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Well here we go!!!!!! Holidays are fast approaching!

mem_normal OFFLINE
70 years old

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JOB: Self employed
DRINK: Sometimes
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 08/16/2008
LAST LOGIN: 04/16/2010 18:36:57

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Sep 13 2008, 9:54 pm by FriendForYou
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Sep 12 2008, 11:42 am by FriendForYou
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Not a big movie goer but have seen several lately because of holidays. Liked the Bucket List. I'm into happy ending feel good type movies. All time favorite? Sound of Music without a doubt! LOVE Shawshank Redemption, Officer and a Gentleman, Top Gun, Dirty Dancing, Steel Magnolias, As good as it Gets, Birdcage!!! Just saw Valley of Elah, and the Changling. Both fairly good

Love classical but Country is a staple in our home! Don't like jazz (I know!)I do like old time Rock and Roll, Classic Rock, The Beatles, Celine Dion, CCR, Abba, Neil Diamond, Rascal Flatts

I am newly retired and haven't had time to read much for years. Now I am enjoying doing just that. Love the classics - Jane Eyre, Little Women, The Silver Chalice, Gone with the wind. I also enjoy well written murder mystery type books (John Grisham) and just read Memory Keeper's Daughter - good! To Kill a Mockingbird, the Anne of Green Gables series!Just read some Jodi Picoult - Plain Truth and Nineteen minutes - good

Well I would say my favorite colours are whatever is seasonal. Depends what you are taling about. In clothes I like neutrals with a splash of colour. In cars I like maybe black or love the new cocoa metallic.... in home decor I'm into sage and soft neutrals.... colour is wonderful but different for different things!

I'm a good cook so it has to be very tasty food! I love comfort food - roast beef, casseroles, fresh peach pie, chicken parmesan, you get the drift! I love to trade really good recipes!

Where did summer and Fall go??? Can't believe Christmas is only a few weeks away and then here in Manitoba we'll experience the cold!!! Looking forward to a month in Arizona in February. That will help break it up. Hope all of you have something good planned for the winter!

I recently sold my retail business after owning a flower/gift shop for 30 years! I am totally enjoying my life after work! I am happily married for almost 33 years and we live on the prairies . My husband is a grain farmer. We farm a very large amount of land with my husband's 3 other brothers. I grew up in the east in Ottawa - Canada's capital so moving 2000 miles to a rural,farm area was quite a shock. I have adapted!!
Both my husband and I are avid golfers. I am currently dealing with elderly parents that live almost 2000 miles away. I also have 2 grown daughters. One is a nurse and lives 90 miles away. She got married last Thanksgiving. The other is 22 and still not sure what she wants to do. She works in a pub/restaurant. She also lives 90 miles away.

I like friendly, generous, kind people.People who tell the truth. People who are not all about themselves. I love green grass , thunderstorms, flower gardens. I love a calm, warm evening at sundown. I love the fresh air and space in rural Manitoba but I like the excitment and fun of the big city. I like crafts, golf, computers, T.V., music, friends, animals,(particularily my 2 cats) food, good times with family and friends

Mean spirited people. I don't like wind. I don't like beets. I don't like mice. I don't like to see anyone suffer. I don't like it when people put other people down. I don't like myself when I complain about trivial things when others are going through so much!

Gardening,GOLF,Sewing, knitting, used to tole paint. Good at most crafts. Was a florist for 30 years so can do most anything with my hands. Have a flair for interior design. Love to golf. Like to travel. Like being at home with my husband too. Home is a wonderful place.

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05/11/2021 09:02:25

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