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Tag: life
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 64 Blogs.
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The Native Floridians in the above titled blog are not, in fact, humans. I am speaking of the wildlife we are surrounded by in my part of the sunshine state. Summer, by it's nature, being a time of plenty for the animals, has brought them out in full force in my little corner of the world. In the last month alone we've encountered (in our immediate yard and treeline) a coyote, 4 armadilloes doing their best to destroy our lawn, a rabbit, a possum, too many squirrels and... Read More
Throughout our time here on earth, we see signs in various forms. They direct us to where we need to go, other times… we simply navigate our way as best we can…hoping to abide by the rules (signs) that quite often share the road with us. Two weeks ago, the hubby, myself, and our sweet dog Dixie were on vacation at the beach in Garden City. Throughout our time there, I couldn’t help but notice the signs everywhere. They welcomed us here as we arrived at our vacation destination. Other si... Read More
This past week I learned a friend and (former coworker) was in the hospital…preparing to undergo heart bypass surgery. We started working together over 27 1/2 years ago. She, along with many other friends, (I’ve worked with) remain in close touch. ... Read More
Wow, so many birthdays in the month of July! Last week I turned the big SIX-OH!! How did that happen? Remember as kids we thought 60 was ancient? Heck, 40 was ancient. Time really does give you a perspective on such things, doesn't it? I remember as a child thinking that at 60 I would be a white haired old lady in a rocking chair. Haha. Now I think there's nothing wrong with white hair, I actually love it. I also love the sense o... Read More
Today, my sweet neighbor and I were watching the birds outside her living room window...something we enjoy quite often. My mind took me to a simpler time in life, when things seemed more carefree. One could certainly lower their blood pressure just by looking out a window to observe the birds in their neck of the woods. I’ve decided do just that, and to focus more on nature and what the new spring season will bring to my yard. ... Read More
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