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86 years old
United States

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JOB: Retired
RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 05/31/2008
LAST LOGIN: 02/25/2025 18:49:41

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Jun 16 2013, 1:02 pm by Swanlady
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I spend more time watching movies now because the news now is so terrible and networks entertainment shows do not appeal to me.https://dl.glitter-graphics.com/pub/1620/1620661n2nfj8mj8u.gif -- go to www.glitter-graphics.com


My parents were very talented musicians. My Mother wrote 7 hymns , MY father could play any string instrument including piano, and organ. He played guitar for Earnie Ford in Mr. Fords early years but when Mr. ford left to began his career in show business my Father stayed in their home town and had a life full of love, serving the Lord, family and no regrets. Sorry to say I only have a talent for listening.


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I love to read.So many good books to keep up with. Mysteries,adventure,history,just to name a few. I have started several books lately that I just closed up and returned. I do not have time for trash. Leon Uris is one author I read again and again.
THE BIBLE is the one book I read every day.

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Yellow in all its hues makes me smile.😊

Food is a hard thing to define as a favorite. So many of the foods I loved as a child are no longer allowed.For example, country ham, souse, gravy made from fried chicken, blackberry cobbler, home made biscuits I could go on and on but I am making myself hungry.



07/17/2023 11:09:18
05/06/2023 13:05:20
10/12/2022 09:57:06
03/05/2022 13:39:15


My wonderful Bob passed away and I now live in a retirement community close to my son and his family in the Mountains of East Tn. MY life has changed, but I have a large support circle and the Lord is always near. The Lord has given me some more time here on earth and I plan to use it for his glory.

I have two daughters ,one son and 7 grandchildren.
3 great Great granddaughters and a great grandson to be born in april.. What a joy they have been over the years AND CONTINUE TO bring lots of smiles and happiness.

Our oldest Grandson is married and practices law in Atlanta, our second grandson is married and practices med. in Portland Org and has one daughter. Our third
grandson is PRACTICING MED. in the mountains of N.C.. My 4th grandson graduated from the University of Georgia and is employed in Atlanta Ga..
Our oldest granddaughter is married and graduated from Emory university as a Nurse practitioner in women's health. My twin granddaughters graduated from collage in December, 2021 and are now in their third year of
vet college. My 3 children keep me busy visiting their families and traveling. Not as much travel now because of my health but by the connection of Zoom ," we are able to keep in touch.

I like a quiet sunrise,leaves that fall in autumn, the smell and sound of crunching leaves. . and people who

Congested places, noise and traffic, and shopping. People who do not respect our beautiful God given mountains, lakes,and streams, and angry cartoons and movies, people who do not tell the truth and Stay angry about anything and everything.
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As I stated earlier, I like to read, do a little water coloring. Nothing fancy, took some lessons and enjoy painting fog and trees. A little sewing and card making takes up all the extra time I have.


Displaying 4 out of 2508 comments
03/09/2025 05:52:37

03/08/2025 05:29:41

This Saturday the rain showers are heading our way!  It is the perfect day to rest, relax and recover.  

Take a run at something you haven't done in a while. 

Look for the beauty all around you.  Find something different and share it.  

Always share your love with others.  Someone out there may really need it.  

Be a blessing and share some of your kindness with them.  Say a prayer over them.  It will make your Saturday better too!  

At the end of the day, don't forget to set your clocks forward if you are changing to Daylight Savings Time.  You don't want to be late for church tomorrow.  

03/07/2025 05:18:31

You bet it is Friday!  The best day of the week and the best day ever!  

The sky is blue and the temperature today should be a perfect 80°.  Yes, it will be cold and rainy for the weekend.  

So put your prettiest hat on today and get out and share that smile!  

Never let anyone or anything that happens spoil your "PINK" perfect day or your life.  

Love is in the air and all around you today and every day.  

Backup and really look at this graphic.  Jesus is always by your side and inside of you!  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

03/06/2025 08:39:09


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