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06/20/2019 06:57:41

June 20 is American Eagle Day, a celebration that commemorates the date in 1782 when the bird was added to the Great Seal of the United States, effectively becoming a national symbol. Franklin was reportedly not a fan. In a letter to his daughter, he wrote: ‘For my own part I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen the Representative of our Country. He is a Bird of bad moral Character. He does not get his Living honestly.’

With an olive branch in its right talons and a bundle of 13 arrows in its left (representing the 13 original states in the Union), the eagle is said to represent a strong desire for peace, but readiness for conflict. You’ll likely recognize the Great Seal of the United States from its appearance on passports, flags, official documents, and US currency.

Once common across North America, by the 1950s bald eagle populations had plummeted to an estimated 412 nesting pairs in the United States. Their decline was attributed to several factors, including use of the pesticide DDT, which caused thinning in their eggshells and interfered with reproduction. New regulations, including a ban on DDT, helped the species rebound. In 2007 the bald eagle was officially removed from the list of endangered and threatened species, marking the end of a long recovery. It continues to be protected by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.

06/20/2019 06:50:35

Hi Judi, hope you're having fun in the sun! No sun around here. Rain rain rain! And it won't go away lol! (((Hugs)))

06/20/2019 06:04:48
Good morning.  It is Garbage Day in my alley.  I shall only be attending the service in regards to recyclables.  I had previously detailed my surreptitious ways of getting rid of my regular surplus.  I am preparing for tomorrow.  It shall be the longest day of the year.  And for those of you who are chronicling my life, it is the official start of summer.  I actually had a successful day yesterday.  I was able to get to the bank and update a couple of flash drives I have in my safe deposit box.  I always like to have everything duplicated in case of a tornado, fire, or an asteroid hitting the earth.  I still remember when several years ago a couple of young girls looking through the debris for their laptops after their apartment was trashed by a tornado.  I interviewed one of the girls and she told me she was hoping her laptop would continue to work as she had all of her pictures in the laptop.  I could not believe that someone from her generation did not have a flash drive stored in her parents' house.  In either case, upon completing that task, I then was able to go for a constitutional.    I have nothing mandatory on my agenda for today.  I plan on a couple of things.  I think I shall head over to church in under 2 hours.  Outside of that, I shall play it by ear.  I'm hoping to go for a constitutional as I'm expecting rain tomorrow and the next day.

Have a good day.  My status is as usual.  Some coffee, listening to the stereo, etc.  Ciao for now in watch your wallet!

Image result for garbage day

Image result for garbage day

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06/19/2019 18:55:46

Have a Lovely Afternoon/Evening my friend
Hugs Don

06/19/2019 15:55:34

06/19/2019 10:23:18

Friend Glitters Images
Pictures to share
I have been so busy showing my house that is now up for sale  and buying my new place in a 55+ community that I have not been on The Hill for a while. I had no idea I would be so busy. I will be detailing my moving journey in a blog soon. Love and Prayers for you, Anne

06/19/2019 07:55:08

hello, been busy doing all sorts of things outside, we've had such nice weather...today it's raining , but i guess these kind of days are for cleaning the house...wish you a nice day...hugs

06/19/2019 06:43:45

Welcome to another beautiful hot day.
Looking at heat index up to 108 today . Hope your having a good week so
far and not flooded like some areas. We had another strong front move in
Sun. night with the high winds again but thankfully no damage here
other than a few limbs down .Take care & enjoy the rest of the

Have a nice day

06/19/2019 06:01:43

Good morning, we're sailing toward the weekend...sending love from my page to yours..

Image result for sailing ship images free

06/19/2019 04:38:21
GOOD MORNING & happy HUMP DAY. I am expecting a good day weather-wise. Nothing in stone today for an agenda. Playing it by ear. Yesterday got a constitutional in of about +3 miles. The last mile in a drizzle but nothing major. Have a good day and don't do anything without submitting it to the site for discussion, and for controversy, submit it to Twitter. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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06/18/2019 23:15:54


06/18/2019 17:20:35

Have a Lovely Afternoon/Evening my friend
Hugs Don

06/18/2019 17:00:29



06/18/2019 10:35:22

Friendship scraps, friendship images, quotes

06/18/2019 05:55:04
I hope you are having a good vacation. 

06/18/2019 05:54:45
Good morning on this Tuesday morning.  A pleasant morning so far.  Temperatures in the sixties.  Too early to find out if the rock in the sky will be shining in my backyard.  Nothing major planned for today.  A trip to the grocery store for the last day of the weekly coupons.  I have to get one more gallon of chocolate milk so as not to near a panic.  I always like to have approximately 2 gallons in the refrigerator in case of nuclear attack.  When I went out this morning to throw out the water, I found a letter in my mailbox from the hospital/provider.  One always likes to open up a letter that says, THIS IS NOT A BILL.  I think I shall give it to another week before I start doing things again.  I have been paranoid about my situation with my detached retina.  If I think about it, in less than 2 hours, I shall make a trip to church.  I was somewhat successful the other day in cleaning the microwave.  I managed to get about ¾ of the microwave cleaned.  A couple by neighbors were impressed by my efforts.  I also would like to get a constitutional in later.  Maybe about 3 miles.  I really miss my jogging and 3:00 AM.  When I go out to throw out the water, it really feels nice out.  No sunshine and no people.  Of course it is mandatory that there is no people as I am usually not decent.

See you later alligator.  Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

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06/17/2019 20:01:40

Good evening - hope you had a great day and that you also had a good weekend.  Pleasant dreams tonite!  

06/17/2019 17:37:03

Have a Lovely Afternoon/Evening my friend
Hugs Don

06/17/2019 06:17:34



good morning

06/17/2019 05:49:09

Hi Judi, hope you're having fun in the sun..

Image result for sunrise images

06/17/2019 05:47:23

Good morning on this Monday morning. The Ides of June are finished and time to look forward to Christmas. Live long and prosper.

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Image may contain: mountain, sky, outdoor, nature and water

06/16/2019 20:07:03

Have a Lovely Evening and a great new week my friend
Hugs Don

06/16/2019 14:00:02

Enlarge photo 1

06/16/2019 08:20:17

06/16/2019 06:39:07

Good morning

Image result for sunrise new day quotes

06/16/2019 05:49:47

Have a good vacation. 

06/16/2019 05:49:00

Good morning. It is FATHER'S DAY in the Colonies. Enjoy your day with the memories, or if he is still alive, call him up and insult him for old time's sake. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, shoes and outdoor

Image may contain: one or more people, shoes and indoor

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting, shoes, child and outdoor

06/15/2019 17:16:20

Have a Lovely Afternoon/Evening my friend
Hugs Don

06/15/2019 16:29:21

xxx, Tajewl

06/15/2019 13:57:22

Howdy, I hope you have a wonderful time on your vacation. Take care and be safe..  hugs, debijo

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