My wonderful Bob passed away and I now live in a retirement community close to my son and his family in the Mountains of East Tn. MY life has changed, but I have a large support circle and the Lord is always near. The Lord has given me some more time here on earth and I plan to use it for his glory.
I have two daughters ,one son and 7 grandchildren.
3 great Great granddaughters and a great grandson to be born in april.. What a joy they have been over the years AND CONTINUE TO bring lots of smiles and happiness.
Our oldest Grandson is married and practices law in Atlanta, our second grandson is married and practices med. in Portland Org and has one daughter. Our third
grandson is PRACTICING MED. in the mountains of N.C.. My 4th grandson graduated from the University of Georgia and is employed in Atlanta Ga..
Our oldest granddaughter is married and graduated from Emory university as a Nurse practitioner in women's health. My twin granddaughters graduated from collage in December, 2021 and are now in their third year of
vet college. My 3 children keep me busy visiting their families and traveling. Not as much travel now because of my health but by the connection of Zoom ," we are able to keep in touch.