Male 82 years old Hopkinsville, Kentucky United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1278
[ 9 ]
11/15/2012 11:13:47 |
Ghost will always be my favorite. I love all Westerns.
Bluerass and the older country music. As one star stated; The music sung today shouldn't be called country.
Cowboy Intrigue mysteries. Ms B.J. Daniels is a favorite. I have read almost 300 books during the last 18 months. Love my PC Kindle on a 42 inch monitor.
Black - I wear black so much, I get called Johnny Cash a lot.
Country food. Mexican food. Hamburgers.
I grew up a country boy in Kentucky. Shortly after graduating High School. I joined the military and stayed 20 years, living in several states and 3 foreign countries. I was able to take my wife and son with me except for the very first trip. For the most part, my outfit worked for the National Security Agency but for several years, I was a Special Agent. After I retired, We moved back to Ky and my wife and I both were employed by the Postal Service and both retired there as well. We have one 11 year old granddaughter. We also have a very spoiled Yorkshire Terrier. 16 yrs Special Deputy Sheriff.
Computers, books, cokes, beautiful scenery, honest people, military, police officers and cowboys.
Liars, thieves, politicians, drug dealers, people too lazy to take care of their families. Child abusers.
Computers, Reading, Hanging out with my beautiful wife.
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