Female 53 years old United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 2475
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Referrals: 1 Who referred me: mosie
07/03/2014 17:38:05 |
Beauty and the Beast, Princess Bride, to Kill a Mockingbird, the Notebook, Pirates of the Carribean, Armagedon, Independance Day, Spirit, Dances with Wolves, Ghost, Simon Birch....
Folk, Pop, Oldies, Rock, Classical, country,you name it
Dean Koontz, Stephenie Meyers, Stephen King, Johnathan Kellerman, Fantasy, Mystery, Adventure. Resource books on Medicine and Anatomy. Cook Books. I read anything I can get my hands on !
Carrot Cake, Maple Walnut Ice Cream, McDonald's French Fries
UPDATE -- I have, for the past nearly 2 years been making big changes to my eating habits. I have learned to love salads and fresh fruits and veggies. I love berries with fat free yogurt and cold cereals with almond milk. I still crave sweets and have them on occasion but thanks to my new lifestyle I've lost 127 pounds !
I'm an RN currently working the night shift in a nursing home. Happily married and Mom to 5 wonderful, frustrating kids :)
Being a Wife and Mother, Nursing, Hiking, Animals, children, the outdoors, photography, swimming, exploring, reading, writing, computer graphics, learning about most anything.
Lies, head games, back-biting, bigotry
reading, writing, hiking, photography, anything with my kids and husband