Female 82 years old Vernon, British Columbia Canada
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 5640
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03/18/2018 01:14:35 |
First Wives Club
The Blind Side
British Comedies
Anything by Jackie Collins
Used to like Danielle Steele however she's becoming redundant
The Chicken Soup for the soul series
Clive Cussler
and assorted others
blue and lavender - it varies
Anything I really enjoy eating has been removed from my personal menu. Due to high cholesteral, bypass surgery, and other ailments incurred as I age, I'm on a low fat, low protein, no sugar, low salt diet. I think right now, my diet is limited to cardboard, some fruits and most vegetables. If I adhered to what the dietitian suggests - I'd weigh 80 lbs by now. What I really would love is a McDonald's Happy Meal - complete with the toy. But that ain't going to happen so I shall do my best to continue to survive.
I'm married and continue to live with my husband of 43 years - have two dogs - Slick the wonder terrier and Gracie the household diva. I think waking up in the morning is a good start to any day. I have 3 kids - 2 sons, one daughter and 2 grand kids. The eldest son having provided the 2 grandchildren and now an ex daughter in law. Son number 2 is single, works in the film industry and has yet to add to the gene pool. My daughter is developmentally handicapped but is doing extremely well, working for a local brewery for the past 15 years. Any Canadians reading this who have downed a bottle or two of Okanagan Brewery beer, Robyn probably had some part in the bottling process. She also lives on her own - in a semi independent situation. I am her chauffeur and personal slave. I was born in Vancouver, grew up in North Vancouver and ran away from home when I was 22. I met and married my husband in Kamloops and followed him around B.C. for his job until we moved to Vernon 32 years ago.
We decided to stay put and he retired from the natural gas company 6 years ago after 44 years of employment. I'm not all that interesting. I don't sew, am not crafty and am not fond of cooking. One of the biggest mistakes I made was cooking that first supper for my husband after we got married. I was distressed to learn that he expected this service every day. Both of us were athletes in our prime - and now that we've reached the age where he has hip replacements and I have bad knees - we don't do a lot of anything except complain about our aches and pains and think of the good old days when we could run and jump. That's about it as briefly as I know how to be.
Meeting people - honesty - a great sense of humor in anyone - tolerance - people with an open mind - people who don't judge others by their preferred lifestyles.
Anyone who does not fit into the above category. Liver and onions. Alcohol - because it does not agree with me and if I am going to be really, really sick for days - I'd rather it not be self induced.
Am on the board of directors for the local Community Living (association for the mentally handicapped) Volunteer for Special Olympics events and fund raisers. I have faint memories of being a decent athlete, playing fast pitch, slow pitch, basketball, track and field. While doing all of the above, totally screwed up my left knee which finally forced me to become a spectator. I then moved on to become a hockey and baseball mom.