Female 74 years old Tampa, Florida United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 4648
    [ 1285 ]
02/13/2013 15:00:21 |
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Comedy, Action, Romance, Drama

I have 2 actually. One is beautiful, bright sun yellow. The other is lovely, soothing lavendar.

I would like to ask each of you to pray for my guy. He has been diagnosed with kidney cancer and will have his left kidney removed on Jan. 24. The doctors tell us it is a huge mass and between stage 2 and 3. They also give us hope since they see no indication it has gone into the lymph glands or other vessels in his body. It will be cauterized to stop blood flow the day prior to surgery in order to reduce the chances of excessive and dangerous bleeding. Please keep him in your prayers and pray that God will guide the doctors and place His healing hands on Charles. Since finding him again after 44 years (1st boy I ever dated), I don't know what I would do if something happened that took him away from me again.
God bless each and every one of you!
You are also welcome to visit my personal home page
Trisha's Lil Corner
(Turn on your speakers to hear the song)
I am a 61 yr. old woman with 3 grown children. Being on disability retirement, I spend a lot of time working/playing with my computer.
I worked in the financial industry for many, many years. I held the position of VP of two different credit unions. I started with one credit union as a teller and worked my way up in position. Then I worked with a credit card company for a few years before becoming disabled.
My family is the world to me. My pride and joy are my six grandchildren. Oh, can't forget my grandDOGs! They're the "babies" of my daughter and her husband.
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Computers, anything associated with CloudEight and ThunderCloud, nature art and graphics, spending time with my grandchildren, my children and their spouses, my best friend, laughing, learning, making new friends, a clean house ... and BUTTERFLIES, if you didn't notice!
Shallow, judgemental people; liars; cheaters; rudeness; people who try to be what they are not; and a few pet peeves

Knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, reading, working on computers, dabbling in watercolor painting, PSP/Animation Shop, repairing and recovering computer systems for friends and family and whatever else that may tickle my fancy at any particular moment.

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