Hello on this beautiful Friday, the last day of February. Tomorrow begins meteorological spring. My daffodils are blooming and my tulips and hyacinths are up. So nice to have some cheerfulness and color coming back to the world. Have a wonderful day as we head into our weekend.
Hello Pam, yes Feb is ending and we will say Hello to March. I believe it's going to come in like a Lamb here. we are having warm pleasant days even though they start off chilly. Have a dee-lightful weekend.
Looks like rain is moving in by 4 pm. We've had such perfect weather this week. A slight cool down over the weekend. Hard to believe March is almost here. Which reminds me, my brother's birthday is Saturday. Enjoy the rest of your week.🙂🌷🙂
Try not to work to hard and get some rest. Have a wonderful day.
Good Morning Barbi! Thank you for being my friend. I must go vacuum the living room. Carly, gets mud in between her toes. Then she gets on her chair and digs it out with her teeth. It is all over the living room and the pits to walk barefoot through there. Love ya!