Female 76 years old United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1477
   [ 433 ]
09/13/2013 19:46:00 |
Gone With The Wind,Scarlett, Somewhere in Time, Dirty Dancing, Out of Africa
Historical and Christian Romances; Mysteries
Fried cube steak, smothered with fried onions, and sides of mashed potatoes and peas.
Favorite desserts are lemon meringue pie, any kind of pound cake, and Mexican Wedding Cookies.
I published a cookbook in 2008 and sold out in 3 months. The only advertising was word of mouth!
Virginia will always be 'home' to me. One daughter; one grandson; one granddaughter; two cats.
Spending time with family; Spending time in the mountains;Cruising; Reading; Sewing; Quilting; Baking. I plan to take a watercolor class and a cake decorating class soon. I love doing genealogical research.
People who have no integrity.
Places that are hot and humid, but that doesn't include cruise ports!
Olives, Mexican food, cilantro, rosemary, and anise.