 

Of all places  and i had to drag that mower all the way back to my garage and fix it up again .

4 more days for you and 5 more for the big wedding.

Don`t you and i have an anniversary in May?  I swear we do   We must be going on 14 years .

Im ready for another 14.(with you :))

Stay well have fun and enjoy everyday to the fullest

God bless you  and will see you soon.  xRick 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

Happy Anniversary Flowers GIF - Happy Anniversary Flowers Roses ...

05/16/2024 14:11:04

Hi Summer  Wishing you  a wonderful Happy Birthday.

I know you are going to be very busy now so i want to make sure i get to you in enough time.

Im going to send you a cute video i happened to  find and thought of you when i seen it.  Enjoy :-D 🎈🎊πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰

πŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ πŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ πŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ  πŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ πŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ πŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ πŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ

 That`s Fred Astaire and Rita Hayworth back in the day .

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