March first has come in like a fresh spring day and each day is to be warmer and warmer. It would be ever so nice to have spring weather now but March can change up north off and on as old man winter still wants to stay. I will enjoy the spring days during this March . Thinking about the tulips that were planted last fall. What a treat to enjoying them during the spring time. May you have a wonderful week and I will do the same up north. Smiles Gloria
Laughter is therapy for physical pain, emotional pain, and the everyday pain of life. ~Terri Guillemets
A wonderful afternoon this has been. Spring is more in the air and I am liking it. Soon March will be here as spring and winter clide together off and on during the month. I do belive I need another cup of coffee to make my day even brighter. May you have a nice evening and a glorious weekend . Smiles Gloria
Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you — not because they are nice, but because you are. ~Author unknown
My Goodness what a beautiful winter afternoon. One can almost smell spring in the air. I think I am dreaming, wake up Gloria and have a cup of tea. My favorite tea these days is sweet tangerine by Yogi. I so do enjoy my tea's in the afternoon and evening time. May you have pleasant moments for the rest of your day. SMiles Gloria
I hope your having a nice day. I am having a wonderful day and enjoying the winter warmer temps. I think I need to have another cup of coffee and or maybe some tea. Smiles Gloria.
A smile vanquishes loneliness, if only for a fleeting moment. ~Terri Guillemets
A nice winter day to you. A Bit cool for these next few days so will run my errands later on in the week. In the mean time I will stay toasty warm in the home front.
Enjoying some maple pecan seasonal flavored coffee from green mountain. So smooth and refreshing to ones taste buds. This is a nice day to do the household duties and then continue to read some more chapters in a book I started early this morning.
Migit even see some snowflakes today,Goodness most exciting! Take care and stay safe. Smiles Gloria.
Such a beautiful picture this is and that is what it looks like here with the braches on the trees full of ice and snow. Breathtaking site! Sounds like some more snow coming our way for Sunday. MY how I love the winter days as this season shows off its beauty. May you have a pleasant weekend. Smiles Gloria
good morning! hope you had a nice week...we are getting more snow here...2 to 4 inches...i don't have to go anywhere so going to enjoy it..have a lovely friday...much love marykay
May your day be ever so nice to you. Up north the sun is shinning and the snow is glistening.
I do believe I will make up a cup of caramel vanilla cream flavored coffee from green mountain to make my moments even more brighter. May you have a joy in your heart as you do your daily duties and I will do the same. Smiles Gloria