Female 71 years old somewhere over the rainbow, California United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 14585
    [ 6458 ]
Christian - other |
01/26/2020 15:16:02 |
The Movie Called " The Notebook " Is Just One Of My Favorite Movies.
I love music it comforts my soul & relaxes me. My favorites are : Country , R&B , Christian Rock , Oldies But Goodies , & some of the Old Rock & Roll.
I Really Don't Have A Specific Favorite Color. I Love Them All.
Here Are Just A Few Of My Favorite Foods That I Like. I Love Chinese Food , Stuffed Bell Peppers , Liver And Onions , To Steak Or Chicken With A Baked Potato .. I Love Cake And My Favorite Cold Drinks Are Ice Tea Or A Cold Glass Of Cream Soda.
I'm A Woman Of 66 Yrs.Old Of Age. I'm Affectionate , Romantic , Beautiful , Compassionate , Warm And Kind Hearted , Caring & Trustworthy. I'm A Woman Whom Has A Kind And Giving Heart. I'm Also A Very Faithful , Loyal & Commited Woman. I'm A Woman Who Loves Her Family And Friends , And One That Loves Life ItSelf & Lives Life To The Fullest EveryDay. I Was Born In PittsBurgh , Pennsylvania But Now Resides In California Since The Age Of 7 Yrs.Old.I Have Two Grown Son's My Oldest Is 45 Yrs . Old & My Youngest Son Is 38 Yrs . Old. I Have 10 GrandChildren 8 Girls And 2 Boys. I also have two great grandchildren ..
I enjoy being around good , honest , happy people. People that I can have a good conversation with. Just being around family , friends , and spending Time With My Grandchildren.
People Who Are Not Honest With Me.
Here are just a few things that I enjoy doing : cooking and baking , computor programming , PSP Graphic Designing , dancing & singing (kareoke) , movies , fine dining , exercising , music , reading , travel , going to sporting activities such as : Baseball , Football , Basketball , Ice Hockey. I also, enjoy going to Pet Expos , going to car & motorcycle shows .. restored and new. I enjoy fishing and camping , going to the mountains and the beach. I enjoy working out in the yard taking care of my beautiful rose bushes. Most of all I enjoy being with my family , friends , grandchildren. I live life everyday , to the fulliest , like if it was my last day so , Laugh , Love And Be Happy.
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