Harley Gal
Female 69 years old Aplington, Iowa United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1479
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Christian - other |
06/12/2014 12:29:50 |
I pretty much love all movies from love stories to westerns, sci-fi etc. I am not too crazy about war movies although it depends who is in it. I will watch anything John Wayne, Clint Eastwood & Jackie Chan.
Love rock, old and new. Some rap and well pretty much all.
Stephen King
Harry Potter Books
Vampire books
Love red but teal is close second..
Steak, Seafood, Chocolate!
I'm back!!! At least for now. Moved into town into a 2 bdrm house just me and my lil dog, Jasmine. No more husband, although not officially divorced but that's just a technicality really.
Lost my lil dog, Sweet Pea. She passed from AIDS! Yes, dogs can get it. Anyway sorely missed unlike my so-called husband.
Working away at a local Casey's which is fairly near my new home which is nice. Not really crazy about this town life.. Used to the quiet and private aspect of country living but trying to get used to it.
So anyway, hope to say hi to all and missed being here.
I have 2 daughters and 5 Grandkids. The youngest daughter, Jessica and her 2 daughters, Jordyn & Myranda live just in the next town about 5 miles away. The eldest daughter, Amy and her 3 children, Jory, Brisa and Trevin currently live in Indiana.
I also have a female Shih Tzu dog, named Jasmine who is all white with touches of brown. Jasmine is 6 years old. Love her to death and spoil her rotten, of course. Been my savior over all the hard times dealing with my cheating, lying husband over the past few years. Gave me a reason to keep going.
I love Nascar! Jeff Gordon is my main man, but also cheer for Jimi Johnson and Dale Jr. Practically since I moved here have not been able to see a race! Don't have a dish any longer just a cheap tv antenna which picks up very few channel and mostly am working when a race is on anyway. Really miss watching.
I like Harley Davidson motorcycles and own a 2004 Sportster.
I'm a true animal lover and literally cannot condone abuse of any kind.
I like convertibles and only wish I had one or any car at this point.
I like growing plants.
I like sundresses in the summer and sweats in winter.
People who can't drive and ones who don't look out for bikes.
Really don't like the cell phone drivers. Too busy talking to pay attention to their driving and usually seem to be in front of me. Thank God in January new law prohibits cell phone talking or texting while driving. The roads will be safer!
Dislike intolerance and my husband.
I like to read, watch movies, garden, play games on my computer (especially Sims 2) and am into facebook games big time! Love that farming, fishing and cooking etc.
I am into many different crafts such as ceramics, macrame, making dreamcatchers, crocheting, quilting,and knitting.
Enjoy putting together puzzles occasionally and get into paint by number pictures.
Love growing house plants. Put together my first all cactus tank and it's been 4 years now and it's doing great! Have a very large 50-60 year old Christmas Cactus and have given away probably over 100 starts!
Jackiesporty04 has 20 friend(s)