"Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done Unto You"
Female 58 years old Brownsburg, Indiana United States
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Profile Views: 1811
[ 51 ]
07/19/2021 11:02:32 |
Into The West,Dances With Wolves,Last Of The Mohicans,Black Cloud,Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee,Harry Potter,Air Force One and any movie with Gary Oldman,Johnny Depp and Alan Rickman. Too many more to mention.
Anything by Sylvia Browne,True Crime,Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee,In The Spirit Of Crazy Horse,all the Harry Potter books,true Ghost Stories and anything to do with Native American History.
I'am a 42yr. old stay at home Mom of four. My oldest is Stevie25,Laura19,Marshall15 and my little hell on two feet,Cheyenne Dakota who just turned 8.
Mean people,those who think they are better than anyone else because of their position in life. I also do not like hypocrites.
Reading and tracing my Native American Ancestry.
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