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10/12/2023 10:16:16

We did get some rain after 'they' said
we wouldn't. lol It drizzled 'manna' all
night; the air smells so good this a.m.
If you're dry, too, maybe this front will
visit you. Wishing you abundant smiles
& joy, dear Darlene:) *hugs* -di

10/11/2023 11:06:36

We have made it to midweek. Has your week been good so far? Now we may start coasting toward the weekend; it's all downhill from here! Happy sliding! Darlene, I smiled reading about the acorns! We have that issue here, not with acorns, but with sweetgum cones. Little prickly balls that are the "fruit" of the sweet gum tree. Annoying little devils that cause you to trip and stagger and hurt like crazy if stepped on in bare feet. Between those and fire ants, I no longer go barefoot outdoors.

Warm Wednesday Hugs~


10/11/2023 11:01:48

The Gulf is pushing rain into our state,
but won't reach this far.  If you're
still dry, hope you're having better
luck, Darlene. Thank you for you sweet
comment. That musci drew me in, too, when
I first heard it. ha  Hope this week is
being good to you, pal. Happy Wednesday! -di

10/11/2023 08:50:52

good Morning Darlene, thank you! I like that song a lot too. So much good mustic from the 70s...our generation!.  Have a  fab-BOO-lous Wednesday!

10/10/2023 11:20:27

10/08/2023 17:11:49

I paid 9.00 for pumpkins here too at Lowe's a few weeks ago..and they are not that big. I had wanted to buy some up in the mountains , but since we are leaving for the beach next weekend, we probably won't get back to the mountains for a while. We dropped to 44 last night, but warmed up to 67. A bit warmer on Monday, and by Wednesday, 80. Indid get pansies planted yesterday. Will be buying another tray of them on Monday for neighbor, as she wants some out on her back deck. Where the kittys hang out..so the pansies prob won't make it out there.we will see how goes. Hope you enjoy the week ahead πŸπŸ‚πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰πŸπŸ‚

10/08/2023 11:00:50

Good morning, DarleneDo you have any
special celebration/plans for your b'day?
I hope YOUR day is special... like you, pal.
Weatherman reported frost on the
pumpkin this morning, and 34ΒΊ. It's Sunday,
a day of serenity and rest. May you have
lots of both, and let the fall colors give
you "happy":)  *hugs*

10/08/2023 09:54:09

Another gorgeous fall day in my area and perfect football weather. Truly heavenly. I hope you have a relaxing Sunday in preparation for a brand new week. Darlene, I haven't bought a real pumpkin so I'm not sure of the prices. It stays warm here so far into fall that if you carve a jack o lantern, it'll rot before Halloween quite often. I have, in the past, bought pie pumpkins and made fresh pumpkin puree. You asked about the leaves changing and in the Charlotte area, very little color is happening. Dogwoods always turn first and ours in our yard are beginning. The highest elevations of our NC mountains (Appalachians) are quite pretty. Jenny and Melanie have both been up there in the past week and say it's quite pretty. Leaf peeping is a big thing and the mountain towns get bombarded with visitors this time of year. Plus there are lots of apple growers up there. We used to take the girls and make a whole day of leaf-looking, apple/cider buying, and picnicking. Now Dave and I are old people and avoid crowds like the plague. HAHAHAHAHA

Sunday smiles~


10/07/2023 20:36:31

Hi Darlene - thanks so much for the compliment on my page.  It was a pleasant Fall day with temps in the low 70's but tonite it'll be down toe the mid 40's - kinda cold.  Hope you'll have a wonderful Sunday - I hear it's your birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  hugs, Wendy

Enjoy Weekend Bird picture

10/07/2023 19:24:28

Chilly temps have arrived...42 tonight..mid 70's next week. Dixie is ready for it..found her sweater, so it's by the door. Wishing you a wonderful new week ahead -:)

10/07/2023 19:18:04


 I will get you a nice cup of coffee  for your special day :)

Birthday Cakes β€” Rudy's Pastry Shop

Free medium beverage birthday coupon from Dunkin Donuts

Have a very nice Birthday tomorrow

* Hugs *    from  me too :)

10/07/2023 15:39:34

Hope tomorrow is a wonderfully
special day, dear Darlene! *hugs*

10/07/2023 11:36:37

It is a stunning fall day for me and I am most definitely in my happy place. Hope you are having a great day, Darlene!

~Hugs and Smiles~


10/07/2023 10:06:04

Good morning, dear Darlene.
There's a cool front coming... ushering in brisk
breezes today, really cool temps overnight. Our
leaves have begun changing; a red maple has
been wearing red all week, but that's the only
one. Actually, a lot of leaves are falling w/o
going thru a color change...I blame our drought
for that:( We got a tad of sprinkles yesterday
ahead of this front, but the week ahead is
supposed to be dry as toast... still.  Really need
rain before winter freezes. Lack of it kills
nice shrubs. Have you checked the price of
pumpkins this year> I haven't yet, but would
like to get one to cook into pies. We both
love 'punkin pies'. I'll make the filling, but
don't make the crust... Pillsbury does such
a good job. ha Hope your w/e is filled w/all
things Autumn/Fall: smells, sights, and lots
of memories. Enjoy the cool!!  Love & *hugs*

10/06/2023 18:57:12


I hear it is a certain little Moongirls Birthday in a few days .

So i thought i would send you a Moon Fairy to help you celebrate and give you a magical day.

You will have to tell me how you celebrated it when next i am online .

So until then my Dear Little Moongirl.

God Bless

and enjoy your special day

Big Hugs

Love and Kisses

X   Summer   X

10/06/2023 18:10:26

Darlene i want to wish you a

Happy 67th Birthday .

Do you have any special plans? 

 Are you going to go out for a delicious dinner?

Your birthday is this Sunday.:)

I hope its a very nice day for you  and you stay in good health.

Do enjoy it partner and make everyday count.

We are getting up there .

God Bless you and hope you have many many more birthdays to come.

By the way its 51 degrees last i heard here in Chicago .

Its pretty nippy outside.

Might have to get that furnace running soon.

Take care of yourself partner.


10/05/2023 11:23:34

Today is takey-outey day for
our main meal... BBQ sammies.
Made vinegar slaw this morning
to top it off.  I love days I
don't see much of the kitchen:)
Have a great Thursday, Darlene!

10/04/2023 21:33:29


Fall is here at last (thank goodness!) but we still have a few days of warmer weather and then it will drop back down into the more "respectable" autumn range.  So anything we need to do outside should probably be done soon, as it seems rain will come with the drop in temps.  (YAY!!) Makes it sloggy to skim the pond and feed the fish and gather the eggs, but I have yard shoes that I keep by the basement door so as long as the muddy ground doesn't cause me to fall on my rear end, I'm just fine with it being rainy.  

You had asked if I had any real pen pals--the kind you write to on paper, rather than online.  I used to.  I started with writing letters to my grandmother and then wrote to a good friend who moved away.  But it's been some time since I've done that kind of letter writing.  I used to write a Christmas letter for many years, but we've stopped sending cards--just another expense that those of us on limited income can't afford.  We have really cut back on how we celebrate the holidays, but I don't mind.  I still decorate the house and when Thanksgiving is over, my CD player gets loaded up with Christmas music and that's my big whoop-de-do these days.  We have a holiday meal, too, with whomever can come.  No gifts exchanged, just memories.  I used to bake a lot of cookies and make candy when I had a pair of bachelor uncles, but they have passed on and we're all trying to either lose weight or at least not gain any, so that kind of baking binge isn't something I do anymore, either.   Honestly, it's a lot easier on my hubby and I now that we don't go so crazy with how we celebrate.  

I'm not the one who feeds the birds--my hubby does.  And I'm guessing that when the weather gets rough, he'll do his best to see to it that the birds have someplace they can go to cadge a free meal.  His reasoning is that the birds eat bugs and help keep the insect population down, so it's smart to keep the birds alive when the weather gets too cold/icy for them to find food elsewhere.  And yes, I have seen deer get up on their hind legs and "bump" the hanging feeders so that seed falls to the ground where they can eat it.  We don't begrudge them the seed since they haven't broken any feeders and they need to eat, too.  I guess food is too scarce for the birds around here, as they eat whatever food they can get once the weather gets snarly.  

I'm very partial to the last four months of the year.  Sometimes September can be a little warm for the first couple of weeks (shoot, some years the whole month is miserable, but not often--and since it's my b-day month and when school starts up in earnest, it has always been one of my favorites.  Yeah, I was what would be called a 'nerd' back when I was in school, but we didn't have those kinds of labels.  Anyway, I loved school for most of the time I was going to it.  You're right about this tail end of the year seeming to fly by, though.  And summer seeming to D-R-A-G...probably because I don't care for all that heat summer brings.  I enjoy the longer days, but not having to hide out in the nearest air conditioned space for most of the day.  

I know people talk about spring cleaning and getting their places cleaned up then, but I tend to do that in the fall--because I finally have enough energy to get to the stuff I know needs to be done and with cooler temperatures, I don't feel as fatigued after digging in and doing a glut of housework.  I managed to get a lot done today, but now I'm stinky and will need to hit the shower PDQ.  

The house is 'done up' for both fall and Halloween except for a few things I need to find places for.  I haven't done anything outside and probably won't, but I was reading below about your outdoor decor and it sounds like a lot of fun; I may change my mind and put something out there, if I can come up with something from what we have around the house.  Maybe some online hunting will turn up an idea I can put together...hmmm...

Have a cool and peaceful October, Darlene!
Love and Hugs,

10/04/2023 11:09:32

Here we are, midweek. Hope your day is going smoothly. I've cleaned bathrooms, done a load of wash, and have oatmeal bars baking in the oven. So it's a good day for me so far. Have a great afternoon and please fly safely. Brooms are replaceable but you aren't. Oh Darlene, I hear you and agree about the warm weather. These stinking 80s need to take a hike. I'm so over it and, like you, it makes me irritable. HAHA

With hugs~


10/04/2023 11:03:48

That was a huge image that you were having trouble with... maybe its size didn't pass muster w/my page? lol  I bet your 'Ween decorations are cute... I love lights of any kind in the dark outside.  That song is by the Platters. Talk about classics... that group made some oldies/goodies for sure. "They" say cooler weather, maybe a tad of rain coming:) Happy today, dear Darlene!  *hugs*

10/03/2023 20:26:03

Hi Darlene i see you changed your page :)

Looks nice.

Its been warm here around 87 degrees today.

Things will be changing soon this weekend .

We going to get an artic blast of cool weather .

Have yourself a nice Wednesday,and i let Summer know to checkout that song you like .

I just improved this picmix.

Soon i will use it.

Nite nite,,,,,, xRick

10/02/2023 14:04:41

How is your Monday coming along? It's a sunny, warm day here. Low 80s. Dave had to make a Lowe's run so I went into Walmart for a couple craft supplies. I got a gift card to Michael's for my birthday but that was the opposite direction of where we were headed today. Going to do some sewing this afternoon and wanted to say hi to you first, Darlene. 


10/01/2023 12:49:13

Awsome page ...

10/01/2023 11:43:49

Enjoying your new page, pal!
Enjoy the gifts of this new month... pumpkin
patches, hayrides, festivals, apple cider,
scarecrows, roasted marshmallows,
jack-o-lanterns, colorful dresses on trees,
country drives, trick-or-treaters,
sweaters, plaid blankets, ... on and on.
Enjoy your October, dear Darlene!  *hugs*

09/30/2023 08:25:57


09/29/2023 15:19:04

Happy Friday, and have a safe weekend
of cheer and joy, Darlene! *hugs*

09/28/2023 14:31:35

Hi and happy Thursday! It is a beautiful afternoon in my area. We've been out digging up some Rose of Sharon plants for our girls. Ours have spread like wildfire. How is your day? Hope your afternoon and evening are restful. Tomorrow's Friday! Darlene, I have a potted mum, a potted pansy, and a concrete pumpkin on my back steps. On the front porch I have 2 concrete pumpkins and two mums. That's about the extent of my outdoor decor. I do have two garden flags that are fall, too. When my girls were younger and still at home, we'd go all out more. Now....they do it all at their homes. Dave and I made concrete pumpkins for the girls and us a month or so ago. Saw the idea on Pinterest and the girls and I loved it so.....I bought the stuff to make them and, with Dave's help, we made a bunch. Large and small. The small ones I wrapped in fabric and we all have those indoors. How about you?  Do you like to decorate for different seasons and holidays?

Big hugs~


09/27/2023 11:19:48

Will tend to some chores today, but not
too many... must always have something
waiting 'til tomorrow:) Have a day of
smiles while doing 'whatever', Darlene.

09/26/2023 18:15:19

Thanks so much..I was in shock when I saw where I had won..I appreciate your vote, but more importantly, your FRIENDSHIP πŸ™‚πŸπŸ‚πŸ™‚

09/25/2023 12:05:38

The first red leaf is on our maple. I hope
this year all our trees will shine in their
dresses, dear Darlene, wherever each of us
 is located. *hugs*

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