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81 years old
North Carolina
United States

Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 5839
[ 7362 ]

Referrals: 1

Profile Views: 5840

JOB: Retired
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 05/02/2008
STAR SIGN: Capricorn
LAST LOGIN: 04/01/2021 23:49:27

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Short list of favorite movies:
The Hunt for the Red October
Love Comes Softly
Pretty Woman
The Princess Bride
Bourne Ultimatum
The Bucket List

Easy Listening
Some of my favorite singers are:
Charles Billingsley
Celine Dion
Shania Twain
Bette Midler
Il Divo
George Strait
Alan Jackson
Ronnie Dunn

Even though I'm not musically talented in any way I absolutely loooooove piano instrumentals.

My favorite color is blue, all shades, but there's hardly any color that I DON'T like.

Spaghetti and southern cooking. My favorite restaurant is , and a new one was just built in the city nearest me.

There is a resturant nearby that serves the best southern country style cooking and it's owned and operated by a local family. When my father was still alive our entire family would meet in their banquet room for special occasions. Now family members are scattered around the world and we don't go very often. I really miss that.

My BFF Bonnie Rose

If you won't stand behind our troops, please feel free to stand in front of them

I retired in Dec. 2006 after being an operating room nurse (RN) for 35 years. I have 3 sons, one has just retired from serving 28 years in the Air Force, one has been in the Army 22 years and is stationed in North Carolina. He has just been promoted to G2 Command Sargent Major, and one works for a state minimum security prison for males. I also have 5 grandchildren.
My brother and sister live near me. Our 90 year old Mother went to be with her Lord and Savior June 19,2011. I have 4 chihuahuas and a countless number of cats who come to my house to eat. Most of the cats are feral but if I can catch them I have them spayed. I have recently started fostering kittens for our local animal shelter. I'm happy to do it but it is so hard to say goodbye when they go to their new home.

I like bluebirds, hummingbirds, chihuahuas, pugs, ferrets and cats......or most any animal.

I like gentle rain, I find it very relaxing.I also like thunder storms.
I like to stand at the window and watch falling snow. I love how quiet it is outside after a big snow, it buffers all other noises and you can enjoy the most peaceful and serene time. I live in the country and don't have to get out in the snow or shovel it and the traffic on the nearby state road becomes almost non existant except for those poor souls who have to drive to work.

I like the smell of roses, gardenia, jasmine and hyacinth. I like the smell of coffee brewing but don't really like to drink it. I prefer iced tea or better yet, just plain cold water.

I don't like:
Obnoxious drinkers
People doing drugs
Cruelty to people or animals
Debates or politics
Scary movies
Movies or tv shows filled with vulgar language and/or sex

I like spending time on the computer, although I'm always in the learning stage.

I like feeding and watching hummingbirds, they are such amazing little creatures.

I enjoy my 4 chihuahuas and local feral cats, although I wish I could catch all the females and have them spayed. Feeding them can be very expensive. I've had to put them on a diet of reduced portions lately, LOL

Displaying 4 out of 6 comments
01/13/2021 08:18:29


12/16/2020 10:58:56


You can tell that Christmas is getting close when the smells of Christmas are all through the house.  


It is almost time to call everyone together to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  


Take time for yourself... body, mind, and SPIRIT.  That's the best way to really enjoy every minute.


01/13/2020 08:51:44

Birthday Comments

09/05/2019 09:03:35

happiest kind of dayLOVE AND PRAYERS,   ANNE

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