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Tag: humor
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 48 Blogs.
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Green Cottage Cheese & Eggs Memories of one thing often make you think of something else. In this case, I was thinking of one of my long-time friends who is gone now. Around the last of the 1990s, I took a trip to Ca to visit Cathy and her husband for a few days. We planned to go to a deaf Expo in New York. Well, It was a lot of fun but one day was enough for me. Cathy's husband was one of the worst drivers I've ever known and believe me, I could tell... Read More
I am excited. It has been a while since we have all visited the Funny Farm. Grandmother always said I would end up on one or be running a Funny Farm; so, it fits. I can't believe I actually got the sign painted and posted. It has been interesting to say the least. A great place for me to retire. I think George has come to visit more than anyone else. I think the animals bring him some sort of peace. A retired New York cop would find peace on a funny farm... no pun intended. I have taken the g... Read More
Recently this past week I was out running a few errands in town. Mind you, I usually limit my driving time to somewhere between 9 am and 11:30 am. As we all know come noon time and the roads become a bit more busier. I picked up a few items at a local store. At the check out, the clerk asked me if I was 55 or older, *as Wednesdays are Senior citizen day*. For a moment I froze, but then quickly realized I did in fact, fall under this proverbial category. She then utter... Read More
I have had a real time of it. Talk about having a senior moment. It all started last night. I don't know what time it was when I last sent an email. But right after that my system popped up and said it wanted to do an update and that it would take "a while" to do it. A while turned into hours. I watched all the Gunsmoke episodes I had recorded and was starting in on the Walker, Texas Ranger recordings before I finally got an "okay." The screen just said,... Read More
For about a week I had gone through the 'drop its' or everything I wanted or needed was in another room. I had an ankle and knee that was giving me problems. Constantly getting up and down became frustrating, to say the least. I am used to praying for guidance and giving thanks for my blessings. Last night I prayed for God to send me someone who would fetch and carry for me. My advice to most people when they want something specific to happen is to pray for guidance... Read More
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