It's Never To Late To Live and Love
Female 67 years old Paducah, Kentucky United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1010
[ 47 ]
09/13/2009 16:26:41 |
The Big Chill, Purple Rain, Godfather, Dirty Dancing, etc
Country, more the older than the new. Oldies and alittle of the new rock and roll
Don't read to much. Eyes bad, gives me a headache.
Love yellow, all shades. Blue and green all shades. Purple all shades
Pizza, big, fat, juicey hamburg, chicken anything just about.
Son and his girlfriend had a baby girl on Jan. 5 and my daughters baby is 3 months old now.
Just like to be excepted for who I am and not be make fun of. I am borderline albino, pale white and a true blonde.
Rain, beautiful sunsets, mountains, my cat, food, music, dancing
Scrap booking, collecting lighthouse stuff, gardening, cookin
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