I think the kittens may be forming alliances and planning to vote the dogs off the island.
Female 61 years old Cat Spring, Texas United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 2593
   [ 425 ]
Christian - other |
06/11/2011 15:19:48 |
Silence of the Lambs [or almost anything with Anthony Hopkins], and The Green Mile.
I don't watch tv or movies very often. I prefer to read, and thankfully, so does my daughter. My husband, on the other hand, is a tv and movie junkie.
I'd rather watch the weather channel.
The Left Behind Series [except the last one, which was very disappointing], She's Come Undone, and Freakanomics. I also read program manuals the way others read novels. I'm a geek, and I carry my membership card with pride. HA

Hot dogs from a street vendor on a cold winter's day or baklava or tiramisu or Mediterranean food or Italian food or heck, do I have to pick just one?
Cat Spring, Texas
[05.22.09] There is nothing to announce. My life is uneventful at the moment ... and I like it that way! Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend, and stay safe.
My Emergency Contacts: Barbara and Pedro
CDC Swine Flu Statistics and Information 
Freelance / Stock Photographer, Owner of an animal rehab / rescue sanctuary. Married for 24 years. Have a 22 year old daughter in college. Live on a small ranch in a tiny town in Texas.
If ur going 2 type like this 2day, or any day, I'll b c n u!
If YoUr ScReEn NaMe LoOkS lIkE tHiS, i CaN aSsUrE yOu, We HaVe NoThInG iN cOmMoN!
If you don't respect your wife or your marriage, I will.
If you don't love your mother, or don't like dogs, don't bother me
If you need to berate people, or spew pedantic drivel, I don't have the time or energy.
You'll likely find that I'm just a mouse click away ...
Twitter -- SandieLee
Blogspot -- DejaView Studio
[more links coming soon]
A great cup of coffee [Cafe du Monde] in the mornin'.
Being surrounded by my family and friends.
Watching fat-bellied puppies romp around on the lawn.
Purring kittens and/or cats.
The thick summer air filled with the scent of honeysuckle & gardenias

People who are judgmental, pedantic, drama-queens, or those who cloak their ulterior motives in false friendships.
kayaking, hiking, camping, gardening, reading, web design, flying, fostering animals, and crafts
If you should find something in my photos that you'd like to use as wallpaper or a background or any other project, just ask, and I'll be happy to send you the original photo. I've reduced the sizes of all these photos for ease of up/downloading. I think a couple of them would make great tubes for PSP if you're so inclined to do that kinda thing.
SandieLee has 29 friend(s)