Female 85 years old United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 2156
[ 92 ]
02/05/2010 17:15:14 |
Shakespeare in Love, Other Boleyn Girl
All historical novels, from Phillipa Gregory to Robert Graves

Chocolate of course. Baked potatoes, lemon and peach pie, good mushrooms, home grown veggies. Food and wine in restaurants in Italy. And anything from a French bakery. I'm a vegetarian who saves room for dessert.
Hi, and welcome to my site where I hope to make new friends. I live in Florida--was born here too but lived in other states like So. Carolina and West Virginia. I'm an author of historical fiction but in my other life I was a teacher. My degrees are in Music but I've also taught Engl. and Math to Spec. Ed students. Before that I was a Real Estate broker, before that a Veterans Service officer. You probably don't want to know all the rest.
I like to play my grand piano and read good books and play with my boxer dog. I love to travel. I love to cook and try new recipes which sometimes get thrown into the compost. I would like to replant my herb garden but it's just too hot. I love my sisters and my kids. I love the mountains and the ocean.
I don't like people who don't give you space and talk right in your face. Loud people. People who are cruel to animals. My feelings about this are stronger than dislike. 
Yoga, ballroom dancing, belly-dancing, taking classes and learning new stuff.
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